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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:59 题号:14930088

The African Bush Elephant can weigh up to 5.5 tons, making it one of the largest mammals (哺乳动物) alive. It is only second to the giraffe in terms of height!

Previously thought to exist as one species, both the African Bush Elephant and African Forest Elephant were discovered to be two different subspecies. Basically, they both have very big ears. But, the Bush Elephant is larger and has a lighter color and outward curving (弯曲) long teeth, whereas the Forest Elephant is smaller, very dark and has downward facing straight teeth.

The African Bush Elephant’s habitat is given away by its name — in the African Bush! This includes grasslands and primary forest within Central and Southern Africa. These locations are perfect areas for the African Bush Elephant to find food. An ideal meal for the African Bush Elephant consists of plenty of grass, fruits, and roots. Their teeth can be used for digging.

All elephants are social and live in societies. This means that they are led by an older, more experienced female, and females stick together. As migrant animals, they are constantly travelling together to search for food and keep their young safe.

Although population levels are recovering, African Bush Elephants face many threats. Similar to other species, loss of land reduces the availability of food and water, meaning they have to travel further. What’s worse, some won’t survive the journey if they cross paths with poachers (偷猎者). African Bush Elephants aren’t just killed for the illegal trade, but they are often the sufferers of conflicts with local people too.

To help them, we need to give them room to travel! A possible solution would be to provide wildlife roads that allow the African Bush Elephant to travel without coming into conflict with people. The African Wildlife Foundation combines governments and communities in Africa and works to set land aside for this purpose. Similarly, education that encourages people to understand the African Bush Elephant can change awareness and reduce local hunting pressure.

1. Which is the picture of an African Forest Elephant?
2. Where can you find an African Bush Elephant?
A.Mountains in Africa.
B.Forests in Western Africa.
C.Grasslands in Central Africa.
D.Desert areas in Southern Africa.
3. What’s the main threat to the African Bush Elephants?
A.Lack of leading female elephants.
B.Development of the trade.
C.Low level of socialization.
D.Worse living conditions.
4. What do the underlined words “this purpose” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Providing passageways.B.Travelling further.
C.Fighting with others.D.Educating people.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. These two loved each other and played together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their respective houses.
One evening, Brownie’s family noticed that Brownie hadn’t returned home. They went looking for him with no success and by the next week he was still missing.
Curiously, Spotty showed up at Brownie’s house alone. Barking, whining (哀叫) and generally pestering (纠缠) Brownie’s human family. Busy with their own lives, they just ignored the nervous little neighbor dog.
Continuously,Ted, Brownie’s owner, was disturbed by the angry, determined little dog. Spotty followed Ted about, barking insistently, then rushing toward a nearby empty lot and back, as if to say, “Follow me! It’s urgent!”
Eventually, Ted followed Spotty to a deserted spot half a mile from the house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his hind legs crushed in a steel leghold trap. Horrified, Ted now wished he’d taken Spotty’s earlier appeals seriously. Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable.
Spotty had done more than simply led Brownie’s human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the injured dog, Ted found an array of dog food and table scraps which were later identified as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that week!
Spotty had been visiting Brownie regularly, in the hope of keeping his friend alive by sacrificing his own comfort. Spotty had evidently stayed with Brownie to protect him from hunger and other dangers, and keep his spirits up.
Brownie’s leg was treated by a veterinarian (兽医) and he recovered. For many years thereafter, the two families watched the faithful friends chasing each other down that well worn path between their houses.
1. Why did Ted pay little attention to Spotty at the very beginning?
A.Because Ted was tired of listening to Spotty barking.
B.Because Ted only cared about Brownie’s safety.
C.Because Ted was not free at that moment.
D.Because Ted knew where Brownie was.
2. When Ted was led by Spotty to Brownie, he     .
A.was curious to find out what had happened
B.highly appreciated Spotty’s help
C.was worried about Brownie’s health
D.regretted not following Spotty earlier
3. Not only did Spotty help Ted find Brownie but also       .
A.he went to see his friend and played with him secretly
B.he sent messages to some other persons in his community to save his friend
C.he managed to lead a veterinarian to treat his friend
D.he sent food to his friend, accompanied him and inspired him to cheer up
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.Barking dogs seldom bite.
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.Love me, love my dog.
D.Every dog has its day.
2015-06-11更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The ocean is critical to all oxygen-dependent life. But life is also critical to the ocean. The ocean produces so much oxygen because of ocean plants, which draw down Co and change it into carbon-based sugars and oxygen. Ocean plants are climate change heroes! There is now a wide recognition of the role of ocean life in slowing climate change.

