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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:75 题号:15197510

The earliest tomatoes were little sour berries. They grew among low bushes in dry, sunny places in the Andes Mountains in South America. It was about 350 million years ago.

Tomato plants are relative to nightshade (茄属植物), which has poison. The leaves and stems of tomato plants have poison , but the berries are good to eat. The berries are red so that animals can find them easily and eat them. The animals carry the seeds to other places. That was how earliest tomato plants found new places to grow. Tomatoes are also relative to tobacco, chili peppers and potatoes.

When people first came to South America about 20,000 years ago, they ate these tiny wild tomatoes. Travelers brought a few kinds of wild tomato plants from the Andes to Central America, there the ancestors of the Maya began to farm them. Nobody knows exactly when people began farming tomatoes, but it probably was much later than corn and beans, and it was surely before 500 BC. These Central American fanners bred tomatoes to be bigger and sweeter than the wild ones.

By the time Spanish explorers got to Tenochtitlan in Mexico in 1521 AD, the Aztec people ere eating a lot of tomatoes, made a sauce of chopped (剁碎的)tomatoes, onions, salt and chili peppers that was a lot like our salsa. The word “tomato” comes from their Nahuatl word “tomato”.

Because tomatoes weren't farmed until pretty late, farmers further north had not yet been able to adapt heir growing season to working in North America. Even today, it's pretty hard to get your tomatoes ripe in the northern parts of North America before the growing season ends.

1. What do we know about the earliest tomatoes?
A.They were big sweet berries.
B.They grew in Central America.
C.They grew in dry, sunny places.
D.They grew about 35 million years ago.
2. How did the earliest tomato plants grow in new places?
A.People grew them in new places.
B.They grew in new places naturally.
C.Their seeds were carried away by wind.
D.Their seeds were carried away by animals.
3. What happened after tomatoes were brought to Central America?
A.The farmers sold them to others.
B.The farmers disliked their taste.
C.The farmers tried to improve them.
D.The farmers showed no interest in them.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.How to grow tomatoes.
B.The history of tomatoes.
C.When to grow tomatoes.
D.The places where tomatoes grow.
【知识点】 说明文 植物


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Throughout history, humanity has existed side-by-side with viruses and bacteria. From the bubonic plague to smallpox, humanity has evolved to resist these bacteria and viruses. However, there are now new ways for them to infect us.

Climate change is melting permafrost(冻土) areas that have been frozen for thousands of years. As the permafrost melts, so too the ancient bacteria and viruses that have been frozen. These ancient bacteria and viruses, which previously lay inactive in the ice, may spring back to life as the earth’s climate warms.

In August 2016, a 12-year-old boy in the Arctic Circle died and at least twenty people there were hospitalized after having been infected by anthrax(炭疽).

Experts studied and concluded that over 75 years ago, a reindeer infected with anthrax died and its body was frozen and trapped under a layer of permafrost. It stayed there, with the disease inactive, until a heatwave in the summer of 2016. The heatwave melted the permafrost and exposed the reindeer body, which then released the infectious pathogen(病原体) into the nearby water and soil, and then into the food supply. More than 2,000 reindeer feeding near the body became infected, which then led to a small number of human cases.

While you may think the incident is isolated to that area, the fact that long-inactive viruses and bacteria might wake up soon due to climate change will affect us all. Pathogenic viruses might be preserved in old permafrost layers, including some that have caused global epidemics in the past.

With climate change, who knows what deadly viruses and bacteria hidden beneath permafrost areas are threatening us. Perhaps it is time for everyone to do their part to stop global warming.

1. What does the underlined “new ways” refer to?
A.Ancient bacteria and viruses came back to life.
B.Bacteria and viruses have evolved into new types.
C.Bacteria and viruses become more resistant to medicine.
D.Ancient bacteria and viruses remain active in frozen permafrost.
2. Which is the right order of the case of anthrax in 2016?
① A 12-year-old boy died and many others were infected.
② Over 2,000 reindeer feeding near the body became infected.
③ The bacteria went into the nearby water, soil, and then food supply.
④ The permafrost melted and the bacteria in the dead reindeer woke up.
A.④ ③ ② ①B.④ ② ③ ①C.① ② ④ ③D.① ③ ④ ②
3. Why does the writer write this text?
A.To introduce an ancient virus, anthrax.
B.To call on people to stop global warming.
C.To encourage people to study ancient viruses.
D.To warn of the danger of melting permafrost.
4. In which section can we most possibly read this text on a website?
2020-08-11更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Marnie Baker, a doctor from Saddleback Medical Center in Laguna Hills, California, gave us the explanation on growing pains and what parents can do to help their kids through this painful stage of growing up.

