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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:54 题号:14359084

The negative impacts of plastic have been well-documented. Half plastics produced annually worldwide end up in landfills or the environment. Now, French start-up Carbios wants to help relieve the world’s plastic pollution problem with a bacterial enzyme (细菌酶) that digests PET—the most plentiful plastic used to produce packaging, and plastic bottles—and turn it into its chemical building blocks. The resulting material can be used to create anything and, more importantly, can be continuously recycled.

“Mechanical recycling is limited,” explains Carbios CEO Martin Stephan. “To make a plastic bottle with that technology, you need a plastic bottle as an input material. After several cycles of recycling, the plastic is of lower quality and can only be used for something like the backing of a carpet before it is thrown away entirely. So it’s not a solution for plastics, whereas our solution is a limitless recycling solution.”

The company’s search for the ideal plastic-eating bacteria began about a decade ago, with 100000 promising candidates. The list was soon cut down to one, which was first discovered in 2012. Once the perfect competitor had been identified, Carbios scientists began to improve its plastic digesting power and keep its table at 65℃—the ideal temperature for fast degradation (降解). The improved enzyme was able to downgrade a ton of plastic in less than 10 hours.

To breakdown the plastic, the waste is placed in are actor with water and the enzyme and heated for 16 hours at 65℃. The resulting mix is then purified. This allows for the recovery of the building blocks that makeup PET plastics.

The recycling process, which is currently in its pilot stage, will be tested on a large range by 2021. Carbios hopes to launch the technology commercially in the near future. Though Carbios’ recycling technique will certainly help reduce plastic pollution, it is only part of the solution. Only if people do a better job of ensuring plastic waste ends up in a recycling can, can we win the battle.

1. What’s Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The reason for collecting materials.
B.The effective solutions for plastic waste.
C.The drawbacks of mechanical recycling of plastics.
D.The characteristics of a new plastic-making technique.
2. What’s the first step towards the new plastic recycling technique?
A.Find a bacteria efficient at breaking down plastic.
B.Identify the ideal temperature for fast degradation.
C.Gather as much plastic as possible.
D.Place plastic in a reactor.
3. What does Carbios expect of their new technology?
A.It’ll be environmentally friendly.
B.It’ll reduce their production costs.
C.It’ll go into the experimental stage.
D.It’ll bring about profits.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Garbage Sorting Benefits the Whole World
B.Carbios has Developed an Plastic-Eating Enzyme
C.Carbios: a Pioneer in Protecting Nature
D.Plastic Pollution: a Serious Problem


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】5G has the potential to disrupt a huge number of industries, including one of the world’s oldest: Farming. Next-generation 5G networks can be 100 times faster than 4G, making communication between devices and servers much quicker. 5G can also carry much more data than other networks. That makes the technology ideal for transmitting information from remote sensors and drones, key tools that are being tested by farmers. 5G is also helping to automate farming processes.

UK initiative 5G RuralFirst launched a smartphone app in March called Me+Moo, which lets farmers track a “connected” cow and receive daily updates on the animal’s health and behavior. The system, which is being tested on cows at the Agri-Epi Center in Somerset, England, is funded in part by UK government and supported by the tech company Cisco (CSCO). The cows wear 5G-connected collars that send data to the app on everything from what they’re eating to how they’re sleeping. Farmers can see the information instantly. “This provides peace of mind that the cows are happy, healthy and behaving normally, as well as early warning if they are getting sick, are pregnant or need to be checked,” said project manager Duncan Forbes.

Yet to make a difference, 5G will first need to be installed in rural areas. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicts that in order to provide for the world’s rapidly rising population, the planet will need to grow 70% more food in 2050 than it did in 2009. “To respond to those demands, farmers will need new technologies to produce more from less land, with fewer hands,” reads one report from the organization.

In 2017, another 5G RuralFirst project became the first in the world to successfully plant, tend and harvest a crop without a single human stepping foot in the field. Autonomous Automatic tractors sowed the seeds, drones with sensors monitored the crops, and smaller machines took samples from fields to assess what fertilizers and pesticides to apply.

