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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:109 题号:14004073

The vaccine (疫苗) news continues to seem very encouraging. Britain started its mass vaccination effort and the U. S. isn't far behind. But there is still one dark cloud hanging over the vaccines that many people don't yet understand. The vaccines will be much less effective at preventing death and illness if they are introduced into a population where the coronavirus is still severe 一   as is now the case in the U. S.

A vaccine is like a fire hose (消防龙头). A vaccine that is 95 percent effective, as Moderna's and Pfizer's versions appear to be, is a powerful fire hose. But the size of a fire is still a bigger determinant of how much destruction occurs.

At the current level of infection in the U. S. (about 160, 000 confirmed new infections per day), a vaccine that is 95 percent effective 一 distributed at the expected pace 一 would still leave a terrible toll (伤亡人数) after it was introduced. Almost 36 million or so Americans have caught the virus, and more than 60, 0000 have died. This is far worse than the toll in a different situation where the vaccine was only 50 percent effective. However, it's worth pausing for a moment on this comparison. If the U. S. maintained its current infection rate and Moderna and Pfizer announced that their vaccines were only 50 percent effective. a lot of people would panic.

But the reality we have is actually worse. How could this be? No vaccine can get rid of a pandemic immediately, just as no fire hose can put out a forest fire. While the vaccine is being distributed, the virus continues to do damage.

There is one positive way to look at this: Measures that reduce the virus's spread 一 like mask - wearing, social distancing and rapid - result testing 一 can still have great consequences. They will save many lives in coming months.

1. How does the author mainly present his argument?
A.By giving definitionsB.By classifying facts
C.By drawing comparisonsD.By appealing to emotions
2. According to the passage, what is the public's attitude to the effects of the vaccine?
3. Which does the author think is a better way to save lives?
A.Improving the effectiveness of the vaccinesB.Producing a greater variety of vaccines
C.Looking at the situation in a positive wayD.Wearing masks and practicing social distancing
4. We can infer from paragraph 3 that ________ .
A.fewer people will die if the infection rate is lower
B.the US have controlled the spread of the coronavirus
C.the death toll in the next months will be reduced a lot
D.the vaccines are less effective than expected
【知识点】 说明文 新型冠状病毒


阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Marnie Baker, a doctor from Saddleback Medical Center in Laguna Hills, California, gave us the explanation on growing pains and what parents can do to help their kids through this painful stage of growing up.

“There is no scientific proof that growing pains are truly caused by rapid bone, muscle or ligament (韧带) growth,” said Baker. “But any parent can tell you they are real,” she added. Health experts don’t know the exact cause of growing pains, but they may be linked to a child’s level of activity during the day.

The major symptom of growing pains is discomfort in the lower legs-thighs, calves, behind the knees, ankles-that most often occurs at night. Baker says her patients describe the pain as deep and aching. The pain usually occurs in both legs and it may keep your child from falling asleep or wake him up at night. Growing pains can affect kids when they are between the ages of 0-2 and then again between the ages of 8-12.

“Growing pains have specific features that help distinguish them from other potentially more serious conditions,” noted Baker. They occur in a generalized location, such as both knees, or the lower legs, but not in any one specific spot. Baker explained that there are no physical findings along with growing pains. In other words, there shouldn’t be any sweling (肿胀), redness or warmth in the location of the pain. Growing pains should not cause limping (跛行) or keep kids from being active during the day. They should also occur at intervals, and not for long periods of time. If your child experiences any of these other symptoms or if the symptoms seem to keep them from heading out to play during the day, Baker says it’s time to get them checked out by a doctor.

Growing pains are alarming for parents and upsetting for kids, but the best thing you can do for your kids is to reassure them with a hug or a kiss. To help relieve the pain, try a gentle massage, a few minutes with a heating pad. “Teaching your child that growing pains are common and if they are awakened by them, to give their legs a rub and go back to sleep is the simplest way to ensure a good night’s sleep for all,” says Baker.

1. Where can you most probably find the passage?
A.In a health report.B.In a parenting magazine.
C.In a biology textbook.D.In an advertisement.
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “reassure”?
A.set somebody’s mind at easeB.get somebody across
C.make somebody convinced of somethingD.fit in with somebody
3. Which of the following content is NOT mentioned in this passage?
A.Ways to help alleviate the symptoms.B.The physical features of growing pains.
C.The root causes of growing pains.D.The period when growing pains occur.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Growing pains will rob children of happiness in the daytime.
B.The major symptom of growing pains varies from person to person in location.
C.Swelling, redness or warmth always accompany growing pains.
D.No more other kind of physical pains appear in company of growing pains.
2023-07-08更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When it comes to strategies for slowing down the aging process, don’t ignore the power of mind over matter. Recent research shows that several personality traits predict who will enjoy health into their 80s and beyond. According to studies, the link between personality and longevity is strong.

