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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:116 题号:15083799

Environmental pollution and other human activities are leading to thousands of deaths among seabirds, a new study has warned.

Ecological experts tracked the behavior of British and Irish seabirds. They used satellites to track hundreds of the creatures to find out where they went to catch fish at sea. The study can help assess potential impact from human activities and where protected areas of the seas should be.

Lightweight GPS tags were fitted to more than 1,300 adult birds from 29 different colonies around the UK and Ireland, including kittiwakes, shags, razorbills and guillemots. Results from the five-year study show the large areas of sea the four seabird species use. They found it was at least 600,000 square miles, an area three times the size of Spain. It shows how far they travel from their nests in search of food for their chicks. And it shows the use of the seas by all four species concentrated in the coastal waters of Scotland, highlighting the importance of conservation measures there.

The four species studied require conservation help, with kittiwake numbers declining 71 percent in the past 25 years and shag populations down 61 percent. This means both seabirds are "red listed" and need urgent protection. Razorbills and guillemots are "amber listed", which means they are considered to need conservation action.

Dr. Ewan, lead author of the research, said, “Many seabirds are at the top of the marine food web. They feed on some small fish but that prey is declining because of human pressures, including climate change. The result is that thousands of sea baby birds are dying each year because their parents can't feed them. For the first time, this study provides us with a full map for the feeding areas for some of our most important seabird species.”

The analysis provides critical data to inform marine management, the experts said.

1. Which is one of the purpose of the study?
A.To find out where to catch more fish.
B.To judge which sea should be protected.
C.To know the seabirds’ impacts on human beings.
D.To study the behaviour of British and Irish seabirds.
2. How did the experts track the seabirds?
A.With the help of satellites.B.With help of the fishermen.
C.By observing human activities.D.By tying GPS tags on the ship.
3. On which coast would most tracked seabirds gather?
4. What’s Dr. Ewan’s attitude towards the research?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s a question that has been asked for years: Is a dishwasher or washing dishes by hand greener? Which uses less energy and water?

A few years ago, the answer was that the dishwasher was better but a very careful hand-washer could probably use about the same amount of water and less energy. However, much has changed since then. Technology combined with good design has made the dish washer greatly better over the years, to the point where there’s hardly a question. Studies are showing that modern dishwashers can save more water than most hand-washers.

Dishwashers are even more efficient. Modern dishwashers have pre-heaters that increase the water temperature up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit to sanitize them. The dishwasher also has a timer that lets you set it to turn on at a later time when the power rates are lower.

On the other hand, none of the studies do an analysis of what it takes in terms of energy and water to actually build the dishwasher and replace it every 10 years or so. Nor does it take into account a Swedish study that found that children in families that wash dishes by hand are less likely to develop fever probably due to the “hygiene hypothesis”, which says the reason why kids fall ill is that their surroundings are actually too clean. If you’re not willing to fill up the sinks, the researchers point out that maybe the dishwasher is one labor-saving machine that does a better job than you can especially if you value your time. The researchers write, “When a user’s time spent washing dishes is valued, machine dishwashers pay for themselves within a year of use.”

1. Why does the author raise two questions in the first paragraph?
A.To express the author’s doubts.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To show different ways to wash dishes.D.To compare various ideas about dishwashers.
2. What is NOT the advantage of the dishwasher?
A.It is more environment-friendly.B.It takes less time to wash the dishes.
C.It uses less water to wash the dishes.D.It is more efficient than hand-washers.
3. What does the Swedish study find out about dishwashers?
A.Their effect on kids’ health.B.Their effect on water and energy saving.
C.Their help in keeping the environment healthy.D.Their help in improving kids’ health condition.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.The Advantage Of The DishwasherB.How To Choose A Proper Way To Do The Dishes
C.The New Technology For Washing DishesD.How Dishwashers Benefit Our Lives
2021-11-13更新 | 89次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Researchers in China have developed a robotic chemist powered by AI that might be able to obtain oxygen from water on Mars. The robot uses materials found on the red planet to produce catalysts (催化剂) that break down water, releasing oxygen.

“If you think about the challenge of going to Mars, you have to work with local material,” says Andy Cooper, a chemist at the University of Liverpool. “So I can see the logic behind it.”

