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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.4 引用次数:284 题号:14080619

Two books about the athletes have been released at the same time. In "The Barcelona Complex" Simon Kuper, a journalist at the Financial Times, analyses how the Spanish football club became a giant, with Mr Messi, its "engine and standard-bearer". "The Master"     1     Christopher Clarey, a journalist at the New York Times, is a more conventional biography.     2    (base) on interviews with the tennis player and his inner circle, both books offer     3    (value) ideas of how sporting greatness     4     (achieve).

Modern athletes are more disciplined than their ancestors who often lived like rock stars and expected their bodies to give out before    5     (get) to middle age. In the early 1970s, Johan Cruyff, another Barcelona footballing   legend,     6    (be) a chain-smoker. He was so unfit that, during his time at Ajax, Cruyff would hide in the woods     7     his teammates did running training, only rejoining them for the last lap. Mr Messi, by contrast, credits a mostly vegetarian diet with prolonging his career and has benefited from his club's focus on     8     science of nutrition, sleep and psychology.

By far     9     (long) serving member of Mr Federer's team is Pierre Paganini, a former decathlete (十项全能选手) who has been his fitness coach since 2000. "A big part of the reason that I'm here     10     I am today is definitely because of Pierre," Mr Federer has said.

【知识点】 体育名人


语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 较难 (0.4)

Monte Evans has always been showing great interest in the power of sports to change lives,    1     (particular) for kids, but he never had the resources to turn his dream into    2    (real). That is until he won a contest put on by Sam's Club in 2017. The Walmart giant was looking    3     ideas to help the local community and he was the winner for his idea for a sports club    4    would work with local schools to help improve kids physical and mental health. The prize was a $ 1,000 gift card plus $ 25,000 to put towards     5     (he) business. He used the money to co-found the Competitive Edge Athletic Performance Center in Woodbridge, Virginia, and the Dale City "Lightning" Track Club.

"I've been able     6       (develop) sports training, local school and childhood obesity prevention programming, upgrade our training equipment,     7     secure training space," he says.

But the real winners are the kids -- in addition to providing athletic training, Monte also    8    (offer) educational programs to make sure they have everything they need to succeed as well-rounded adults. “I'm so     9    (pride) to know that our hard work and sacrifice     10    (value) in our community, he says.

2020-02-07更新 | 51次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约240词) | 较难 (0.4)

Chinese Olympic gold medalist Zhang Jiaqi and French football star Kylian Mbappe revealed(透露)on Thursday the names of the newborn giant panda cubs(幼兽)at Beauval Zoo in central France.

More than 120, 000 French netizens have cast their vote to choose Huan Lili and Yuan Dudu     1     five pairs of names for the twin cubs, zoo officials said,     2     (add) that the two names represent the     3     (friend) between France and China as well as the wish for good health to the cubs. The twin cubs were born to mother Huan Huan and father Yuan Zai in August. The parents     4     (arrive) in France in 2012.

“In about two months, another panda, one of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games mascots, Bing Dwen Dwen,    5     (draw) the world’s attention in my hometown Beijing. I also look forward to meeting athletes from around the world in Paris in 2024,” Zhang told journalists.

Mbappe said that it was a memorable moment     6     (participate) in such an event with an Olympic champion. He felt proud and honored.

Yu Jinsong, Charge d’affaires of the Chinese Embassy to France, said that Huan Huan and Yuan Zai have been expanding their family     7     they arrived, thanks to the joint efforts of Beauval Zoo and China’s Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. They are symbols of Sino-French friendship.

In 2017, Hnan Huan gave birth to twin cubs, the first panda     8     (baby) born in France. The first cub died     9     (short) after its birth and     10     second one was named Yuan Meng.

2022-03-29更新 | 471次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较难 (0.4)

Gu Ailing,     1     is born to an American father and a Chinese mother , decided to compete for China in the 2022 Winter Olympics in June,2019. Since then, the magical girl     2    (attract) many people’s attention and has been expected to be the next super sports star in China.

With the Winter Olympics     3     (go) on, it turns out that Gu Ailing did live up to the expectations and achieved good grades with two golds and one silver. At the same time, her     4     (academy) excellence is also known to the public.

People say that Gu Ailing is     5     genius, but Gu says that talent accounted for “only one percent”of her wins, adding that her hard work is     6     really counts. While going to school in San Francisco, Gu could only practice on weekdays. She spent eight hours going to the ski hill and back, doing her homework on the way and making full use of her time     7     (practice) skiing.

When it comes to the reason     8     ski-loving, Gu says that skiing gives her freedom and     9     (creative), especially when she     10     (perfect) controls her body and does tricks that others can’t do. Through telling her own stories, Gu hopes to encourage more Chinese girls to try skiing and other extreme sports.

2022-04-11更新 | 395次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般