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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:14555483

Scientists in Michigan have developed a forest fire alarm system. It can not only monitor when a fire begins but also call for help. This battery-free device hangs in a tree and gains all the energy it needs from the natural swinging of branches. Such a sensor (传感器) could watch the woods for a decade without humans’ attention.

“For forest fire monitoring, you don’t need high amounts of energy,” says Cao Changyong, an engineer at Michigan State University, who led the team behind the new device. It recharges itself about every 10 minutes with just enough power to take a measurement. That’s plenty of time, Cao says, “to produce enough energy.”

There’s an obvious need for fast monitoring of faraway forests. Every year, fires burn millions of acres in the United States. Early findings also can save lives. Right now, forest fires are found from satellites or fire towers. Neither, Cao says, is as fast or low-cost as tree-hanging sensors would be.

Cao’s group faced some challenges in creating its new sensors. For example, these have to produce enough power to check the forest and send out a signal and that power source has to be used for longer time. To deal with the problems, they decided to change mechanical motion (机械运动) into electricity. The device to do this is known as a TENG short for triboelectric nanogenerator. Scientists have explored TENGS as one way to gain energy from the natural world, including harvesting energy from effects on tabletops, falling rain-even keyboards. The new TENG for forest use produces a current (电流) when a tree branch swings. That current is small, yet enough to power a thermometer   (温度计) to monitor the temperature changes signaling fire.

Cao says his team’s new model has not yet been tested over long time periods in the real world, but the device is ready. All he needs now is the money to build more of them.

1. What is special about Cao’s sensor?
A.It can save lives.B.It is shaped like a branch.
C.It is self-powered.D.It keeps power for about a day.
2. Which of the following is the benefit of the fire alarm system?
A.Recharging every minute.B.Monitoring the forest fires.
C.Measuring at a slow speed.D.Working for a longer time.
3. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Sending out a signal when a fire breaks out.B.Producing enough power to check the forest.
C.Turning mechanical energy into electrical power.D.Monitoring the temperature changes signaling a fire.
4. What problem is Cao’s new model facing for its long-time test?
A.It doesn’t work.B.It is of no use in fact.C.It needs enough money.D.It isn’t easily performed.
【知识点】 发明与创造 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Although Sir Isaac Newton did not employ his reflecting telescope to uncover novel astronomical phenomena, he did use it to completely transform how we view the world we live in and the universe as a whole.

Reflecting telescopes use mirrors to bend light and enlarge images, distinguishing them from refractors (折射望远镜) that rely on lenses. Their simplicity in construction and ability to achieve much greater sizes than refractors have led to a transformation in our astronomical knowledge and our comprehension of the universe.

As light passes through glass, various colors or bands are refracted at varying angles, leading to chromatic aberration (色差) and consequently, distorted images when viewed through a lens. In the time of Newton, the technology for producing glass and lenses was still very primitive, and the challenges associated with chromatic aberration had not been adequately addressed. Today we can make lenses that have almost no chromatic aberration but we can’t make them very large. As the size of a lens increases significantly, it becomes extremely heavy, causing its own weight to distort the lens and consequently ruin the image quality.

Newton’s telescope solved these problems. A mirror doesn’t allow light to pass. It simply bounces all the light off the surface. This means there’s no chromatic aberration. Plus, because we only need to bounce light off the surface, we can support the entire mirror on a base, reducing its weight. This allows us to build much larger mirrors without any distortion.

While Galileo is credited with the discovery of moons around Jupiter and Halley with predicting the comet’s orbit, what Newton did do was tie in mathematics, astronomy and our comprehension of the universe through the use of his telescope and his universal gravitation theory.

The original telescope constructed by Newton is preserved and maintained by the Royal Society of London. It is showcased in London and occasionally embarks on international tours as an element of exhibitions.

1. What do we know about Newton’s reflecting telescope?
A.It has a complex structure.
B.It relies on mirrors instead of lenses.
C.It can make the image smaller than a refractor.
D.It helped Newton uncover novel astronomical phenomena.
2. What does the underlined word “distorted” mean in Paragraph 3?
3. What problems did Newton’s telescope manage to solve?
A.Issues with image quality.B.Restrictions on the size.
C.Challenges of lens making.D.Limits of light passing angles.
4. What is the author’s purpose of mentioning Galileo and Halley?
A.To state a fact.B.To raise a point.
C.To explain a concept.D.To make a comparison.
2024-06-15更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Two years ago, Kiirsat Ceylan was in New York to give a talk about disability rights at the U. N. Blind since birth, the Turkish man was struggling to find his hotel, holding a cane in one hand and pulling his luggage with the other.