The study was led by Jun Jiang at the University of Science and Technology of China Jiang and his team used a mobile machine the size of a refrigerator with a robotic arm to analyse five meteorites (陨石) that had come from Mars. The team’s goal was to investigate whether the machine could produce useful catalysts from the material.

The AI-powered system used some chemicals to dissolve (溶解) and separate the material, then analysed the resulting substances that consists of two or more elements. These then formed the basis of a search of more than 3.7 million formulae (公式) for a chemical that could break down water—known to exist as ice at Mars’ poles and under the planet’s surface-a process the team said would have taken a human researcher 2, 000 years. The result was a catalyst that could release oxygen from water, with the potential for use on a future Mars mission.

If a catalyst that can produce oxygen from water can be made on Mars, this would remove the need for missions to carry such a catalyst from Earth. Jiang says that for every square metre of Martian material, his group’s system could make nearly 60 grams of oxygen per hour, potentially removing the need for astronauts on future missions to the planet to carry oxygen from Earth to use when they get there. “The robot can work continuously for years, ” says Jiang.

Jiang points out that his group’s robotic chemist could also be used to produce other useful catalysts on Mars, for processes like fertilizing (施肥) plants. “Different chemicals can be made by this robot,” he says. And Mars isn’t the only place where it could be used. “Maybe lunar soil is another direction,” Jiang says.

1. What can we learn about the study?
A.A chemist with a robotic arm is involved.
B.Researchers aim to purify the water on Mars.
C.Oxygen is of vital importance in space travels.
D.Materials from Mars are analysed to produce catalysts.
2. What is Andy Cooper’s attitude towards the study?
3. What’s the major advantage of the AI-powered system in the study?
A.Precise calculation.B.Integration of materials.
C.High-speed operation.D.Flexibility of movement.
4. According to Jiang, which of the following is correct?
A.The robot can stand endless working time.
B.Martian catalysts can produce more oxygen.
C.The system can make 60 grams of oxygen per day.
D.The robotic chemist can be applied in a broader way.
2024-04-09更新 | 179次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍初创公司Bedrock开发了新型电动自主水下机器人对海底地势进行探测, 使海洋探测的过程更快速、更高效。

【推荐3】In late May, America announced a plan to produce more offshore(近海的)wind energy along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf coasts, with the final goal of adding enough clean energy to supply power to 10 million homes by 2030. But is it practical?

Those answering yes to this question understand that creation is the key to completing the project successfully. Unlike the open grassland and rounded hills, analyzing the seafloor situation for proper placement isn't a simple exercise. With only 20% of the ocean seafloor mapped, we know more about the surface of Mars than we do Earth's hidden depths.

The new company Bedrock is aiming to help solve this problem by detecting the seas with its new electric autonomous underwater vehicles(AUV, 水下自动机器人). Traditional ocean mapping skills are ship-based, usually limited to the surface. Thus, traditional sea surveys can take up to a year to collect and process data. But Bedrock's AUVs send data to a place where the computers start working with the results right away and from anywhere in the world.

While using AUVs to map the seafloor helps improve our understanding of Earth's oceans, Bedrock is careful that this do not damage sea life. The company uses smaller sensors that are close to the seafloor and operate in sound frequencies(声呐频率)safe for animals. In addition, the AUVs only travel at about 2. 3 mph to 3. 45 mph, which reduces the chance of animal or environmental damage as they are moving.

Beyond the offshore wind industry, Bedrock is also exploring other ways its AUVs might benefit other undersea efforts. "Currently our AUV surveys are designed for offshore wind projects and nearshore environmental mapping for coastal management," says Bedrock's CEO and co-founder DiMare. "In the future, we're also capable of serving new markets, helping to make government goals a reality.”

1. Why is the surface of Mars mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To prove how fast technology advances.
B.To show it's a challenge to map the seafloor.
C.To predict how important clean energy will be.
D.To explain it's necessary to fix wind turbines.
2. What advantage does Bedrock's AUV mapping have over traditional skills?
A.It processes data faster.B.It is more energy-saving.
C.It collects data in many ways.D.It sends data in greater amount.
3. What can be learned about Bedrock's AUVs from the last two paragraphs?
A.They have served new markets.B.They are environmentally-friendly.
C.They are equipped with newer sensors.D.They can travel very fast in the sea.
4. What is DiMare's attitude to the future of AUVs?
2023-06-01更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般