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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:118 题号:15399417

We have heard some interesting ways that 5G wireless technology might change our lives in the future.

5G short for the 5th generation mobile communication technology, promises Internet speeds between 50 to 100 times faster than current 4G systems. While 5G is set to be used in some limited areas of America this year, much of the world is not expected to receive widely available service until 2023.

One project in Britain, however, is already testing this super fast technology on an unlikely group of Internet users—cows. The project was developed by American technology company Cisco Systems. It also receives money from the British government. Cisco says the program seeks to explore the future of 5G connectivity in rural areas around the world.

Testing areas were set up at farms in three rural areas of England. The cows are equipped with 5G-connected devices (装置) that link up to a robotic milking system, which uses sensors (传感器) and machine learning to fully automate the process. System designers say technology takes over after a cow feels ready to be milked and walks toward an automatic gate. The device is designed to recognize each individual cow. It then positions equipment to the right body position for milking. During the process, machines release food for the cow as a reward.

Other 5G technology tools include automated brushes that turn on when the cow rubs up against them. Sensors also control the amount of light to the cows’ living areas depending on the weather. And an automatic feeding system makes sure the animals always get enough to eat.

Duncan Forbes, head of the project, told Reuters that the project shows the farm’s cow operations can be greatly improved with 5G technology and that the experiment provides strong evidence that 5G technology can be widely used in the future, not just on farms in Britain, but in rural communities across the world.

1. What is the purpose of Cisco Systems’ program?
A.To win financial support from British government.
B.To test the effects of 5G technology on animals.
C.To promote its technological development in Britain.
D.To expand the future use of 5G in rural communities.
2. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The company.B.The project.C.The technology.D.The group.
3. What can we learn about 5G according to the text?
A.It is no worse than 4G in terms of speed.B.It enables cows to control their own milking.
C.It is already widely available in the world.D.It makes cows eat less and milk more than before.
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Morten Petersen used to live in a windowless basement flat in Copenhagen.   If he didn't get out in the daytime, he would lose track of time and start becoming annoyed and depressed. "When you are living in a basement with only artificial light, it becomes very clear that something is lacking,’’ he says. “It's an emotional,physical and mental thing all combined. ”

You can say that again. Our lifestyles have rapidly changed with light. Prior to the invention of gas lighting at the turn of the 19th century, the only artificial light we could rely on was from flickering firelight, candles or whale-oil lamps. People also spent many more of their waking hours outside. Over time,the technology of artificial light has been advancing,thus changing the way people live and work.

Today, the average westerner spends 90 per cent of their life indoors. That means we are getting less light during the day and being exposed to more light at night. This pattern is increasingly being linked to disturbed sleep and circadian rhythms — 24-hour changes in our biology and behavior — with consequences for our physical and mental health. Meanwhile, getting too little sunlight is contributing to vitamin D shortage and may be weakening our immune and cardiovascular systems as well.

Our changed relationship with the sun is greatly affecting our biology .That's why people like Petersen are being taken in by researchers to help investigate how much damage we do by shying away from the light, and just how much light we need. The good news is that researchers are finding even small increases in your exposure to bright light will bring about great changes to your health.

1. Why is Morten Petersen mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To explain a reason.B.To state an opinion.
C.To introduce the topic.D.To offer background information.
2. What is mainly discussed in paragraph 2?
A.People's outdoor activities.B.Relationship between people.
C.The origin of gas lighting.D.The influence of light.
3. What is the consequence of too much exposure to indoor light?
A.A small increase in vitamin D.B.Physical and mental disorders.
C.More time spent outdoors.D.More quality sleep.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Come out for more sunlight!B.Never live in a basement!
C.Lifestyles have changed greatly.D.Artificial light makes a difference.
2019-07-13更新 | 129次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】If there was an app claiming to improve your memory, would you be willing to try it? It’s hard to resist the idea of having a better memory.

In response to this perceived need, the brain training industry has grown rapidly, offering a wide range of accessible and affordable mental exercises through smartphone and tablet apps. Many researchers have found evidence suggesting that well-designed exercises can improve mental abilities and lead to better scores on IQ tests. They compare the brain to muscles, suggesting that targeted repetition of memory exercises can strengthen and condition our memory processes, similar to how athletes engage in strength and conditioning by repeatedly exercising specific muscle groups.

In contrast to everyday activities like solving a complex puzzle, memory training apps are specifically designed to provide a more challenging workout for the brain. These apps typically involve tasks that require tracking a large number of objects while being distracted (使分心) by a secondary task, such as mental calculations or exploring a game’s landscape. If this brain training proves effective, it could be beneficial for individuals with brain-related disabilities or those recovering from conditions like cancer.

Critics, though, argue that while the concept is appealing, the overall evidence fails to demonstrate significant improvement in core brain processes. Additionally, despite the claims made by many apps and brain training companies, scientists have yet to identify the key factors that make an intervention truly effective or determine the best approaches to address the diverse needs of individuals seeking help.

While the question is still open to debate, there is evidence suggesting that short-term working memory training can benefit high-functioning individuals. However, it’s important to note that brain training, like diet and exercise, is unlikely to have identical effects on every individual.

1. In what way is the brain similar to muscles according to many researchers?
A.In testing results.B.In work processes.
C.In bodily functions.D.In training methods.
2. What is the main feature of the typical tasks in memory training apps?
3. What do critics think memory training apps lack?
A.Legal claims.B.Proven effects.
C.Tailored services.D.Appealing concepts
4. What can be the suitable title for the text?
A.Can Our Memory be Improved?
B.Does Brain Training Actually Work?
C.What have Scientists Found about Memory?
D.What does the Brain Training Industry Bring?
2024-05-22更新 | 35次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】A study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology took a closer look at music in sports, specifically how listening to music could affect one’s overall performance.

Researchers asked 150 volunteers to throw a ball into a basket. For the first stage of the study, participants threw the ball from a fixed point. They threw the ball while listening to music of their choice, while not listening to music, or while listening to music that the researchers selected. For the second stage they were able to choose where to stand when throwing the ball and performed the same activity with the various music choices.

The study found that listening to music, whether it was music of the volunteer’s choice or a song chosen for them, did not make the participants more or less likely to get the ball in the basket. It had no effect. What it did do was increase self-esteem and make the study participants more likely to take risks, especially for males who were allowed to choose their own music.

The results suggest that music may pump you up. And it may even help you work out harder and longer than you would without it. But no matter what song you listen to, it’s not going to help you get that ball into the basket.

Another study took a detailed look at how music pace might affect exercise. Researchers found that listening to high-pace music makes people feel like they’re working out less while also benefiting their bodies more.

Listening to high-pace music while exercising resulted in the highest heart rate compared with not listening to music. This means that the exercise seemed like less effort, but it was more beneficial in terms of enhancing physical fitness.

The study found that the beneficial effects of high-pace music were greatest for people who were walking or running and were felt the least for those who were doing high-intensity exercises such as weightlifting.

1. What were volunteers allowed to do while shooting in the second stage test?
A.Choose the position and music.
B.Shoot from a fixed point.
C.Shoot with fixed music.
D.Shoot with no music.
2. Which sentence matches the results of high-pace music in this study?
A.It has no effect on sports.
B.It improves your athletic skills.
C.It helps easily achieve a better workout.
D.High-pace music is beneficial to all forms of exercise.
3. What does the underlined word “enhancing” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
2023-03-21更新 | 49次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般