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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:774 题号:15287688

Wildlife workers in Florida are feeding manatees to keep them from starving.     1     So far, the rescue workers have already given out 25 tons of lettuce.

Manatees are huge sea mammals that can be as long as 4 meters when grown.    2     In spite of their size, manatees only eat plants that live in the sea. That’s one reason they’re sometimes called “sea cows”. They spend most of their time in warm shallow water looking for food.

But Florida’s manatees have been on the US government’s list of endangered animals since 1967. Most threats to manatees come from humans. One of the biggest problems facing the creatures are boats.     3     Manatees are curious and fairly slow, which has led to thousands of manatees being injured or killed.

    4    At one point, there were only about 2, 000 manatees left in Florida. But by 2016, there were roughly 8,800 manatees.

But now manatees are facing a new challenge: they can't get enough to eat. Many of the beds of sea grass that manatees depend upon have been killed by human-caused pollution. Sea grass began to disappear around 2011. Warming seas, combined with polluted water and fertilizers that have washed off of farmlands, have created huge growths of algae on the ocean’s surface.

Last year, 1,101 manatees died from starving.    5     Many of the manatees that remain are so thin that their ribs can be seen. Often they have trouble swimming.

So last December, wildlife experts came up with a plan to get emergency food to the manatees. They decided to feed them green vegetables like lettuce and cabbage. Long term, Florida is working to help restore sea grass beds. But that will take time.

A.That was a record.
B.They can weigh up to 590 kilograms.
C.The feeding station has been very successful.
D.With protection, manatees managed to bounce back.
E.It blocks the sunlight that allows the sea grass to grow.
F.But feeding these massive sea creatures takes a lot of food.
G.Research needs to be done to determine what food would be best.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】On average, we each eat more than 20 kilograms of fish per year. Worldwide, between 1961 and 2016, fish consumption increased faster than meat consumption, and grew twice as fast as the human population. All of these fishy dinners have reduced marine fish stocks to a point where a third of global fish stocks are now classed as "overfished". Fishing also has negative impacts on non-food species in the ecosystem, and pollutes the waters with fishing waste. Temporary fishing bans may help, but what if we banned fishing altogether?

One thing is for sure: the ocean would hopefully become a better place for marine species. Recent years have seen plastic products much less used as the public has woken up to the effects of marine plastics. But few people realize the contribution that fishing makes. Pieces of abandoned fishing tools account for about 10 percent of all marine litter, and according to a 2018 study, 86 percent of the big pieces of plastics floating in the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch". Without fishing, we'd also wipe out emission from fishing boats. One 2014 study claimed that fishing industry was actually highly fuel-consuming, like lobsters, with some boats using 20,000 liters of fuel to catch a single ton.

However, what we must not forget is that our planet is highly dependent on fishing in various ways. Around the world,40 million people earn their living directly from catching wild fish, while another 19 million are employed in relevant industries. A total ban on fishing would make it hard for them to put food in their families' mouths. Moreover, seafood is a major source of protein across Southeast Asia and islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. So while in Europe or the US people could eat more meat or soy products to make up for lost protein, there could be food shortage in communities with little land-based farming.

Though not a realistic choice, a total fishing ban is an interesting thought experiment, which may throw light on how man can get along with marine species. After all, the damage fishing does to the entire ecosystem and the pollution it brings about are becoming so enormous that it's time we did something to change it.

1. Why would the ocean become a better place if we banned fishing altogether?
A.Because there would be less pollution to the ocean.
B.Because the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" would disappear.
C.Because lobster fishing boats would consume less fuel.
D.Because people would realize the effects of using plastics.
2. What could happen to humans if fishing were completely banned?
A.Some would suffer from a lack of food.
B.Some would change their diet and eat less meat.
C.Some communities would start developing land-based farming.
D.Some workers would have to find jobs in fishing-relevant industries.
3. What is the author's attitude towards a total fishing ban?
4. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.The Urgent Need of a Total Fishing Ban.B.The Harmful Effects of Fishing industry.
C.A Newly Launched Policy on Fishing Industry.D.An Assumption of a Complete Fishing Ban.
2022-01-21更新 | 155次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】What Your Cat's Behavior is Trying to Communicate       

Why cats ignore you.

