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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:1084 题号:14872688

Children may learn new words better when they learn them in the context of other words they are just learning—according to a new research from the University of East Anglia.

Researchers investigated how 18–24-month-olds learn new words—in the context of words they already know well and those they don’t. The findings help explain how children learn new words and suggest a new way that parents and carers could help boost language development.

Previous research suggests that when children hear a word they do not know and see an object they have never seen in the context of some objects that they can already name, such as a toy or a ball, they guess that the new word refers to the new thing.

Dr. Larissa Samuelson from the university wanted to know if the strength of a child’s knowledge of familiar things—how well they know what “cars” or “balls” are, for example—mattered for learning new words and remembering them. They asked 82 children to take part in the study and carry out two experiments among them. And then they got some really surprising findings.

“We had expected that a stronger knowledge of familiar words would be better for learning new words, but we found the opposite was true.” Dr Samuelson said. “This new study suggests another way we might be able to help boost children’s ability to remember new word-object links – by teaching them in the context of other things that they are just learning.”

It seems counterintuitive, but it is perhaps because the less well-known items don’t compete with the new words as much. If they learn new words in the context of playing with well-known items such as a ball or book, they don’t process the new word as much.

1. What is the purpose of the new research?
A.To challenge the findings of previous studies.B.To observe the process of children’s learning.
C.To better understand children’s word learning.D.To compare children’s different learning styles.
2. What can be inferred from Dr. Samuelson’s words?
A.Their findings are out of expectation.B.Their research should focus on children.
C.We should be more patient with children.D.We need to provide guidance on learning.
3. What does the underlined word “counterintuitive” mean in the last paragraph?
4. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Less familiar words help children learn better.
B.Word-object links contribute to better learning.
C.New research finds the secrets of raising children.
D.Children learn better with the help of their parents.
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Sheep Smarter than Thought
London—Sheep, like turkeys and ostriches, are not considered the most clever animals. British scientists said last Wednesday humans may have underestimated the woolly creature. They could be much smarter than we think.
Researchers at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, southern England, have shown that the animals have a good memory system and are extremely good at recognizing faces—which they think is a sure sign of intelligence.
Behavioral scientist Keith Kendrick and his friends trained 20 sheep to recognize and distinguish 25 pairs of sheep faces and used electrodes (电极) to measure their brain activity , which showed they could remember 50 faces for up to two years .
“If they can do that with faces, they have to have reasonable intelligence; otherwise, what is the point of having a system for remembering faces and not remembering anything else?” Kendrick said in an interview.
So hours of seemingly mindless eating grass may not be so mindless after all.
Kendrick believes sheep got their reputation as dumb (unable to speak, unintelligent) animals because they live in large groups and do not appear to have much individuality and are frightened of just about everything.
“All animals, including humans, once they are frightened, don’t tend to show signs of intelligent action,” he explained.
In research reported in the science journal Nature, Kendrick and his team showed that sheep, like humans, have a specialized system in the brain which allows them to distinguish between many different faces which look extremely similar.
“The most important finding (of the study) is that they are able , both from a behavioral point of view and from looking at the way the brain is organized , to remember a large number of individuals for a very long time,” said Kendrick. “It is a very strange system. They are showing similar abilities in many ways to humans.”
1. From the first paragraph we can find that______.               .
A.people used to think sheep are smarter than the other animals
B.people used to raise sheep in a wrong way
C.people don’t consider sheep as clever animals
D.people have done a lot of research on sheep
2. From what Kendrick said in the interview we learn that_____.               .
A.scientists have learned everything about sheep’s intelligence
B.scientists have learned a little about sheep’s intelligence
C.scientists can’t do anything more about sheep’s memory
D.scientists do not have to research animals’ memory
3. As is known in the passage,__________.
A.sheep are among the week animals
B.it is not right for people to raise sheep in groups
C.when sheep eat grass in the field their minds may be active
D.if people feel frightened, they may become braver
2016-11-26更新 | 974次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Think of a simple object — a piece of chalk, for example. Are you remembering its name, its shape, its color or its size? Are you remembering what it is used for, or the sound it makes when the teacher writes on the blackboard? Scientists say that memory includes different parts of the brain, such as language and the ability of sense. They believe that you begin to create a memory when you notice something with your senses. Then messages are sent to different brain cells, which join together to form connections. A new connection goes into your short-term memory. It is stored there for about 30 seconds, and then it is either lost or stored in your long-term memory.

