组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:100 题号:14794894
阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。

As he lay awake that night, Tony could hear his parents discussing his sister Alice's birthday. It was just two days away. Birthdays were always a lot of fun, even though there was no money for store-bought gifts. Nearly all of toys he and his sister had were homemade. There was nothing wrong with that, he knew. Like many families in this part, they were poor.

This birthday would be different, though. Alice was older now, and he'd seen how her eyes lit up when she saw the new doll at Honey House, neighborhood store just down the road from their house.

How he longed for her to have it! An idea finally came to him just before he went to bed. After a quick breakfast the following morning, he placed a tin can and a piece of string in a large bag. Then he tied the bag to the handlebars of his bike and headed toward a village hill.

After a long journey, he reached his destination, the mango forest. There were already two other boys there. Tony grabbed his bag and set to work immediately. The smaller trees had already been picked over pretty well, but he was able to find a half-dozen mangos before noon.

When the sun was high overhead, the hard work began. Nearly all of the taller trees held ripe mangoes but they were well beyond reach. The other boys took their fruit and went away. Tony used his pocket knife to cut a long piece of bamboo. Then he took the tin can from the bag, tied it to one end of the bamboo stick, and walked over to the base of mango tree.

He stayed there, holding the tin can high up into the tree. His efforts were occasionally rewarded when a mango dropped into the can. After a while his neck ached from looking upward, and his arms grew sore. He kept at it,though, and by late afternoon his bag was nearly full.

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2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
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Paragraph l:

On the way back to town, Tony began to worry hat the other boys might already have sold or traded their mangoes with Homey House.

Paragraph 2:

The following morning, Alice walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the breakfast table.



书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Once in the summer holidays, a brother and a sister, Sammy and Marie, visited their grandparents on their farm. Sammy took his slingshot (弹弓) to play in the woods. He practiced hard for many days but all his efforts were in vain. No matter how much he tried, he could never hit the target.

At lunchtime, Grandma called out, ”Sammy, it’s lunchtime!” Getting a little disappointed, he headed back for the lunch. While walking back, Sammy noticed his grandma’s pet. It was a cute, little duck. Out of excitement he took his slingshot and aimed at the duck. This time, his shot hit the target and it hit the poor duck on its head and killed it. He was shocked and frightened at the same time.

In the extreme fear, he hid the dead duck in the pile of woods. Marie, his younger sister, had seen it all from the window but she decided not to confront him.

The next day, Grandma said, “Marie, let’s wash the dishes.” Hearing this, Marie immediately said, “But Grandma, Sammy told me he wanted to help you do the household chores.” As soon as she said this, she turned to Sammy and whispered, “Remember the duck?” Sammy got anxious, knowing that his sister knew his secret about the duck. If he did not obey her, she would tell their grandparents about it. So without uttering a single word, he did the dishes. Later, in the evening, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go for fishing. On hearing this, Grandma said, ”I am sorry but I need Marie to stay with me and help make a supper.” Marie turned to Grandma and said, “Well, that’s all right. Sammy told me he wanted to help you." She again whispered to Sammy, “Remember the duck?” Hearing this, Sammy couldn’t say a word, just standing there angrily. So Marie went with her grandfather for fishing and poor Sammy had to stay with his grandma.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

After Marie took advantage of Sammy several times, he finally could not stand it any longer.


Later that day, Marie went back from fishing with her grandfather.

2023-12-29更新 | 69次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

My father never told me he loved me when I was a child. I always saw him as being a serious man who rarely had a smile. But my mom told me “I love you” everyday. So I really never thought about not hearing it from my dad. I never really thought about it much until I faced the reality of death.

On November 9th, 1990, I received word that my National Guard unit was going to the war zone. I had been in the Guard for 10 years and never dreamed that we would be activated for a war, even though I knew it was what we trained for. I went to my father and gave him the news. I could sense he was worried about me going but he said nothing, and eight days later I was gone.

On November 17th,1990, our military vehicles rolled out of rural Greenville, Michigan. The streets were filled with families and well-wishers to see us off. As we were close to the edge of town, I looked out the window of my truck and saw my wife, my children, and Mom and Dad. They were all waving and crying, except for my father. He just stood there, almost like a stone statue. He looked pretty old at that moment. I don’t know why, he just did.

I was gone for that Thanksgiving and missed our family’s dinner. A few days after Thanksgiving I was able to call my wife, and she told me something that has made me look at my father in a different way ever since. She told me that my father recited his usual Thanksgiving prayer. But this time he added one last sentence. As a tear ran down his cheek, he said, “Dear Lord, please watch over and guide my son, Rick, with your hand in his time of need as he serves his country, and bring him home to us safely.” At that point he burst into tears. I had never seen my father cry, and when I heard this, I guessed my father really did love me.

Eight months later, I returned home from the war.


Ever since that day, my relationship with my father was never the same.

7日内更新 | 12次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Who Stole Grandma’s Pie?

My grandma is the best pie maker in the world. So when she called me — the best detective she knows — that one of her pies was missing, I knew that it was serious.

I hurried to Grandma’s house. The kitchen was still warm from the oven, and the air smelled buttery and sweet. When I hugged Grandma hello, I realized that I hadn’t visited her for a long time.

“Start from the beginning,” I said. “I cut the pie into six pieces,” she began, “in this pie tin.” She showed me the tin. There were only a few crumbs (碎屑)left.

“The pie is definitely missing,” I said, scooping up the crumbs and popping them into my mouth. “A pumpkin pie” I shouted, nearly jumping. “My favorite kind! This is even more serious than I thought” I took a small note book and a pencil from my pocket. “Now, when did you last see this pie?”

“I baked it this morning,” said Grandma. “Then the doorbell rang. It was that nice young man who rakes (耙平)my leaves.”

“Just as I suspected,” I said, writing down “leaf raker” in my notebook. “He stole the pie.”

“Oh, dear, no,” Grandma said. “He just wanted me to know that he was finished. He did such a good job that I gave him a piece of pie.”

“Then what happened, Grandma?”

“When I went outside with the young man’s piece of pie, the mail carrier was there. She told me she could smell that pie all the way from the curb.”

“Aha!” I said, writing “mail carrier” in my notebook. “The mail carrier must have sneaked into the house and stole the pie” Grandma shook her head. “No, I gave her a piece of pie myself.”

“Go on,” I said, getting a little concerned.

“Then the phone rang, and it was my neighbor, Grace. You know, the woman with a white cat?” I nodded and wrote “G.” in my book. “She is such a dear. She calls me every day to see if I need anything. So I invited her and her daughter over for some pie and tea.”

“Grandma!” I said. “No one stole the pie. One to the leaf raker. Another to the mail carrier. You and Grace each had one. And her daughter’s is five. You gave away all the pieces.” Grandma looked thoughtful.


“There were six pieces!” Grandma reminded me.


At last I opened the door of the refrigerator.

2024-01-28更新 | 57次组卷
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