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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:68 题号:13865949

If you travel to a new exhibit at the San Francisco greenhouse of Flowers, you will have a chance to see some meat---eating plants. Take bladderworts, a kind of such plant, for example. They appear so small and grow in a quiet pool. But these are the fastest---known killers of the plant kingdom , able to catch a small insect in 1/50 of a second using a trap(陷阱) door!

Once the trap door closes on the animal falling into it, the enzymes(酶)similar to those in the human stomach slowly digest the insect. When dinner is over, the plant opens the trap door and is ready to trap again.

Meat-eating plants grow mostly in wet areas with soil that doesn't offer much food value. In such conditions these amazing plants have developed insect traps to get their nutritional(营养的)needs over thousands of years. North America has more such plants than any other continent.

Generally speaking, the traps may have attractive appearance to fool the eye, like pitcher plants, which get their name because they look like beautiful pitchers ( a container like a bottle) full of honey.

The Asian pitcher plant, for example, has bright colors and an attractive half-closed cover. Curious insects are attracted to come close and take a drink, then fall down the slippery wall to their deaths.

Some of these pitchers are large enough to hold two gallons (7.5 liters). Meat-eating plants only eat people in science movies , but sometimes a bird or other small animals will discover that a pitcher plant isn't a good place to get a drink.

1. From Paragraph 1, we can know that meat-eating plants can ________.
A.catch 50 small insects in a secondB.catch an insect in a short time
C.be found floating on a quiet lakeD.notice an insect in 1/50 of a second
2. What does it mean if the trap door of a meat-eating plant is closed?
A.The plant is fooling insects into taking a drink.
B.The plant is producing honey.
C.The plant is attracting insects to come close.
D.The plant is enjoying a dinner.
3. Meat-eating plants can grow in wet and poor soil because they________.
A.can get nutrition from animalsB.don't need much food value
C.can make the most of such conditionsD.have developed digestive enzymes
4. We learn from the text that meat-eating plants ________.
A.are big and tallB.like to grow in dry land
C.look bright and beautifulD.are usually covered with hair
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The older of two sisters, Jane Goodall was born on April 3, 1934, in London, England, into a middle class British family. When Goodall was about two years old, her mother gave her a toy chimpanzee, which Goodall still possesses to this day. She was a good student, but she had more interest in being outdoors and learning about animals. Once she spent five hours in a hen-house so she could see how a hen lays an egg. She loved animals so much that by the time she was ten or eleven she dreamed of living with animals in Africa. Her mother encouraged Goodall's dream, which eventually became a reality.

When Goodall was eighteen she completed secondary school and began working. She worked as a secretary, as an assistant editor in a film studio, and as a waitress, trying to save enough money to make her first trip to Africa.

Jane Goodall finally went to Africa when she was twenty-three years old. In 1957 she sailed to Mombasa on the east African coast, where she met anthropologist (人类学家) Louis Leakey (1903-1972), who would become her mentor, or teacher. In Africa, Leakey and his wife, Mary, had discovered what were then the oldest known human remains. These discoveries supported Leakey’s claim that the origins of the human species were in Africa, not in Asia or Europe as many had believed.

Leakey hoped that studies of the primate (灵长目动物的) species most closely related to human beings chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans — would shed (散发) light on the behavior of the human animal’s ancestors. He chose Goodall for this work because he believed that as a woman she would be more patient and careful than a male observer and that as someone with little formal training she would be more likely to describe what she saw rather than what she thought she should be seeing.

Later Goodall turned her attention to the problem of captive (被囚禁的) chimpanzees. Because they closely resemble humans, chimpanzees have been widely used as laboratory animals to study human diseases. Goodall used her knowledge and fame to work to set limits on the number of animals used in such experiments and to convince researchers to improve the conditions under which the animals were kept. She also worked to improve conditions for zoo animals and for conservation of chimpanzee habitats. In 1986 she helped found the Committee for the Conservation and Care of Chimpanzees, an organization dedicated to these issues. She has even written children’s books, The Chimpanzee Family Book and With Love, on the subject of treating animals kindly.

For her efforts Goodall has received many awards and honors. In 2000 she accepted the third Gandhi-King award for Non Violence at the United Nations. She does not spend much time in Africa anymore; rather, she gives speeches throughout the world and spends as many as three hundred days a year traveling.