“There is no scientific proof that growing pains are truly caused by rapid bone, muscle or ligament (韧带) growth,” said Baker. “But any parent can tell you they are real,” she added. Health experts don’t know the exact cause of growing pains, but they may be linked to a child’s level of activity during the day.

The major symptom of growing pains is discomfort in the lower legs-thighs, calves, behind the knees, ankles-that most often occurs at night. Baker says her patients describe the pain as deep and aching. The pain usually occurs in both legs and it may keep your child from falling asleep or wake him up at night. Growing pains can affect kids when they are between the ages of 0-2 and then again between the ages of 8-12.

“Growing pains have specific features that help distinguish them from other potentially more serious conditions,” noted Baker. They occur in a generalized location, such as both knees, or the lower legs, but not in any one specific spot. Baker explained that there are no physical findings along with growing pains. In other words, there shouldn’t be any sweling (肿胀), redness or warmth in the location of the pain. Growing pains should not cause limping (跛行) or keep kids from being active during the day. They should also occur at intervals, and not for long periods of time. If your child experiences any of these other symptoms or if the symptoms seem to keep them from heading out to play during the day, Baker says it’s time to get them checked out by a doctor.

Growing pains are alarming for parents and upsetting for kids, but the best thing you can do for your kids is to reassure them with a hug or a kiss. To help relieve the pain, try a gentle massage, a few minutes with a heating pad. “Teaching your child that growing pains are common and if they are awakened by them, to give their legs a rub and go back to sleep is the simplest way to ensure a good night’s sleep for all,” says Baker.

1. Where can you most probably find the passage?
A.In a health report.B.In a parenting magazine.
C.In a biology textbook.D.In an advertisement.
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “reassure”?
A.set somebody’s mind at easeB.get somebody across
C.make somebody convinced of somethingD.fit in with somebody
3. Which of the following content is NOT mentioned in this passage?
A.Ways to help alleviate the symptoms.B.The physical features of growing pains.
C.The root causes of growing pains.D.The period when growing pains occur.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Growing pains will rob children of happiness in the daytime.
B.The major symptom of growing pains varies from person to person in location.
C.Swelling, redness or warmth always accompany growing pains.
D.No more other kind of physical pains appear in company of growing pains.
2023-07-08更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The English-language version of Wikipedia has almost six million articles. And if you’re a cheating student, that’s six million essays already written for you. But plagiarism isn’t really an effective way—just type the text into a search engine and the game is over. Then what about having a ghostwriter compose your final essay?

“Standard plagiarism software cannot detect this kind of cheating.” said Stephan Lorenzen, a data analyst at the University of Copenhagen. In Denmark, where he’s based, ghostwriting is a growing problem at high schools. So Lorenzen and his colleagues created a program called Ghostwriter that can detect the cheats.

At its central part is a neural network trained and tested on 130,000 real essays from 10,000 Danish students. After reading through tens of thousands of essays labeled as being written by the same author or not, the machine taught itself to possess the characteristics that might spot cheating. For example, did a student’s essays share the same styles of punctuation? The same spelling mistakes?

By examining inconsistencies like those, Ghostwriter was able to seek out a cheated essay nearly 90 percent of the time. The team presented the results at the European Meeting on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. There’s one more aspect here that could help students. Your high school essays probably get better over time as you learn to write and the machine can detect that. The final idea is to detect students who are at risk because their development in writing style isn’t as you would expect. Teachers could thus give extra help to kids who really need it, while sniffing out the cheaters too.

1. When a student wants to cheat in writing an essay, ________.
A.his cheating may be detected in a certain way
B.essays offered by Wikipedia can’t be downloaded
C.he won’t hire a ghostwriter to write one for himself
D.ghostwriting can be detected by standard plagiarism software
2. Which aspect of the program “Ghostwriter” is talked about in Paragraph 3?
A.Its components.B.Its weaknesses.
C.Its influences.D.Its working theory.
3. Which one of the following is the function of “Ghostwriter”?
A.It never fails to find out a cheated essay.B.It can detect a student’s progress in writing.
C.It can help a student to correct his pronunciation.D.It can give extra help instead of teachers.
4. Where is the text most likely from?
A.A guidebook.B.A magazine.
C.A novel.D.A diary.
2020-06-23更新 | 87次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般