People who’re conscientious-organized and responsible-tend to live longer. Being conscientious may help overcome major risks to health, such as living in poverty. Besides, many conscientious people seem to have better coping strategies for stressful situations, said Turiano, leading to less inflammation (炎症), which in turn slows down aging.

People can become more conscientious through support from friends, coaches and psychologists. Smart phone apps may help, too. For example, participants in a study increased their conscientiousness significantly by using a digital coach called PEACH. This app strengthens personality change through tips, like reminders to reflect on progress toward one’s goals by keeping a diary.

Another good quality for longevity is being purposeful, or having a direction in life with clear goals that energize you. Many types of purposes are beneficial. “It’s so unique to the individual,” said Patrick Hill, a psychologist at Washington University in St. Louis. Some derive purpose from their jobs, while retirees (退休人员) report feeling more purposeful during the evening if they socialized that day, according to Hill’s research.

Optimism is also associated with exceptional longevity, according to research by Lewina Lee of Boston University. Actually, people who see the positives in aging live an average of 7. 6 years longer. Becca Levy, a psychologist at Yale’s School of Public Health, said they enjoyed this longevity advantage due to exercising more and eating more healthily. You can boost optimism by regularly writing about your best possible self.

Being sociable or outgoing is another trait that can lengthen your span of health. According to Susan Charles of the University of California-Irvine, social butterflies tend to be more active, which protects their health. Adopting a healthier lifestyle has been shown to make people more comfortable in social situations.

1. What personality trait helps reduce one’s pressure according to the text?
A.Being conscientious.B.Being purposeful.
C.Being optimistic.D.Being outgoing.
2. How does the author prove his point in paragraph 3?
A.By making comparisons.B.By providing an example.
C.By making careful observations.D.By giving a professional opinion.
3. What is the similarity among the personality traits mentioned in the text?
A.They can be kept so long.B.They can be developed.
C.They-are widely accepted.D.They determine one’s health.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Your Personality Is the Key to Your Longer Life
B.Your Personality Is Closely Linked to Your Moods
C.Your Personality Could Determine Your Quality of Life
D.Your Personality Could Lengthen Your Years of Healthy Living
2022-11-17更新 | 66次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The midnight was approaching and it was extremely rare to see vehicles on the road. However, several trucks pulled over and workers silently unloaded camera equipment and cardboard boxes, and then carried them inside the Morgenson family home.

What took place over the next eight weeks was inspired by a Hollywood movie called The Honeses about a family of marketers who move into a local neighborhood to sell their products secretly to their neighbors. The idea was to test the power of word-of-mouth marketing. By filming a family in unscripted (无剧本的) situations, my team and I would document how the Morgensons’ circle of friend responded to brands and products the Morgensons bought into their lives.

With the help of 35 video cameras and 25 microphones hidden inside the furniture, the operation done secretly showed something shocking. The most powerful hidden persuader of all isn’t in your TV or on the shelves of your supermarket. It’s a far more important influence that’s around you almost every waking moment: your very own friends and neighbors. There is nothing quite so persuasive as observing someone we respect or admire using a brand or product.

Our analysis also found that the brands the Morgensons used went faster. About one third of the Morgensons’ friends began promoting these same brands to their friends. We also found that the brands their friends were most likely to buy at the Morgensons’ suggestion were the bigger and better-known ones. This proves my thoughts that traditional marketing and secret marketing work well together. The most persuasive advertising strategies are strengthened by word-of-mouth advertising.

Whenever I meet with company managers, I tell them that the people who hold the real marketing power are mouse-clicking consumers and their wide circles of real-life friends. In other words, the people who hold the real power are us.

1. The author and his team went to the Morgenson family home to ________.
A.visit the MorgensonsB.sell products to them
C.carry out a marketing researchD.shoot a Hollywood movie
2. According to the text, people are more likely to buy a product when ________.
A.noticing an advertisement for it on TV
B.seeing their friends using the same product
C.someone is promoting it in the supermarket
D.the product appears repeatedly in a movie
3. In which part of a newspaper can you most probably read the text?
4. Which of the following is WRONG?
A.Traditional marketing is ineffective.
B.The real marketing power depends on the customers.
C.The research is carried out without any special design.
D.The customers’ choice is influenced by more than one factor.
2021-12-09更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般