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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:43 题号:14582942

Are people happier in nature with blue skies overhead and fresh green grass underfoot? Could noisy streets, crowded with cars and people, make us unhappy?

The possible mental health problems of city living affect a lot of people. The World Health Organization estimates (估计) that 56 percent of the world's population lived in urban (城市的) areas in 2019. The WHO adds that that amount will increase to 66 percent by 2050. People often move to cities for better jobs and more cultural activities. But are they putting themselves at risk? Maybe. Experts at the American Psychiatry Association say that “natural environments or green spaces” do much good to our mental health.

Many studies have shown that nature can calm us and make us feel happy. Nature, experts say, can also help us learn better. And experiencing nature helps people recover from the mental tiredness that comes from day-to-day work. On the other hand, mental health experts say some research suggests that city living might hurt our mental health. But they cannot say exactly why.

What are the specific aspects of the urban environment which causes some people to develop mental illness? Andrea Mechelli, a doctor at Kings College, London, states, “There have been studies where people were   taken out of an urban environment into a rural (乡村的) environment and their conditions would improve. And we also see that the greater the city is, the greater the risk is.” Mechelli say that someone who lives in a city is three times more likely to develop psychological problem than someone living in the country.

Kings College researchers, along with city planners, land and building designers and others wanted to learn more about city living and mental illness. So, they created a smartphone app called Urban Mind. They say they wanted to understand how different parts of the urban environment affect mental health.

The researchers found that being outdoors, seeing trees, hearing birdsong, seeing the sky, and feeling in contact with nature were associated with higher levels of mental well-being. They also found that these seeming effects of nature were especially strong in those individuals at greater risk of mental health problems. The Urban Mind Project team says it hopes “the results will inform future urban planning and social policy aimed at improving design and health.”

1. Why is the question raised in the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the topic of the text.
B.To show the background of the text.
C.To ask the readers to learn the study.
D.To raise the readers' interest in happiness.
2. What does Mechelli find during his study?
A.People are attracted by the blue skies and green grass.
B.People are more satisfied with their city life.
C.More and more people are interested in taking risks in cities
D.City people are more likely to develop mental problems than country people.
3. What is expected of the Urban Mind research result?
A.More people will choose to live in the countryside.
B.It will bring more concern about people s mental health.
C.It will contribute to future urban planning and social policies.
D.People will be helped to improve their mental illness.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Urban Mind measures the level of mental health
B.City living may be harmful to people’s mental health.
C.Living in the countryside is better than in the city.
D.Different scientists hold different opinions on the effects of city living.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Co-authored by researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Texas A&M, the paper looked at nearly50 years of data testing whether facial expressions can lead people to feel the emotions related to those expressions.

“Traditional wisdom tells us that we can feel a little happier if we simply smile, or that we can get ourselves in a more serious mood if we glare, and frowning makes us feel sadder.” said Nicholas Coles, UT Ph.D. student in social psychology and leads researcher on the paper. “But psychologists have actually disagreed about this idea for over 100 years.” These disagreements became more pronounced in 2016, which are more evident especially when 17 teams of researchers failed to replicate(复制) a well-known experiment demonstrating that the physical act of smiling can make people feel happier.

“Some studies have not found evidence that facial expressions can influence emotional feelings,” Coles said.

“But we can’t focus on the results of any one study. Psychologists have been testing this idea since the early 1970s so we wanted to look at all the evidence.”

Using a statistical technique called meta-analysis, Coles and his team combined data from 138 studies testing more than 11,000 participants from all around the world.

According to the results of the meta-analysis, facial expressions have a small impact on feelings. “We don’t think that people can smile their way to happiness,” Coles said. “But these findings are exciting because they provide a clue about how the mind and the body interact to shape our conscious experience of emotion.” “We still have a lot to learn about these facial feedback effects, but this meta-analysis put us a little closer to understanding how emotions work.” Coles added.

