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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:92 题号:14909584

When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new or upsetting situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do.

For instance, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him. He tries to find out all he can, and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it. He probably isn’t sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries. And, if he can’t make things work out right, he doesn’t feel ashamed that he failed; he just tries to learn from his mistakes. An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook on life, a special feeling about life, and knows how he fits into it.

If you look at children, you’ll see great differences between what we call “bright” children and “not-bright” children. They are actually two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amount of intelligence. For example, the bright child really wants to find out about life—he tries to get in touch with everything around him. But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream world; he seems to have a wall between him and life in general.

1. According to this passage, intelligence is ________.
A.the ability to know what to do
B.the ability to do well in school
C.the ability to deal with life
D.the ability to get high scores on some tests
2. In a new situation, an intelligent person ________.
A.knows more about what might happen to him
B.is sure of the result he will get
C.concentrates on what to do about the situation
D.cares more about himself
3. If an intelligent person failed, he would ________.
A.try not to feel ashamedB.learn from his experiences
C.try to find all he couldD.make sure what result he would get
4. Bright children and non-bright children ________.
A.are two different types of children
B.are different mainly in their degree of cleverness
C.have difference only in their way of thinking
D.have different knowledge about the world
5. The author of this passage will probably continue to talk about________.
A.how to determine what intelligence is
B.how education should be conducted
C.how to solve practical problems
D.how an unintelligent person should be taught
20-21高二上·天津·阶段练习 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 教育 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】With their long histories, the United Kingdom’s universities have earned reputation and become favored destinations for many international students. However, while many people dream of attending these institutions, a growing number of the schools have fallen victim to cheating scandals (丑闻) in recent years.

The Telegraph reported that investigations for cheating have risen at Leeds University, from 127 in 2014/15 to 516 last year. Over the same period, cases at Queen Mary University of London increased from 104 to 248, and Nottingham University tripled to 514.

The increase has been linked to the rise of essay mills (论文作坊). These are companies that, for a fee, provide original essays, written by real people, for specific university assignments. Widely advertised on social media, these essay mills target those who struggle with their university workloads.

Even though many students have the ability to complete work on their own, it is believed that the pressure of too many deadlines and a lack of discipline encourage them to use essay mills.

In response, many universities have introduced new measures, such as oral exams to test students’ knowledge of assignments and subject areas. New software is also helping catch cheaters. Currently, most UK universities use Turnitin to check assignments for plagiarism (剽窃). Now it is being used to analyze students’ natural writing styles. This way, it may detect abnormal changes in their written assignments.

Despite the risks, essay mills seem like an easy ticket to a degree. However, a majority do not deliver the A+ essays they promise, and students are vulnerable to being cheated and blackmail (敲诈). According to the BBC, multiple Coventry University students were blackmailed up to $5,000 (35,190 yuan) after using an essay-writing service last year.

A Nottingham University spokesman told the Guardian, “The best way to deal with essay mills is for the government to legislate (立法) against them and block their webpages at a national level.”

Currently, these sites are legal in the UK, but other countries, including New Zealand and Australia, have banned them altogether. Students in Australia could even face two years in jail and a $210,000 fine if found guilty of cheating.

1. Why do many students turn to essay mills, according to the writer?
A.Because they want to pay for top marks.
B.Because essay mills are popular on social media.
C.Because they find college work is too difficult.
D.Because they have heavy workloads and they are undisciplined.
2. The underlined word “vulnerable” in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to “_______”.
A.knowing little about something
B.paying close attention to something
C.well prepared for something
D.likely to suffer from something
3. What is the best way to deal with essay mills, according to the Nottingham University spokesman?
A.The government should make laws to ban them.
B.Students found guilty of cheating should be put into jail.
C.Teachers should change the way of testing their students.
D.Universities should better manage their campus websites.
4. What is the main idea of the article?
A.The increase of cheating at UK universities.
B.The rise of essay mills in the UK.
C.Pressures faced by students in the UK.
D.Attitudes toward plagiarism in different countries.
2020-07-04更新 | 125次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A large body of research has been developed in recent years to explain many aspects of willpower. Most of the researchers exploring self-control do so with an obvious goal in mind: How can willpower be strengthened? If willpower is truly a limited resource, as the research suggests, what can be done to make it stay strong?