1. Why can 5G help the farming?
A.Because it can carry more information.
B.Because it can be equipped with sensors.
C.Because it can disrupt a lot of industries.
D.Because it can be installed in rural areas.
2. What did farmers do firstly if they wanted to use Me+Moo?
A.They founded a tech company.
B.They let the cows wear 5G-connected collars.
C.They kept cows behaving normally.
D.They made sure the cows were checked often.
3. According to FAO, how will the world solve the food problem?
A.People should control the rising population.
B.People should find more and more land.
C.People should turn to the new technology.
D.People should learn to get more money.
4. How did RuralFirst decide what kind of fertilizer to apply?
A.It analyzed the soil.
B.It dug earth with tractors.
C.It employed experts.
D.It hired drones with sensors.
2020-06-01更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Dogs feel their way through the world with their noses. Researchers have started imitating this super skill with an artificial-intelligence-based detective tool. In a study published in February in PLOS ONE, a multinational team reported an AI-powered system that is as accurate as trained dogs at correctly identifying cases of prostate cancer from urine samples. Andreas Mershin, a research scientist from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, wants to eventually integrate the technology into smartphones: There would be a tiny sensor in the phone with AI software running in the cloud.

Prostate cancer, the second most deadly cancer in men worldwide, is difficult to detect. The most widely used test can miss 15 percent of cancers. Trained dogs, on the other hand, were able to identify patients with prostate cancer from urine samples more than 96 percent of the time. Yet dogs can get bored and tired, so researchers want to develop an AI system that works more consistently.

Living cells produce chemicals that come out from the skin, blood, urine and breath. Artificial noses, including the "Nano Nose" that Mershin and one of his colleagues developed, can already detect those chemicals at the same parts-per-billion concentration as dogs. The team added to the chemical sensing an artificial neural network—a type of AI algorithm that can learn from looking at examples how to identify faces, for instance.

As the 2015 Journal of Urology study showed, dogs can be trained to reach more than 96 percent accuracy, and the AI can be trained to reach that same rate. Mershin plans to train the AI algorithm using data from the "Nano Nose", which is currently one third the size of an iPhone 10 and could be further shrunk to be integrated into smartphones.

1. What is the Nano Nose?
A.A device.B.A method.
C.A database.D.A research team.
2. What is the advantage of the AI system over trained dogs in detecting prostate cancer?
A.It has the ability to sense chemicals.B.It can collect samples in the cloud.
C.It has the minimum error.D.It can ensure consistency.
3. Which of the following can best replace he underlined word "shrunk" in Paragraph 4?
A.Made smaller.B.Cut shorter.C.Expanded.D.Upgraded.
4. What is the ultimate goal of the research?
A.To train dogs to detect diseases.B.To identify artificial faces.
C.To produce AI noses to detect diseases.D.To add an AI sensor to the smartphone.
2021-04-16更新 | 153次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】On January 7th, 2022, David Bennett became the first person to have a heart transplanted successfully into him from a pig. On that occasion, mere operation success was the goal. This operation is a milestone for xenotransplantation (异种移植)— the transfer of organs from other species to human patients.

For decades, researchers have attempted to deal with xenotransplantation’s basic problem. This is that the human body, when it recognizes foreign tissue, tends to turn against it. In the case of pigs, the most important marker of foreignness is a sugar molecule (分子) called alpha-Gal. While this molecule does not exist in humans, antibodies to kill it do. So no transplant from a pig with alpha-Gal would last more than a couple of minutes in a human body. In 2003 pigs were produced with a changed genome so as to prevent the enzyme (酶) responsible for making alpha-Gal. This was a step in the right direction, but other barriers popped up.

The pig for David’s operation had a genome changed in ten ways to increase the chances of success. Three genes had been removed to reduce the risk of a human antibody rejecting the organ. A fourth, a growth gene, had also been knocked out, to ensure the heart did not enlarge after transplantation. And six human genes had been added to promote acceptance.

There are other concerns. One is any unknown rejection mechanism. Another is the possibility that the organ may pass viruses to its new host. The pig in question was raised where there was no virus to reduce the chance of that, but it remains a possibility.

In theory, pigs can be raised to provide humans with any solid organ, but some will be more complex than others. Moreover, even if these barriers can be overcome, most researchers still acknowledge that increasing xenotransplantation to meet the world’s demand for organs may take decades. After this news, however, the chances that it will happen eventually have increased.

1. What is the basic problem of xenotransplantation?
A.The human body lacks alpha-Gal.
B.The human body resists foreign tissues.
C.The life of the transplanted organ is too short.
D.The enzyme is prevented from making alpha-Gal.
2. Why was a growth gene removed in David’s case?
A.Because it would change David’s genome.
B.Because it would lead to heart enlargement.
C.Because it would make the heart more acceptable.
D.Because it would be recognized by David’s antibodies.
3. What can we learn about the pig?
A.It saved the patient’s life perfectly.
B.It had a decreased number of genes.
C.It had an unknown rejection mechanism.
D.It was raised in a virus-free environment.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of xenotransplantation?
2023-05-06更新 | 165次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般