On many Pacific islands, whales support tourism economies. While concerned about the impacts of climate change on whales, we also need to recognize that whales can contribute to fighting climate change!Through their deep dives, vast migrations, long lifespan(寿命), and large bodies, whales have an enormous effect on the ocean.

Whales both help ocean plants to draw down CO and help to store carbon in the ocean. Firstly, they provide essential nutrients that enable ocean plants to grow. Whale waste is a fertilizer, bringing nutrients from the depths, where whales feed, to the surface, where plants need these nutrients to grow well. Migratory whales also bring nutrients with them from highly-productive feeding grounds to the nutrient-poor waters of whales’ breeding grounds, boosting the growth of ocean plants across the ocean.

Secondly, whales keep the carbon locked in the ocean, out of the atmosphere, where it could otherwise contribute to climate change. Ocean plants produce carbon-based sugars, but with a very short lifespan. They can’t store the carbon. When they die, much carbon is released in surface waters, and can be changed back to CO2. Whales, however, can live for over a century, feeding on food chains that begin with the sugars in these tiny plants, and storing up the carbon in their bodies. When whales die, deep ocean life feeds on their remains, and the carbon formerly stored in whales’ bodies can enter sediment(沉淀物), When carbon reaches deep ocean sediment, it is effectively locked away, and therefore unable to drive climate change. This carbon is unlikely to return as CO2 in the atmosphere.

Several Pacific island countries are already leaders in whale conservation, having declared whale sanctuaries in their waters. Every year, whales socialize, breed, and give birth in Pacific island waters.

1. How do surface ocean plants get nutrients for growth?
A.From whale waste.B.From the whales’ bodies.
C.From the sunlight.D.From ocean sediment.
2. Why are ocean plants unable to store the carbon?
A.They lack nutrients for growth.
B.They never absorb carbon-based sugars.
C.Carbon-based sugars can’t be generated by them.
D.The carbon in them is released after their death.
3. What does the underlined word “sanctuaries” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The importance of oceans to climate.
B.The bad effects of CO2 to climate changes.
C.The role of whales in slowing climate change.
D.The importance of oceans to all oxygen-dependent life.
2023-06-21更新 | 108次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Plants on Earth have grown for hundreds of millions of years, yet President Donald Trump’s pick to lead his new climate team insists that they need more carbon dioxide (CO2) to boom.

Princeton physicist and carbon dioxide-advocate William Happer has been selected to head the brand new Presidential Committee on Climate Security. The atomic scientist, who achieved recognition for his work on atomic collisions (原子碰撞), not climate science, declared that the planet’s atmosphere needs significantly more CO2, which is reported to speed up climate change. Happer said plants use CO2 to live and more CO2 is actually a benefit to the Earth. He also stressed that Earth is experiencing a “CO2 starvation”, and concludes that “If plants could vote, they would vote for coal.”

Earth and plant scientists, however, find Happer’s insistence that the plant kingdom would benefit from increased CO2 wrong-headed and it lacks evidence. For example, Earth’s CO2 levels have increased sharply in the last century, and are now at their highest levels in at least 800,000 years—though other measurements show CO2 levels are higher than they’ve been in 15 million years. “The idea that increased CO2 is universally beneficial ‘to plants’ is very misguided,” Jill Anderson, an evolutionary ecologist specializing in plant populations, said in an interview. Data shows the evolution of global average temperature and CO2 concentration from 1850 to 2019. Though 2019 is a bit cooler than recent years, it still is one of the warmest years ever and lies close to the trend line of global warming.

Both independent academic organizations and government agencies around different parts of the world concluded more CO2 will bring many negative impacts to plant environments. And they added that “If someone is going to claim it is good, it’s necessary for them to show evidence.”

1. Why does Happer think plants need more CO2?
A.Plants vote for more CO2.B.CO2 speeds up climate change.
C.Plants need more CO2 to live.D.CO2 is actually a benefit to the Earth.
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A.2019 is a bit warmer than recent years.
B.CO2 levels must be the highest in history.
C.The plant kingdom must benefit from increased CO2.
D.There are adequate evidence to support Happer’s insistence.
3. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably refer to?
A.More CO2.B.The plant.
C.The world.D.The US government.
4. The author’s attitude in writing this passage can be described as ________.
2019-06-01更新 | 200次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般