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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:108 题号:15345894

It’s peak cold and flu season, which means taking a lot of preventative measures. Frequent hand-washing is a must. As is avoiding co-workers or friends who are sick. But we humans are not the only animals that change behavior to keep diseases at bay. So do ants.

“So there are the foragers and the nurses — it’s two different groups of work,” said Natha of the University of Lausanne. She and her colleagues observed ants to see their reaction to the presence of a disease.

“The nurses being made of young workers typically, stay inside the nest and take care of the eggs. And the foragers are all the workers spending most of time at outside of the nest to collect food and defend the territory.”

Forager ants are at greater risk of getting exposed to diseases because they leave the safety of the nest. So the researchers sprayed a common virus on a small group of forager ants and then followed their movements to see the way other ants reacted.

“We marked all ants in the colony with individual labels, which carries these two-dimensional bar code marks like QR code which is automatically detected and recorded using a tracking system.”

After the infection, the nurse and forager ants stayed within their working places and interacted less outside of their work group. The researchers also saw that forager ants spent more time outside of the nest. “They increase that amount by 15 percent, so by quite a long large amount.”

Isolating behavior stops the spread of the virus. “Something that’s quite interesting in these ants that’s been shown by the study is that in their ability to avoid infecting other members of the community, ants may be more advanced than we are,” Natha said.

1. How did the researchers track the infected ants?
A.They labeled the movements of infected ants.
B.They used the QR codes to follow the ants’ movements.
C.They had some nurse and forager ants infected with the virus.
D.They applied a tracking technology to record the ants’ movements.
2. How did the ants act after being infected?
A.Forager ants stayed inside the nest more.
B.Infected ants tended to stay away from healthy ants.
C.The nurses stayed inside the nest, working as usual.
D.Forager ants, together with coworkers, stayed outside more.
3. What’s Natha’s attitude toward ants’ behaviors?
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.How ants keep diseases at bay in the nest.
B.Ants change movements to fight against diseases.
C.The measures all the ants take to prevent diseases.
D.Similarities between human and ants in controlling diseases.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A dog can be a person’s best friend, or so the theory goes. But that relationship can be tested when a dog begins barking at an empty comer of a room, at a door, or anywhere where there doesn’t appear to be any activity at all taking place. Is the dog hallucinating? Is it communicating with ET? Or does it simply want to drive its owner crazy?

According to the American Kennel Club, the most common explanation for dogs’ barking without reasons is that it’s not really unprompted at all. Dogs are, obviously, equipped with superior hearing, including the ability to detect sounds that are higher in pitch. It is said a dog could be reacting to a noise that a person wouldn’t be able to hear. If a dog barks seemingly for no apparent reason at night, it might be because the noise nearby is lessened and some barking of other dogs become more clearly. Because dogs are territorial, one dog barking can turn into many others to guard themselves.

Dogs are also able to see better in the dark than humans thanks to their ability to get more light into their retinas (视网膜). If a dog is reacting to what looks to you like an empty backyard at night, it’s possible that something has caught their attention, be it a wild animal, a leaf, or a stranger.

That’s not to say that dogs only bark because of their cute senses. Some dogs might bark out of boredom in which case more exercise or play time is probably needed. They might also be trying to get their owner’s attention.

The AKC recommends that owners avoid scolding their dogs for barking, since they’re simply trying to remain alert, instead, you can try calming the dog to let them know you’re aware of their concern. If they tend to bark while gazing out a window, you can also try to pull the curtains. If you suspect the source is an audio cue, some white noise, like a television or radio can help.

Less often, chronic barking might be a sign of cognitive issues. If barking is persistent and no fugitive is hiding out in your bushes, then you might consider a trip to the vet.

1. According to the passage, which factors won’t make dogs barking at nothing?
A.Its madness.B.Its visual sense.C.Its acute hearing.D.Its boredom.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.A dog barks in order to make friends with other dogs.
B.The surrounding noise being lessened will make a dog frightened.
C.A dog can react to a noise as acutely as a person.
D.A dog always has the awareness of its domain.
3. What should the owner do with the dog’s barking from the AKC’s recommendation?
A.Leaving it alone.B.Scolding it seriously.
C.Comforting it.D.Playing some soft music.
4. This passage is probably taken from?
A.an experiment reportB.a mental discovery
C.a school textbookD.a science fiction
2024-04-22更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Can animals be artistic? Painting and music are part of efforts to keep animals happy at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo.