"Not surprisingly, suddenly I bumped into a pole, and he says, "It was a bit bloody."

The problem with a cane is that, while it can tell you what's on the grounds it doesn't help with objects at the body or head level. It wasn't the first time Ceylan had run into something, injuring himself.

"" I have no problem with my scars, which make me more handsome I guess," Ceylan says, laughing. "But I don't need new ones."

With WeWalk, a new smart cane, Ceylan hopes to help other blind people navigate their environments more easily.The cane uses an ultrasonic(超声波)sensor which detects objects at body or head level and gives a warning vibration. WeWalk users pair the cane with their smartphones and then use the cane's touchpad to access features like voice assistant or navigation Before leaving home, they can plug their destination into Google Maps and get spoken directions as they walk In the future, Ceylan hopes to connect WeWalk with public transportation and ridesharing services.

Assistive technology is often expensive for blind people, says Eelke Folmer, a computer science professor at the University of Nevada! Reno. "But developers fail to realize their devices are out of reach for many blind people, To Folmer, the price point-﹩ 500-- sets the WeWalk cane apart from other technologies.

Ceylan sees WeWalk as part of an attempt to help blind people achieve greater freedom of movement, which he believes will give them greater access to education and jobs. The canes are already having an impact on users, Ceylan says. He recently received an email from a teacher in Ireland who had become blind as an adult. He'd been depressed and housebound. But since getting a WeWalk cane, your device forced me to go out. It became my anti- depressant. " he wrote.

1. Why is a story about Kursat Ceylan given at the beginning of the text? ______
A.To stress the difficulty caused by blindness.
B.To show his reason for developing his cane.
C.To indicate the problems with present canes.
D.To show his positive and humorous character.
2. What can WeWalk do at present according to the text? ______
A.Provide fast Internet access.
B.Start conversations with users.
C.Tell users what is around them.
D.Connect with ridesharing services.
3. What does Folmer think is the advantage of WeWalk over other assistive technologies? ______
A.It is easily affordable,B.It is easily controllable.
C.It works better for users.D.It looks more attractive.
4. What is the text mainly about? ______
A.The increasing demand for smart canes.
B.A blind man’s devotion to smart canes.
C.A smart cane's effects on blind people.
D.An assistive technology for the blind.
2020-01-31更新 | 297次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In recent years, terms like “going green” and “eco-friendly” have become buzz words on talk shows, commercials and product packaging. The term “eco-friendly” has been used for so many different products and practices.

Eco-friendly Car Race

Can you imagine a car racer is so eco-friendly that its tyres are made from potatoes, its body is created from hemp (大麻) and rapeseed oil and it runs on fuel made from wheat and sugar beet (甜菜)? The one-seater racing car called Eco One is built by experts from Warwick University, who hope that Eco One will be adopted by the automotive industry. It is sold at $ 51,000.

Pollution-sensitive Dress

Don’t be caught outside unaware of pollution levels in the air. The pollution-sensitive EPA Dress by Stephanie Sandstrom notices pollution in the air accordingly. This dress — which is actually quite pretty — looks like you pull it from the bottom of the dirty laundry pile when the air is dirty. It might protect your health by advising you to stay indoors for the day, but it won’t do you any favor if you’re meeting with clients.

Eco-friendly Umbrella

Traditional umbrellas come with a fixed surface. Although it is changeable, you cannot replace it easily. This eco-friendly design is more flexible. It is actually only an umbrella skeleton(骨架)without any surface, which can be folded, so you can put anything such as newspapers, plastic bags or whatever you want to serve as the protecting surface.

Eco-friendly Moss (苔藓) Carpet

It is said that walking on fresh grass increases your blood circulation. The Moss Carpet, created by Nguyen La Chanh, looks at getting the grass to your feet. The mat includes ball moss, island moss and forest moss. The humidity (湿度) of the bathroom ensures that it grows well. And that’s why you need to place it there and not anywhere else.

1. According to Paragraph 1, we can find Eco One __________.
A.can seat one passenger and one driver
B.can’t be afforded by the public at present
C.is mainly made from some kinds of plants
D.will take the place of the traditional car industry
2. Why is EPA Dress designed?
A.To advise people to stay at home as often as possible.
B.To stop people from meeting their clients if necessary.
C.To make women look pretty even in the polluted air.
D.To keep users informed of the polluted levels in the air.
3. Compared with traditional umbrellas, the Eco-friendly Umbrella __________.
A.is changeableB.hasn’t any surface
C.can be foldedD.is made of newspapers
2019-08-16更新 | 138次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般