1. Which of the following best explains “pronounced” underlined in paragraph 3?
2. What do words in paragraph 5 and 6 suggest?
A.All the evidence has already been found by researchers.
B.We need to use a statistical technique called meta-analysis.
C.Facial expressions have a huge influence on feelings.
D.Research should be comprehensive and in-depth.
3. Why do the results arouse excitement in researchers?
A.They encourage people to keep a positive attitude.
B.They show people can smile their way to happiness.
C.They offer a slight indication to help with the research.
D.They support the general conventional accepted belief.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Coles’ research about facial feedback effects will still continue.
B.Studies exactly proved facial expressions influence our feelings.
C.The interaction of the body and the mind leads to real happiness.
D.The meta-analysis lets us fully understand how emotions work.
2022-12-30更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】According to new research from the University of Cambridge in England, sheep are able to recognize human faces from photographs.

The farm animals, who are social and have large brains, were previously known to be able to recognize one another, as well as familiar humans. However, their ability to recognize human faces from photos alone is novel.

The recent study, the results of which were published in the journal Royal Society showed that the woolly creatures could be trained to recognize still images of human faces, including those of former President Barack Obama and actress Emma Watson.

Initially, the sheep were trained to approach certain images by being given food rewards. Later, they were able to recognize the image for which they had been rewarded. The sheep could even recognize images of faces shown at an angle, though their ability to do so declined by about 15 percent - the same rate at which a human’s ability to perform the same task declines.

“Anyone who has spent time working with sheep will know that they are intelligent, individual animals who are able to recognize their handlers,” said Professor Jenny Morton, who led the Cambridge study. “We’ve shown with our study that sheep have advanced face-recognition abilities, comparable with those of humans and monkeys.”

Recognizing faces is one of the most important social skills for human being, and some disorders of the brain, including Huntington’s disease, affect this ability.

“Sheep are long-lived and have brains that are similar in size and complexity to those of some monkeys. That means they can be useful models to help us understand disorders of the brain, such as Huntington’s disease, which develops over a long time and affects cognitive abilities. Our study gives us another way to monitor how these abilities change.” Morton said.

1. According to the new research, what’s unusual about sheep?
A.They have large brains.
B.They can recognize their owners.
C.They can recognize human faces from photograph.
D.They can tell animals from humans.
2. How did the researchers train the sheep?
A.By giving food rewards.
B.By showing photos of humans and monkeys by turns.
C.By guiding them to follow their handlers.
D.By showing photos of famous people.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Sheep have a higher face-recognition ability than monkeys.
B.The sheep’s face-recognition ability may prevent some disorders of the brain.
C.The sheep’s face-recognition ability says the same when shown photos at any angle.
D.The new discovery is beneficial to the study of cognitive ability changes.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.A Wonderful ScientistB.How Sheep Recognize Each Other
C.A New discovery about SheepD.The Life of Sheep
2018-06-28更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The science of papermaking addresses the methods, equipment, and materials used to make paper and cardboard, these being used widely for printing, writing, and packaging. Today almost all paper is produced using industrial machinery.    1    .

The method of manual (手工的) papermaking changed very little over time, despite advances in technologies.    2    . Separate the useful fibre from the rest of raw materials. Beat down the fibre into pulp (纸浆). Adjust the colour, chemical, biological, and other properties of the paper. Screen (筛) the resulting liquid. Press and dry to get the actual paper.

    3    . It is made of stainless materials and set in a wooden frames similar to that of a window. Then completely bathe it in the liquid and draw it out. Water is removed and the wet mat of fibre is laid on top of a damp cloth. The fairly damp fibre is then dried. Finally, the paper is then cut to the desired shape and packed.

The wooden frame is called a “deckle” (定纸框).    4    . The “deckle edges” are one of the indications that the paper was made by hand. Deckle-edged paper is occasionally imitated today to create the impression of old-fashioned luxury.

    5    . It is also used in paper factories to check the quality of the production process. The “handsheets” made according to TAPPI Standard T205 are tested for paper characteristics such as brightness, strength and degree of sizing.

A.Screening the fibre involves using a special net.
B.The process of papermaking is really complicated.
C.It leaves the edges of the paper slightly irregular and wavy.
D.Handmade paper is prepared in laboratories to study papermaking.
E.However, traditional papermaking in Asia uses the inner skin fibres of plants.
F.The process of manufacturing handmade paper can be generalized into five steps.
G.But handmade paper is still appreciated for its distinctive uniqueness and the skilled craft.
2021-02-22更新 | 81次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般