组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 日常活动 > 日常生活
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:93 题号:14339791

I was desperately nervous about becoming car-free. But eight months ago our car was hit by a passing vehicle and it was destroyed. No problem, I thought: we’ll buy another. But the insurance payout didn’t even begin to cover the costs of buying a new car—I worked out that, with the loan (贷款) we’d need plus petrol, insurance, parking permits and tax, we would make a payment as much as £600 a month.

And that’s when I had my fancy idea. Why not just give up having a car at all?I live in London. We have a railway station behind our house, a tube station 10 minutes’ walk away, and a bus stop at the end of the street. A new car club had just opened in our area, and one of its shiny little red Peugeots was parked nearby. If any family in Britain could live without a car, I reasoned, then surely we were that family.

But my new car-free idea, sadly, wasn’t shared by my family. My teenage daughters were horrified. What would their friends think about our family being “too poor to afford a car”?(I wasn’t that bothered what they thought, and I suggested the girls should take the same approach.)

My friends, too, were astonished at our plan. What would happen if someone got seriously ill overnight and needed to go to hospital?(an ambulance) How would the children get to and from their many events?(buses and trains) People smiled as though this was another of my mad ideas, before saying they were sure I’d soon realize that a car was a necessity.

Eight months on, I wonder whether we’ll ever own a car again. The idea that you “have to” own a car, especially if you live in a city, is all in the mind. I live—and many other citizens do too—in a place that has never been better served by public transport, and yet car ownership has never been higher. We worry about rising car costs, but we’d be better off asking something much more basic: do I really need a car?Certainly the answer is no, and I’m a lot richer because I dared to ask the question.

1. The author decided to live a car-free life partly because _____.
A.the cost of a new car was too muchB.he was hurt in a terrible car accident
C.most families chose to go car-freeD.the traffic jam was unbearable for him
2. What is the attitude of the author’s family toward his plan?
3. What did the author suggest his daughters do about their friends’ opinion?
A.Argue against it.B.Take their advice.
C.Leave it alone.D.Think it over.


阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Creative thinking plays a big part in how you express yourself. Just like riding a bike or driving a car, creative thinking is a skill that you can improve with careful practice and patience.     1    

● Consume new media that isn't in your usual wheelhouse. Think about the movies, TV shows, and books that you usually gravitate towards.    2    You may be surprised at how many creative thoughts and ideas you can come up with when you experience something that's completely out of your comfort zone.

● Write freely about nothing in particular.    3    Don't restrict yourself to a single topic. Instead, just write about whatever comes into your mind. It's OK if your writing doesn't make a lot of sense — just getting your thoughts out may help you think and feel more creatively.

    4    Switch up your new menu and prepare a meal or snack that you wouldn't usually eat. Eating new foods may put you in a more creative frame of mind. You can cook something at home or visit a new restaurant.

● Write down a list of creative ideas for an upcoming project. If you're blocked on an idea. give yourself a few minutes to sit and go through all the creative thoughts and ideas running through your mind. As you write down your thoughts, try to come up with more creative ideas. It's OK if your ideas aren't that great — just write down whatever comes to mind.     5    

A.You should keep patient.
B.Cook foods for your family.
C.Here are creative exercises for you to try.
D.Try a new food to put yourself in a creative mood.
E.Now, look for types that you don't watch very often.
F.Give yourself a few minutes to write your thoughts out on a paper.
G.Once you get the ball rolling, you may be able to think more creatively.
2021-06-08更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】This past fall, my husband and I stopped into the local Aldi for shopping. While checking out, I did my usual practice of replying to the cashier's usual "How are you today?" with a short but real answer. Then I looked at her and said, "And how are you doing?" and waited kindly and expectantly for an answer.

She was a little surprised, but then she got started. As it turned out, her elderly grandfather was the most important in her mind, but he had been struggling lately and in hospital. Her worry was obvious, despite her bravery. "I know he is ninety-one, but "Her voice turned into a sad whisper before she caught herself." If it won't offend (冒犯) you, I will pray for him," I said. "Oh, thank you!" she replied.

Several weeks or so in the future, we wound up in her line again. After the usual "How are you?" I paused, then quietly asked, "I hope this is not a bad question, but how is your grandfather doing?"

I could tell she had to think a moment to place me and to recall why I was asking. Then her face split into a huge smile full of light, and she started excitedly telling us about how he was a tough old bird, how he had recovered, and was doing well. She kept bubbling over even after we had moved to the bagging area.

I was amazed at how something so seemingly small meant so much to her, but it makes sense, really. Sometimes all we need is for someone to see us and care, to care if we are hurting and to celebrate with us in our joy.

Taking the time to listen when we ask, "How are you?" is such an almost small action only taking a few moments out of our day, yet how important that tiny amount of time can be!

We really are all in this together.

1. Why did the cashier feel a little surprised at the word by the writer?
A.Because she didn't know how to answer her greeting at all.
B.Because she was in deep thought of her grandfather completely.
C.Because she was praying for her grandfather in the heart then.
D.Because she hadn't thought the writer greeted her with great concern
2. What does the phrase "kept bubbling over" in paragraph 4 really mean?
A.Continued bubbling.B.Talked on and on.
C.Moved here and there.D.Greeted to us all the time.
3. What can we learn from the story?
A.When meeting, greet each other
B.Greeting warmly, reward fully.
C.a warm greeting makes a difference.
D.Treat anybody like your relatives.
2020-03-06更新 | 63次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I used to be really frustrated when I got "trapped" in the train station in New York. When this happened, I spent time "observing" people and found that the New York City trains formed "an underground NYC".

I met all kinds of people there. Sitting in trains coming from suburban boroughs (区) like Queens and Brooklyn, I saw babysitters and housekeepers, in white or pink uniforms, carrying a shopping bag with lunch and another prettier bag for their makeup. Some gentlemen in suits get squeezed (挤) in between ladies, reading the New York Times, holding Starbucks coffees and a piece of napkin.

The passengers' skin color would get lighter as the train went from suburban areas to uptown NYC. Clothes brands changed from "Nike" and "Babyphat" to "Armani" and "Prada".

Getting lost is not embarrassing at all. Even New Yorkers who have lived in the city for 20 years need to check out the map before going to a new place by train. People from other states are just as confused as foreigners when they are "thrown" underground.

It was funny when people carrying big backpacks and holding maps, asked me where they could transfer while I was trying to find an exit. "I'm sorry. I am trying to find my way out too." I felt really bad about not helping them. To my surprise, the two guys with blue eyes didn't look disappointed at all. They laughed and told me, "Oh, we are wondering if there's really an exit because we have been walking around here for 10 minutes and we still don't know where to transfer to the uptown train!"

NYC trains are just like doors rotating (旋转) on and on. If I hadn't got lost several times, I might not have had the chance to stop and see what was happening outside my block.

1. According to the article, what kind of people has the author seen in the subway?
a. babysitters and housekeepers in uniforms
b. people wearing "Armani" and "Prada"
c. gentlemen with newspapers and coffee
d. tourists with big backpacks and maps
e. foreign women carrying a shopping bag with lunch and their makeup
2. Which of the following statement is TRUE about the author according to the article?
A.She found observing people in NYC trains quite frustrating.
B.She came to be grateful for the time when she lost her way in the subway.
C.She realized that only foreigners like her got trapped in the subway.
D.She was embarrassed when getting lost in the station.
3. What is the main idea of the article?
A.One of the author's exciting experiences of taking the subway in NYC.
B.The author's observation of various people in the subway.
C.The author's feelings about the busy life in uptown NYC.
D.The author's complaint of the subway service in NYC.
2020-02-15更新 | 131次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般