组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:86 题号:14945578

The e-mail request came into Ekiben restaurant late on a Thursday afternoon in March. Brandon Jones, the man who sent the e-mail didn't actually want the food himelf. He was writing on behalf of his mother-in-law, Shirley, who loved the broccoli(西兰花)dish with fresh herbs and cucumber vinegar. He went on to explain that she was now in the final stage of lung cancer at her home in Vermont and that he was hoping to get the recipe(烹饪法)to make it for her there. Steve Chu, one of the restaurant's co-owners, read the e-mail and quickly replied, "Thanks for reaching out," he wrote. "We'd like to meet you in Vermont and make it fresh for you."

Brandon was shocked. "I emailed back, saying, 'You do know that this is Vermont we're talking about, right?'" says Brandon. "But Chu responded, 'No problem. You tell us the date, time and location and we'll be there."

For the past six years, every time Shirley visited Baltimore, the first place she wanted to go was Ekiben so she could order that dish. "She loves that broccoli, and I really wanted her to have it one more time," Brandon says.

"She had always told us, 'When I'm on my deathbed, I want to have that broccoli,'" recalls Brandon's wife, Rina Jones. That Friday after work, a day after receiving Brandon's e-mail, Chu loaded his truck with a hot plate and a cooler and then headed for Vermont with his business partner, Ephrem Abebe, and an employee. They stayed overnight in a tent and drove the next day to the small town where Shirley lived.

As soon as Chu and his team pulled into the parking lot, they got to work. They pulled down the gate of the pickup, fixed the hot plate on the truck's power port, and started cooking and deep-frying. In addition to broccoli, they made tofu with peanut sauce and fresh herbs and some steamed rice. After neatly boxing everything up, they knocked on their customer's door.

"Go ahead and answer," Rina told her mother.
The Joneses invited Chu and his team to join them for dinner.


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

A powerful storm erupted in North Carolina, causing many roads to be severely damaged and some houses to collapse. In the aftermath of the terrible storm, an animal protection society discovered a surprise at their booster that both broke and warmed their hearts.

The surprise was that a group of baby dogs were left with a sad note, revealing a tale of sympathy in the hardship. The note, written by a homeless man, explained that the heartbreaking circumstances led him to adopt the baby dogs. He regularly fed their mother dog, but he discovered that she had unfortunately been hit by a car. Despite his own homelessness, he had provided the baby dogs with a chance to have a better life. However, the storm destroyed his temporary residence, and he had to leave them at the animal protection society’s doorstep with a heartfelt request for help.

The note read, “Please help! I was sad to find a local homeless dog that I used to feed when I could, dead by the road. What made me sadder was that her babies were left homeless. I’m sorry for leaving them like this, but I am also homeless and cannot afford to look after them. My heart breaks for them and their mother. I just want them to be taken good care of. I know that it’s wrong to abandon them. But please don’t think poorly of me. I really don t have any other choice. Sincerely, a homeless man, George.”

David, who was in charge of the animal protection society, posted the story, on the social media pages, expressing gratitude to the homeless man and admiration for his selfless act. David assured nim that his kindness, had not gone unnoticed and promised to honor his gesture by offering the baby dogs the love and care they would deserve. David also gave an invitation to him which read, “If you would like, please come to the animal protection society to see how the baby dogs will live, and I think that they will be glad to see you again!”

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A few days later, George, the homeless man, walked into the animal protection society.


Then George and David started looking for new homes for the baby dogs.

2024-06-09更新 | 44次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Stepping into the enormous house in Chullora, I was astonished. Hundreds of volunteers were wrapping presents or filling baskets. It was like Santa’s workshop.

It was December 2018, and I had discovered the Sydney Basket Brigade, a charitable organization that relieves poverty by providing food and other basic necessities of life to individuals or families who are poor, of low income or in need. The charity was packing baskets and gift boxes with basic daily items as well as Christmas treats. Help us change lives one basket at a time, their website read.

It was important to me that my two boys, Kallum, 10, and Brayden, 9, learnt to be kind to others, so I immediately registered (报名) myself, my husband Tony, and the boys for the packing day.

We arrived dressed in Christmas colours, but it was clear my sons hadn’t yet caught the spirit. Brayden made a complaint and asked, “How long do we have to stay here for?”

“All day, dear,” I answered.

My sons’ lives were comfortable, but I wanted to show the importance of making sacrifices (牺牲).

“Why do we have to do this?” Brayden asked.

“Because the world’s a big place,” I said. “It’s not all about us.”

The atmosphere in the house was very lively, but my boys were doing a very half-hearted job with the wrapping. I told them that this might be the only present someone gets. I showed them how to fold the corners and make the present look neat. The boys, both lovers of origami (折纸), finally started to have fun. I praised their work when they showed off their perfected wrapping.


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That evening, we delivered the first basket to an old woman.


On our way home, my sons became unusually quiet.

2024-06-17更新 | 39次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Annie was having an awful day. And it had only just begun. Her car had a flat tire in the morning. She spilled coffee on her shirt and even worse, the man behind the counter had given her incorrect change (找零的钱). And now she was running late for work — another shift (轮班工作) at the grocery store.

Annie pulled into the grocery store parking lot, opened her car door and immediately stepped into a puddle (水坑). She let out a loud sigh and angrily headed toward the store.

She paused briefly to wipe off her feet and heard two ladies chatting.

“I’m so sorry to hear about your job, Mary.”

“Thank you, Sarah. So many people have been fired recently. It’s worrying, but I’ll figure something out.”

Briefly, Annie felt slightly jealous of the woman. She would give anything to not have to be at work this morning.

She dropped off her things in the break room and put on her uniform. Then, she made her way to her register for another long day, hoping that her luck would change. But her first customer spilled a bottle of juice on her counter, leaving it sticky well after he had paid and left. Another insisted on paying in all change, holding up her line for ages. Annie was close to just throwing in the towel and asking to leave early. But she figured she would have to wait until she went on break. That way, she’d have time to think of an excuse.

Annie absent-mindedly continued to ring up (记入收款机) her next customer’s groceries, placing them in the bag before reading out the total.

“It comes to $44.97,” Annie said.

There was a brief pause, and when she looked up, she saw Mary — the woman she heard chatting in the parking lot.

Mary pulled her wallet from her large bag and opened it. She bit her lip and blushed (脸红). Annie could see that she didn’t have enough to pay as she reached to start taking some of the items out of a grocery bag.

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Annie reached out and stopped her.
Mary’s tears made Annie realize that she had been so selfish.
2022-01-26更新 | 120次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般