Having a good memory means making lots of connections and storing them in your long-term memory. To do this, you need to keep your brain in good shape. Eat plenty of brain food such as fish oil, fruit and vegetables. Laughter also makes your brain more active. Also, don’t forget to exercise. So do some sports or just move around a lot in the house. Finally, get plenty of sleep. This will make your memories grow stronger.

When you want to remember new information, you must pay special attention. Use your senses — sight, smell hearing and touch — and keep repeating the information. To do well in your exams this year, turn off the TV, silence your mobile, and review your work regularly. To remember something special, use your imagination to create visual connections. For example, you need to take a pencil, an eraser, your ID card and chips to your next exam. Imagine the ID card as the body of an animal, the pencil its long neck, and the eraser its head. Your animal is hungry, so now imagine it eating a bag of chips. It may sound crazy, but its fun and it works. Another way is to do something different to your room. Turn a picture upside-down, or tie a sock around the door handle to remind yourself of something to remember!

1. What’s the author’s intention of giving an example in the beginning?
A.To show the importance of chalk.B.To lead in the topic of this article.
C.To let readers remember the word.D.To make readers know his favorite.
2. According to Paragraph 2, which is NOT the way to have a good memory?
A.Plenty of sleep.B.Enough exercise.C.Good shape of your brain.D.Laughter.
3. Paragraph 3 mainly talks about________.
A.how to remember new informationB.how to do well in exams
C.why to review your workD.what to eat to make memories stronger
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Memory has nothing to do with languages.B.A picture of eating chips is the most useful.
C.Our brain is dificult to keep in good shapeD.Laughter can help to improve our memory
2023-06-10更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There’s always been debate about the best time of day to work out. For the longest time I’ve heard that exercising in the morning is ideal, but others say a nighttime workout benefits them more. I was one of those evening exercisers when I was working in an office regularly but have since shifted to late morning workouts. Is one time really better than another, and why?

Regardless of when you work out, there are many health benefits from moving regularly, like improving your heart health, getting stronger or even improving your endurance. Most people decide to exercise when it best fits their schedule, so oftentimes they can’t help the time of the day they choose to be active.

Research has shown, however, that the time of day you choose to exercise can affect your workout in various ways. The best time to work out is whenever you can. We don’t all have schedules that allow for a 90-minute workout. If your only time of day to exercise is before work, then morning is best. If you reserve physical activity for packed evenings, there’s a good chance you won’t ever get to it. Likewise, if you can only squash 20 minutes of exercise into your day right before you get ready for bed, that’s the best time to work out. I want to add a note on consistency, though. The best time to exercise is whenever you can, but the best time of day to exercise is the time you can stick with for days, weeks and months.

The fact of the matter is that people who exercise invariably see better weight loss and fitness results in the long-term. Research also suggests that your body can adapt to regular training schedules, so if you work out every morning, you will probably get a lot better at working out in the morning, and the same in regard to night workouts. That all said, morning workouts and night workouts both have their advantages and disadvantages as evidenced by decades of scientific research.

1. Why does the author talk about the debate?
A.To give background knowledge.B.To introduce the topic of the text.
C.To show the author’s attitude.D.To show people’s puzzlement when exercise.
2. When is the best time to take exercise according to the text?
A.In the morning.B.In the evening.C.After work.D.The time you can stick to.
3. What is the most important as to exercise according to the text?
A.Choosing the proper place.B.Choosing favorite sport.
C.Working out regularly.D.Exercising 20 minutes a day.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The various ways to exerciseB.The common forms of exercising
C.The best time of a day for exercisingD.The good reasons for exercising
2023-05-20更新 | 89次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般