Avoiding temptation (诱惑) is an effective method for maintaining self-control, which is called the "out of sight, out of mind" principle. One recent study, for instance, found office workers less attracted to candy in the desk drawer than that on top of their desks, in plain sight.

The research suggesting that we possess a limited reservoir of self-control raises a troubling question. When we face too many temptations, are we to fail? Not necessarily. Researchers don't believe that one's willpower is ever completely exhausted. Rather, people appear to hold some willpower in reserve, saved for future demands. The right motivation allows us to tap into those reserves, allowing us to carry on even when our self-control strength has been run down. High motivation might help overcome weakened willpower-at least to a point.

Willpower may also be made less vulnerable (脆弱) to being exhausted in the first place.

Researchers who study self-control often describe it as being like a muscle that gets tired with heavy use. But there is another aspect to the muscle comparison, they say. While muscles become exhausted by exercise in the short term, they are strengthened by regular exercise in the long term. Similarly, regular practices of self-control may improve willpower strength.

The evidence from willpower-exhaustion studies also suggests that making a list of resolutions on New Year's Eve is the worst possible approach. Being exhausted in one area can reduce willpower in other areas, so it makes more sense to focus on a single goal at a time. In other words, don't try to quit smoking, adopt a healthy diet and start a new exercise plan at the same time. Taking goals one by one is a better approach. Once a good habit is in place, Baumeister says, you'll no longer need to draw on your willpower to maintain the behavior. Eventually healthy habits will become routine, and won't require making decisions at all.

1. From the studies in the passage we learn that ________.
A.people have unlimited self-controlB.high motivation ensures one's success
C.too many temptations often lead to failureD.willpower is hardly completely exhausted
2. The underlined phrase "tap into" in Paragraph 3 most probably means ________.
A.put up withB.make up for
C.make use ofD.keep away from
3. The author compares self—control to muscles ________.
A.to explain the benefits of practicing self-control
B.to show the significance of regular exercise
C.to argue that self-control can be easily used up
D.to prove the long-term effect of willpower
4. To develop a good habit, which of the following does the author prefer?
A."I will give up dessert and do exercise."
B."I will set three goals this new semester."
C."I will read an English novel every month."
D."I will keep myself from any temptation."
2020-05-27更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Teenagers are not only an extremely valuable resource of energy, good will and creativity, but also the key to our future. In a culture that is so wrapped around "wants” and “achievements", it is easy for our teenagers to grow up without a sense of gratitude for what they have and sympathy for the needs of the less fortunate around them.     1     If you can show your teen how rewarding it is from a young age, they'll start to make a connection between helping someone else and their own joy.

Choosing the right service opportunity can influence how your teen interacts with that cause, and make volunteering go forward.     2     The reach of volunteering can be limited to the school and student body, or it can have a wider reach locally like organizing a blood donation, hosting an awareness event for young kids at the local library, or caring for animals at a shelter. Try to choose an activity that suits the teen's interest and time to make sure they take part in the activity for a long time.

    3     Parental participation in volunteering regularly or even occasionally promotes relationship and common respect. Make sure your teen realizes how his time is directly affecting the needy group and discuss possible ideas of how to further the cause. Stress on discipline:     4    

Research has shown that teens who engage in community service are more responsible. Volunteering helps the teens gain new skills necessary for the job market such as leadership, communication skills, dependability, time management, and decision making.     5     They also build a stronger resume for college and scholarship applications.

A.Stick to a volunteering activity regularly.
B.Teens can schedule their own chances.
C.Make sure you lead by example.
D.Teens who volunteer perform better at school.
E.So consider their abilities, interests, and time.
F.Volunteering makes teens desire to be independent.
G.However, volunteering can offer a chance for them to make some changes.
2020-05-08更新 | 47次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般