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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:173 题号:14472908

Today technological advances have led to a     1     (combine) of art and technology. As a result, the art world is changing greatly. Now art is more     2     (access) to us than ever before. Take for example one of China’s most famous paintings, Along the River During the Qingming Festival. As this artwork is rarely on display, people have sometimes queued up to six hours for     3     chance to see it. Once in front of the painting, they only have limited time to spend     4     (take) in its five metres of scenes along the Bian River in Bianjing. Thanks for technology however, millions more people have been able     5     (experience) a digital versions of this painting. Three-dimensional animation     6     (mean) that viewers can see the characters move around and interact with their surroundings.

However, the increase in the amount and variety of art produced has also raised questions over     7     (it) overall quality. Is the artist the creator of the art itself,     8     the maker of the technology behind it?

Where technology     9     (take) art next is anyone’s guess. But one thing is for sure—    10     so many artists exploring new possibilities, we can definitely expect the unexpected.


语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Water doesn't currently exist on Mars' surface, but it used to. About 4 billion years ago, something happened to Mars' atmosphere, and most of the liquid water     1    (disappear) due to harmful radiation. But some of     2     may still be underground. Could those ancient water holes contain life?

China's Tianwen-1 mission will search     3    the existing water by radar fixed on the rover (月球车).The European Space Agency's spacecraft found evidence for subsurface water,     4    (use) radar from space, but this will be the first time a rover has searched from the ground.

Tianwen-1 will also give China     5    (value) Mars experience and lay foundation for a sample return mission planned for     6    end of the 2020s. Getting Martian samples back to Earth is a top priority for the scientific community. Despite the impressive advances     7    (make) in placing science instruments on spacecraft, only the technology on Earth,     8    can test samples accurately, is to verify the presence or absence of life in a sample.

As of 2020, only NASA has landed and operated spacecraft on Mars     9    (successful). More countries exploring Mars means more     10    (opportunity) for global cooperation. Space exploration brings out the best in us all. When more nations work together, everyone wins.

2021-01-30更新 | 103次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约120词) | 适中 (0.65)

Cloning is a way of making an     1     (exactly) copy of another animal or plant. Cloning plants is straightforward     2     cloning animals is very complicated. It is a difficult task     3     (undertake). Many attempts to clone mammals failed. But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid     4     in 1996 with     5     breakthrough —— the cloning of Dolly the sheep. Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of     6     (object) and had a great impact on the     7     (medium) and pubic imagination. Altogether Dolly     8     (live) six and a half years, half the length of the life of the original sheep.

At present, some countries began to reform their legal systems and     9     (forbid) research into human cloning, but other countries like China and the UK, continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant     10     (medicine) aid that cloning could provide.

2021-10-13更新 | 74次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

Radio waves carry signals not only between our electronic devices, but also across     1     universe. Electromagnetic radiation (电磁辐射) includes visible light, X-rays     2     other types of energy, all of which travel through space as waves.

Many technologies use radio waves to send and receive signals. Take the radio in your car or home for example.     3     (broadcast) music or news, a radio station’s tower sends radio waves out into the air. Those waves travel to radios, which translate the incoming waves into vibrations. Vibrating speakers inside a radio create the sound waves heard as radio programs. TV broadcasts work in the similar way.

Cell phones and     4     (wire) computer networks also send and receive signals as radio waves, so do radar systems and GPS devices.     5     all of these cases, the device that generates radio waves     6     (call) the sender. The device that picks radio waves up is the receiver, but technology is not the only thing     7     can create radio waves. Lightning gives off radio waves. It also includes lots of     8     (object) throughout the universe.

Radio telescopes on Earth can tune into the radio waves     9     (make) by those distant objects. Observing the waves can let people learn more about what those distant sources are made of and how they’re moving     10     (exact).

2024-02-02更新 | 144次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般