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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:176 题号:14796778

There’s a significant reason behind the four standard colors found on passports, but there are some unusual shades, too. Take a closer look at that small, rectangular booklet in your hand. Depending on where you’re from, its color could tell you a lot about the country you call home.

“Although there are no strict international guidelines for passport colors, the shades are by no means random. Countries typically choose colors that can best show their culture, politics, or faith.” Claire Burrows of De La Rue, a British passport-making company, told the Economist.

For example, Islamic countries often use green passport covers because the color is important in their religion. Member countries of ECOWAS(the Economic Community of West African States) cover their passports with various shades of green, too. Members of the European Union, on the other hand, use burgundy-colored passports, as do countries who would like to join the EU, such as Turkey.

The United States tends to march to the beat of its own drum, and its passport’s color is no different. While the country shifted between pale brown, green, and a variety of reds into the latter half of the 20th century, it finally settled on blue in 1976. As for the shade? It matches the blue on the American flag, according to the Economist. Citizens of many Caribbean and South American countries, including Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, also carry blue passports.

But why all of the dark shades? According to Bill Waldron of Holliston, a Tennessee-based passport-printing firm, darker colors are preferred because they can hide dirt, provide a nice contrast with the country crest, and appear more official.

1. What is the principle of a country’s choosing colors of passports?
A.Picking a popular color at random.B.Considering the likes of its people.
C.Matching the image of the country.D.Following the international guidelines.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.Turkey tries to seek a sense of belonging to the EU.
B.Member countries of ECOWAS are religious countries.
C.Green receives great popularity among Asian countries.
D.Members of the EU issue passports with a unique color.
3. What does the underlined phrase “march to the beat of its own drum” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.To follow the trend of the times.B.To behave in an individual manner.
C.To act differently to draw attention.D.To display its strengths on purpose.
4. What could be the best title of the text?
A.Why Your Passport Is in Dark Shades
B.What Your Passport Color Really Means
C.What Your Passport Can Tell about You
D.Why Your Passport Is Connected with Colors
【知识点】 颜色 说明文 文化差异


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Color is considered one of the most useful and powerful design tools you have. People respond to different colors in different ways. Colors tell someone if you are friendly. In the same way they affect whether someone will continue clicking through your website. Colors determine if someone will start reading your article in a magazine or post on your website.

Colors also help to keep people involved on your website and determine how long they stay. Of course that’s not just about the content. Colors also influence how people will respond and behave.

The next time you go into a fast-food restaurant, look closely at the colors. Do they decorate with vivid reds and oranges because they encourage diners to eat and leave quickly like many of the fast-food establishments(企业)?That is exactly the response they want.

Different cultures have different attitudes and preferences; thus, they will have another color reaction. In China, “white” stands for death and in Brazil, it is the color purple while in America it is black. People from warm countries respond favorably to warm colors; people from colder climates prefer cooler colors. In America, green is associated with jealousy or money. Blue (the most popular) is associated with trust, responsibility, belonging and coolness.

This also means that color affects shopping habits. Different colors attract different kinds of customers. Red, orange, black and royal blue attract impulse(冲动的)buyers. Pink, light blue and navy attract smart budget shoppers. There is really a lot into it. To experience this, why not click on the following large companies’ websites that have spent the funds on this type of research now?

1. This passage mainly tells us ______
A.what colors mean to people in different countries.
B.colors affect people in many different countries.
C.which kind of color does good to people’s health.
D.a good website should have as many kinds of colors as possible.
2. According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Reds and oranges in a restaurant will make you stay there longer.
B.In Brazil, the color purple is associated with death.
C.People from warm countries will like cooler colors better.
D.People’s shopping habits will not be affected by colors
3. What would the author probably talk about in the next paragraph?
A.To offer some large companies’ websites.
B.To introduce what colors mean in different countries.
C.To tell us how to use colors in our daily life.
D.To give more examples about successful restaurants.
2020-05-11更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】In February 2015, a photograph of a dress raised heated debate around the world. The disagreement centred on the dress’s colour: some people were convinced it was blue and black while others white and gold. People couldn’t understand how, faced with exactly the same photograph of exactly the same dress, they could reach such different conclusions.

For a long time, people believed that colours were objective, physical features of objects or of the light that was reflected off them. But this theory isn’t really true. Different wavelengths of light do exist independently of us but they only become colours inside our bodies. Every person’s visual system is unique and so are their perceptions (感知). This is why no two people will ever see exactly the same colours.

Another cause of the problem is language. People generally name only the colours they consider socially or culturally important. In English we divide colour space into 11 basic terms — black, white, red, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, grey, orange and pink — but other languages do things differently. At least one Indigenous community has no specific words for any colours, only “light” and “dark”. The Aztecs, who were enthusiastic farmers, used more than a dozen words for green.

A single colour can mean completely different things in different places and at different times. In the west white is the colour of light, life and purity, but in parts of Asia it is the colour of death. Many people today think of blue as masculine (男性的) and pink as feminine (女性的), but only a hundred years ago baby boys were dressed in pink and girls in blue.

All of this taken together, it becomes rather difficult to reach a conclusion different from that of the 18th-century philosopher David Hume: colour is merely a phantasm of the senses.

1. What caused a world-wide discussion?
A.The exact colour of the dress.B.The colorful design of the dress.
C.The changing colour of the dress.D.The number of the dress’s colours.
2. What was a common misunderstanding of colour?
A.Wavelengths of light became colours.
B.Colours existed objectively and physically.
C.Everyone’s visual system worked uniquely.
D.Colours could be reflections of different light.
3. What does the author want to tell by the example of the colour “blue” and “pink”?
A.Colour meanings may vary in places.
B.Colour can have special gender meanings.
C.Colour may mean differently in different cultures.
D.Colour can have various meanings at different times.
4. What does the underlined words in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Colour doesn’t exist in reality.B.Colour doesn’t make any sense.
C.Colour is an imagination in mind.D.Colour is independent from senses.
2024-06-27更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Plenty of cars in ads are red, blue or green, but almost three fifths of new cars sold are black, white, silver or grey.

A survey shows people prefer the colors of cars that don’t show dirt such as grey. That means the owners can wash their cars less, saving money. Besides, some areas that are short of water do not allow people to wash their cars often.

According to another survey, white cars are often sold more than cars of other colors. And the research also suggests that there is a lower risk of accidents during the day for white cars compared with darker ones. People also think the temperature inside white cars is lower than that inside cars of other colors.

At present, every year about 11 percent of cars sold are red and 8 percent are blue. Green has become less popular. In the mid-1990s, green was the most popular color in many places of the world. But today, green cars are hard to find.

Sometime in the future, people may not have to choose the color of their car because technology may let owners change their car’s paint color anytime.

1. Which of the following car colors doesn’t often appear in advertisements?
2. What’s the Chinese meaning of “short of” in Paragraph 2?
3. People think the temperature inside cars of other colors is          than that inside white cars.
A.lowerB.no lowerC.higherD.not higher
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned?
A.Many new cars sold are black, white, silver or grey.
B.The reason why people like grey cars.
C.The reason why white cars are often sold more than cars of other colors.
D.The reason why people don’t choose green cars.
5. Which of the following is not the dark colors according to the passage?
2024-01-08更新 | 69次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般