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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:170 题号:14135019

One period of our lives when better results are demanded of us is, strangely enough, childhood. Despite being young we are expected to achieve good grades, stay out of trouble, make friends at school, do well on tests, perform chores at home and so on. It’s not easy.

The good news is that being likeable can help a child perform better. Likeable children enjoy many advantages, including the ability to cope more easily with stresses of growing up. In her book Understanding Child Stress, Dr. Carolyn Leonard states that children who are likeable and optimistic are able to gain support from others. This leads to focus and resilience, the ability to recover from or adjust early to life stress; a child who has adequate emotional armor can continue down the path to success. Much research shows that resilience has enabled children to succeed in school, avoid drug abuse, and develop a healthy self-awareness.

Why does a likeable child more easily handle stress and do better in his or her life? Because likeability helps create what’s known as a positive feedback loop. The positive feelings you want to see in other people are returned to you, creating constant encouragement and motivation, to deal with the daily stress of life.

This feedback loop continues into adulthood. To return once again to the example of teaching, learning becomes easier with a likeable personality. Michael Deluecchi of the University of Hawaii reviewed dozens of studies to determine if likeable teachers received good ratings because of their likeability or because they in fact taught well. Deluecchi found that “students who perceive a teacher as likeable, in contrast to those who do not, may be more attentive to the information that the teacher delivers, and they’ll work harder on assignments, and they will learn more”.

You may have noticed this pattern in your own life when you try to give some advice. The more positive your relationship with that person, the more he or she seems to listen, and the more you feel certain that that person has heard you and intends to act on your words.

1. What does the writer imply in the first paragraph?
A.Children are expected more than we usually think.
B.Life is not easy for every one of us.
C.Better education results in smarter children.
D.To be a likeable child is almost impossible.
2. According to Dr. Leonard, what is one advantage of likeable children?
A.They can cope more easily with stress independently.
B.They know how to avoid trouble and unpleasant events.
C.They are always optimistic and ready to help those in need.
D.They can achieve more and understand themselves better.
3. What’s the main purpose of the studies done by Michael Delucchi?
A.To find if a likeable teacher has a positive personality.
B.To find if a likeable teacher draws more attention.
C.To find how a teacher’s likeability gains popularity.
D.To find how a likeable teacher’s teaching style is formed.
4. What does the passage aim at proving?
A.Likeable people do better in life generally.B.Likeable people do better in their childhood.
C.Social creatures enjoy fewer advantages.D.Likeable people give better advice.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It seems that we are one step closer to finding alien life and maybe a future home for humanity. Scientists from NASA have found a new solar system filled with planets that look like the Earth and could even support life.

The group of seven planets, which orbits a star called Trappist-1, is 39 light years away from the Earth in the constellation of Aquarius (水瓶座). And three of them are in the “habitable zone” — the area around a star where water is most likely to be found. This is important because water is necessary for life.

“This is an amazing planetary (行星的) system, not only because we have found so many planets, but because they are all surprisingly similar in size to the Earth”, astronomer Michael Gillon from the University of Liege in Belgium told The Independent.

Trappist-1 is a “dwarf star (矮星)” which is colder and shines dimmer than our sun. If a person were on one of the seven planets, everything would look a lot darker than usual. The amount of light heading toward our eyes would be about 200 times less than we get from the sun, according to The Independent.

Because of that, Trappist-1, together with many other dwarf stars, was never on the list of places where scientists looked for alien life. But Michael Gillon, lead researcher behind the discovery, decided to give dwarf stars a chance. He built a telescope in Chile to observe 60 of the closest dwarf stars, and it turned out that Trappist-1 was worthy of the effort.

The researchers hope that they can spend more time watching the newly found planets to learn more about them. Even though more research is needed before determining whether these planets could really support life, the discovery is still encouraging. It shows just how many Earth-size planets could be out there.

“The discovery gives us a hint that finding a second Earth is not just a matter of if, but when,” NASA scientist Thomas Zurbuchen told The Telegraph.

1. Why is this new planetary system amazing?
A.The size of the planets is similar to that of the Earth.
B.It has the same number of planets as our solar system.
C.Scientists have found alien life in the new solar system.
D.The planets are more suitable for humans to live than the Earth.
2. What does the underlined word “dimmer” mean?
A.Stronger.B.More powerful.C.Less bright.D.Less beautiful.
3. Why didn’t other scientists observe dwarf stars?
A.It is impossible to find alien life on the planets of Trappist-1 and other dwarf stars.
B.Scientists did not find a good place to observe dwarf stars according to the passage.
C.Trappist-1 and other dwarf stars don’t provide as much heat and light as our sun can.
D.Scientists have observed dwarf stars, but they failed to find the possibility of survival.
4. What is the main idea of this text?
A.Scientists have found a second Earth.
B.People will move to another Earth soon.
C.Scientists are planning to explore another planet.
D.A new solar system may become home for humans.
2022-07-09更新 | 66次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A high level of methane (甲烷) gas on Mars was found by NASA's Mars exploration vehicle. The discovery is exciting because the presence of methane gas could support the case for life on Mars:

NASA's Curiosity vehicle recently recorded the largest level of methane ever measured during its seven-year Mars mission.