A sloth bear (长毛熊) called Francois is one of the National Zoo’s artists. He began his artistic career two years ago. Francois has a very unusual way to paint. He uses his breathing to paint. His zookeeper, Stacey Tabellario, says that although the technique may look strange, it is actually a very natural behavior for sloth bears. The zookeepers fill one of those tubes full of paint and ask them to breathe through it. And they blow all of the paints onto the canvases (画布), making these really cool paintings.

Animal artists come in all shapes and sizes at the Zoo. They use many kinds of techniques to create their works of art. Apes use paintbrushes. Many use their paws or claws—much like a human painter who would use his or her hands.

Stacey Tabellario says Francois seems to enjoy expressing himself through his art. “When I set up the materials for painting activity, he comes and sits next to them and waits until they are ready for painting. He does that every time. I also see where his eyes go. He does see the paints come out of the tube and land on the canvas.”

But not every animal wants to paint. Music is another part of the arts enrichment program. Physically and mentally stimulating activities are an important part of the daily care of the animals. Trainers have a lot of tools, from tablet computer to small toys.

Kenton Kerns says the program helps the animals and the zookeepers in many ways. Every interaction between keepers and their animals creates some sort of connections. The one-of-a-kind works of art created by the animals are popular with zoo visitors. Many are sold at the zoo’s fund-raising events.

1. From Paragraph 2, we can learn that ________.
A.Francois is a two-year-old artist at the National Zoo
B.Francois can make fantastic paintings with paintbrushes
C.Francois, way to paint is an unnatural behavior for sloth bears
D.Francois paints by blowing the paints in the tubes onto the canvas
2. According to the passage, the apes paint by ________.
A.blowing the tubes full of paints
B.using their hands directly
C.using some tools
D.walking on the canvas
3. From the last paragraph, we can learn the works of art created by the animals ________.
A.can be sold at a high price
B.are mainly popular with the kids
C.create higher prices than the artists
D.can be bought at the zoo’s fund-raising events
4. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Zoo animals show artistic side.
B.Painting and music are useful in the zoo.
C.Animals enjoy painting.
D.Animals need enrichment too.
2018-04-26更新 | 110次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A bear that wandered what is now China about six million years ago is the oldest bamboo-eating panda ancestor yet found-and it had the same short and fat false thumbs that stick from the wrists of today’s pandas alongside their five fingers. Fossils(化石) of the new species suggest such “thumbs,” which helped the animals eat bamboo, maintained their peculiar shape to facilitate the beast’s four-legged movement.

The fossils, found in the province of Yunnan and described in Scientific Reports, also push back the date that pandas’ ancestors likely changed from eating meat to chewing bamboo-from two million to six million years ago. “Giving up on a meat-eating diet means trading the unstable life of a meat-eater for quiet consumption of the plentiful bamboo,” says paleontologist and study lead author Xiaoming Wang of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, adding that it was “not a bad deal.”

Although the fossils dug from the province’s Zhaotong Basin included only teeth and some limb(肢) bones from the bear, these were typical enough for Wang and his colleagues to identify the fossils as belonging to an early member of the panda lineage called Ailurarctos. A wrist bone in the collection, with its proto-thumb, stands out among the remains. “Its structure is really close to that of the living panda,” says Juan Abella Pérez of Miquel Crusafont Catalan Institute of Paleontology in Barcelona, who was not involved in the new study.

Why didn’t this short and fat thumb evolve into a longer, larger false thumb to better grasp a meal? The researchers propose that walking on all fours was the key reason. If the panda’s thumb were larger, Wang and his colleagues suggest, the appendage(附属物) could have affected its walking or faced a high risk of breaking. In a sense, this makes the evolution of the panda’s thumb all the more impressive. The structure was limited by the need to move as well as to eat.

1. What inspired the scientists’ research?
2. Why did pandas’ ancestors turn to bamboos?
A.Bamboo tasted better.
B.They found bamboo sufficient.
C.They knew it was a good deal.
D.They were tired of eating meat.
3. What does Juan think of the finding?
A.It’s convincing.
B.It matters little.
C.It’s misleading.
D.It remains to be tested.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Where pandas’ ancestors lived.
B.What contributed to pandas’ movement.
C.How pandas’ ancestors began to eat bamboo.
D.Why pandas’ ancestors possessed such thumbs.
2023-01-15更新 | 75次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般