1. What is Jane Goodall’s major achievements?
A.Her books for children to learn about nature.
B.Her observation of how the hen lay an egg.
C.Her study of the chimpanzee behavior.
D.Her finding of the origins of the human species.
2. Where does this passage probably come from?
A.Science fiction.B.A biography book.
C.A handbook about animal protection.D.A travel brochure.
3. Which one is not the reason for Leakey’s choosing Goodall as an assistant?
A.She would be more patient and careful than a male observer.
B.She helped found the Committee for the Conservation and Care of Chimpanzees.
C.She was more likely to record what really happens though lacking formal training.
D.She had more interest in being outdoors and learning about animals.
4. Which of the following is not mentioned about Goodall?
A.She went to Africa when she was twenty-three years old.
B.She accepted the third Gandhi-King Award for Non Violence.
C.Her discoveries supported Leakey’s claim of the origins of the human species.
D.She worked to improve conditions for zoo animals.
2021-12-16更新 | 269次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】No longer in the pink

The world is going to have to start thinking thoroughly to save its coral reefs. Corals are comeback creatures. As the world froze and melted and sea levels rose and fell over 30,000 years, Australia's Great Barrier Reef, which is roughly the size of Italy, died and revived five times. But now, thanks to human activity, corals face the most complex mixture of conditions they have yet had to deal with.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a rise in global temperatures of 1.5°C relative to pre-industrial times could cause coral reefs to decline by 70-90%. When waters become unusually warm, corals throw out the algae, leaving reefs a ghostly white. This ''bleaching'' is happening five times as often as it did in the 1970s.

Corals need protection from local sources of harm. Their ecosystems suffer from coastal currents, whether dirty water or waste from farms. Plastic and other rubbish block sunlight and spread aggressive bacteria. Governments need to carry out tighter rules on these industries, such as tougher local building codes, and to put more effort into strengthening rules against overfishing.

Many reefs that have been damaged could benefit from restoration. Coral's biodiversity offers hope, because the same coral will grow differently under different conditions. Corals of the western Pacific near Indonesia, for example, can survive higher temperatures than the same species in the eastern Pacific near Hawaii.

Stronger measures to fight against the larger threats corals face should also attract more research. Shading reefs using a polymer film as a sunscreen to cool them is under discussion for parts of the Great Barrier Reef. Other schemes to help corals involve genetic engineering, selective breeding and brightening the clouds in the sky above an area of the reef by spraying salt into the lowest ones, so that they turn away more of the sun's energy. These measures may sound extreme, but people need to get used to thinking big. Dealing with the problems caused by climate change will call for some far-reaching ideas.

1. Thorough thinking is needed to save the coral reefs because __________.
A.corals have come back in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
B.corals are frozen and melted five times over 30,000 years
C.corals are strong enough to survive human activity
D.human activity are threatening the condition of coral reefs
2. The underlined word ''bleaching'' most probably means _______.
A.warmingB.throwing out
3. Corals are being damaged by the following local sources EXCEPT ___________.
A.coastal water flowsB.more sunlight
C.waste from farmsD.bad bacteria
4. Some extreme solutions to saving corals are mentioned in the passage in order to ______.
A.encourage people to come up with more ideas
B.introduce some advanced technological progress
C.raise people's awareness of protecting the environment
D.warn people of the threats and risks corals are facing
2020-03-16更新 | 96次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
真题 名校
【推荐3】The year 2009 is the Year of Ox. The ox is a representative of the farming culture of China. In the farming economy (经济), oxen are the major animals pulling plows (犁).
Of course, the good of oxen is not limited to plowing. In fact, they are seen as “boats on land” for their ability to carry loads. Besides, the whole body of an ox is full of treasures. Their meat and milk are food full of nutrition, and their skin can be used to make clothes and shoes. With all these qualities, oxen are regarded as generous creatures.
In the past, oxen played an important role in the spiritual life of the Chinese. Even today, oxen still play a special part in some folk activities. For example, some people who live in southwest China will cook cattle bone soup and share it among family members when holding the ceremony for children who reach 13. They believe that the cattle bone soup represents the blood relationship among family members. In order to express their love for oxen, people in some other areas will run to shake off diseases on the 16th day of the first month by the lunar calendar (农历), and during their run they will take their oxen along, which indicates they regard the creature as human.
Because of the contribution of oxen in their lives, the Chinese people are very grateful to the animal. In addition, the use of oxen in ceremonies and the thanks people owe to oxen help to develop various traditional customs, which becomes an important part of the folk culture of the Chinese nation.
1. The words “boats on land” underlined in Paragraph 2 refer to ________.
A.animals for taking goodsB.creatures for pulling plows
C.treasures of the folk cultureD.tools in the farming economy
2. From the third paragraph, we know that ________.
A.oxen are no more important today than in the past
B.ceremonies are held when people cook cattle bone soup
C.oxen are treated as human in some areas of China
D.people run with oxen to shake off diseases every month
3. Which of the following helps to develop traditional customs?
A.The special role of oxen in frowning.
B.People’s respect and love for oxen.
C.The practical value of an ox's body.
D.The contribution of oxen to the economy.
4. Why does the author write the text?
A.To stress the importance of oxen in farming.
B.To introduce the Chinese folk culture.
C.To describe how to celebrate the Year of Ox.
D.To explain how to develop agriculture with oxen.
2016-12-07更新 | 864次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般