Methane has no color or smell. A special instrument on Curiosity's Mars Science Laboratory recorded the increased gas level. Besides methane, the instrument can record levels of water and carbon dioxide.

Nearly all the methane gas found in earth's atmosphere is produced by biological activity. It usually comes from animal and plant life. But it can also be formed by geological processes, such as interactions between rocks and water.

It was not the first time Curiosity has found methane gas in the Martian atmosphere.. About a year ago, NASA announced that Curiosity had discovered sharp seasonal increases in the gas. This time, NASA said the measured methane gas level was clearly larger than any others observed in the past. NASA officials even temporarily stopped Curiosity's other activities to investigate further.

However, Curiosity's team carried out a follow-up methane experiment that showed a sharp drop in levels of the gas. The rise and fall of the methane gas levels left NASA scientists with more questions than answers. The scientists are continuing to study possible causes for the sudden increase.

Curiosity does not have instruments that can exactly identify whether the source of the methane is biological or geological. One leading theory is that methane is being released from underground areas created by possible life forms that disappeared long ago. Even though Mars has no active volcanoes, scientists believe it is also possible that methane is being produced by reactions involving carbon materials and water.

1. Why is the discovery of methane gas on Mars exciting?
A.It was first found on Mars.B.It's evidence of life existence.
C.It can be used in further studies.D.It proves the existence of water.
2. What can we learn about the methane gas on Mars?
A.It is colorless and smelly.
B.It is mainly created by rocks and water.
C.It is as important as water and carbon dioxide.
D.It is produced by biological or geological, activity.
3. What brought more puzzles to NASA's scientists?
A.Discovering methane gas several times on Mars.
B.The failure of the follow-up methane experiment.
C.Having no exact instruments to identify methane gas.
D.Sharp changes in the amount of methane gas on Mars.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Explorations on MarsB.Methane Level on Mars
C.Methane Mystery on MarsD.The Sources of Methane on Mars
2021-01-25更新 | 113次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】You’ve probably eaten a hot dog and felt like the underdog — but have you ever spotted a sundog?

A sundog is a weather event that causes two bright bursts of rainbow colored light to appear on either side of the sun. It is located approximately 22 degrees either left, right, or both, from the sun, depending on where the ice crystals (冰晶体) are. If the sun were a clock, you would see them around 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock. Sometimes sundogs appear with a halo (光环) around the sun. They can be very beautiful, with a reddish glow closest to the sun and a bluish white center. Sundogs can be seen during any season but are most often seen during the winter months when the sun is lower in the sky. You are also more likely to see them early or late in the day, when the sun is near the horizon (地平线).The most brilliant sundogs happen on sunny days.

Conditions need to be just right for sundogs to appear. Sunlight passes through high, cold cirrus clouds (卷云). These clouds contain flat, 6-sided ice crystals. If the plate-like crystals go toward the ground horizontally with the large face towards the earth, light is reflected through the sides. The crystals act as prisms (棱镜), separating the light and making the sundog.

Throughout history, sundogs have been used to predict weather because they often indicate that snow or rain is on its way. Some people believed that sundogs were a sign of good luck or encouragement, while others saw them as a warning from God.

Famous authors such as William Shakespeare and Jack London have described sundogs in stories and poems as both frightening and amazing. Artists have been inspired to catch the beauty of sundogs in drawings, paintings, and photography, and rock bands have even written songs about them.

1. What can we learn about sundogs from the second paragraph?
A.Sundogs can be used to tell the time.B.Sundogs are most common in winter.
C.Sundogs always come after a rainbow.D.Sundogs predict the coming of sunny days.
2. In which situation will sundogs come into being?
A.The clouds separate the sunlight.
B.The plate turns its face towards the earth.
C.The crystals go toward the ground horizontally.
D.Ice crystals are positioned with their flat sides horizontal to the ground.
3. Why do people use sundogs to predict weather?
A.Because people think they stand for bad luckB.Because sundogs are beyond their recognition.
C.Because a rain or snow often comes after them.D.Because people consider it as a warning from God.
4. Why does the author mention Shakespeare and Jack London?
A.To prove sundogs are magical events.
B.To show sundogs have long attracted great attention.
C.To encourage writers to describe sundogs in their works.
D.To remind people that they are good at writing stories and poems
2023-10-17更新 | 73次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般