Cats are intelligent beings but they are also undeniably stubborn. When you call a cat's name, they will more likely ignore you altogether.    1    . It is actually because they just don't want to go to you. They like to show affection on their own terms and will come and say hello to you when they feel like it.


Cats love to interrupt whatever you are doing by lying across the area where you are working. Whether you have a book open or are typing away on your laptop, they won't hesitate to stamp on top. This is a cat's way of ordering you to stop whatever you are doing and to instead pay attention to them.

When your cat brings you gifts

At one point or another, every owner has to deal with their cat bringing a dead bird or mouse at their feet. Your cat is actually bringing you a gift.     3    , it may be saying thank you for the care you give it.

How cats say "I love you"

Cats make a lot of gestures with their eyes to communicate. If a cat is staring at you, it most likely means that they are trying to get your attention.     4    , they are telling you they love you.

When your cat scratches everything

Cats love scratching so much that they will tear up your new sofa. But why do they do this?

    5    . It feels good for them to scratch and it also deposits their scent and so it marks their territory.
A.When cats lift their tails
B.How cats demand attention
C.When your cat does this for you
D.If they look at you and blink slowly
E.Cats like to lie down on their backs and roll around
F.This is not because they do not understand their name
G.It is usually to remove the uncomfortable dead layer of their claws
2021-05-11更新 | 115次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The research team led by Dr Alan McElligott who is now based at City University of Hong Kong has discovered that kangaroos: animals that have never been domesticated (驯养), gazed at a human when trying to access food which had been put in a closed box. The kangaroos used gazes to communicate with the human instead of trying to open the box themselves, a behaviour that is usually expected for domesticated animals.

Ten out of eleven kangaroos tested actively looked at the person who had put the food in a box to get it. Nine of the eleven kangaroos additionally looked between the box and the person present, an advanced form of communication.

The research builds on previous work in the field which has looked at the communication of domesticated animals, such as dogs and goats, and whether intentional communication in animals is a result of domestication. Dr Alan McElligott previously led a study which found goats can understand human cues (线索), including pointing, to gather information about their environment. Like dogs and goats, kangaroos are social animals and Dr McElligott s new research suggests they may be able to adapt their usual social behaviors for communicating with humans.

Dr Alan McElligot said, “Through this study, we were able to see wild animals (in this ease kangaroos) can learn to communicate with humans through having direct contact with them. Indeed, kangaroos showed a very similar pattern of behaviour we have seen in dogs, horses and even goats when put to the same test. The positive results should lead to more cognitive (认知的) research beyond the usual domesticated animals.”

Dr Alexandra Green, School of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Sydney, said, “Kangaroos are a symbol of Australia, loved by many worldwide but also considered as a pest. We hope that this research draws attention to the cognitive abilities of kangaroos and helps develop more positive attitudes towards them.”

1. According to the research, kangaroos can _________.
A.use sounds to exchange information with humans
B.open the closed box by themselves
C.fully understand humans’ instructions
D.fix gazes on humans to communicate with them
2. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage?
3. What may Dr Alan McElligott’s research team do in the future?
A.They may examine visual cues and behaviors of kangaroos when communicating with humans.
B.They may do research on how to make kangaroos live better.
C.They may compare kangaroos with goats.
D.They may train kangaroos to get food in the closed box themselves.
4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Kangaroos tend to live alone.
B.Dr. Alexandra Green previously did research on goats.
C.Gaining more understanding of kangaroos may help improve their well-being.
D.Kangaroos can have intentional communication with humans because of domestication.
2023-11-13更新 | 44次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般