组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:248 题号:15524951

As long as I can remember, it is more than 5 years since Dad left us, whom we missed very much. And what we are supposed to do now is accompany Mum very well, caring for her as much as possible. Mum cherishes everything from Dad, especially the thing that gives her a beautiful memory.

Yesterday, after telling my brother Rhys, and me to stop playing like wild animals, Mum went to take a bath. We were having a pillow fight when suddenly one hit a vase. Mum heard the loud crash. Wasting no time, she went wiping into the room. I was sure that she was going to shout at us, but instead she just knelt by the pieces and began to cry.

This made Rhys and me feel pretty awful. We went over and put our arms around her, and she explained to us why she was so upset. In the pieces lay a broken glass rose, one pedal(花瓣) gone, which was given by Dad on their first wedding and anniversary. Dad had said that if he ever forgot to bring flowers home for an anniversary in the future. Mum was to look at that one. It was like their love: it would last a lifetime.

We began crying, and offered to glue it. But Mum said that wouldn’t really fix. Now that it had been broken, the value of the “limited edition” had reduced. As Mum slowly began to pick up the mess, we tried everything we could think of to cheer her up, but even our best funny faces didn’t work. Everything was picked up. Tears kept coming down her cheeks.

Paragraph 1

Seeing Mum going back to the bath, I stopped her.

Paragraph 2

Mum hugged me very tightly and finally smiled.



书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

“Ellie! Ellie! I can’t till your birthday, so here! Open it” 11-year-old Alana shouted on afternoon. She had brought her elder sister Ellie a gift-wrapped box a week before her birthday.

Ellie accepted the box with a smile. However, she asked her sister for help because her arms were too weak that day.

Ellie had cerebral palsy (脑瘫), and she was in a wheelchair. Sometimes, her arms and legs were too weak.

Alana helped her sister with the wrapping, showing a beautiful new Barbie that 12-year-old Ellie looked at closely. Suddenly, her eyes watered, and Alana hugged her tightly, thinking she was happy to receive the gift.

“Isn’t it cool? I saved all my pocket money for it,” Alana proudly said, holding her sister close.

“It’s just… she’s pretty, not like me! I’ll never look like that!” Ellie cried some more.

This was not uncommon. Ellie often cried over not looking like other girls, including her little sister, who was tall and getting more beautiful each day. Her family tried their best to comfort her as she complained about her situation.

“Ellie, think about Natalie. She’s the most beautiful girl ever, and she’s in a wheelchair, just like you!” Alana reminded her.

Natalie was an older girl in their local high school who worked as a model. She had been disabled at a young age, but was now an inspiration to their town.

Ellie and Alana loved Natalie. She was their idol, and their parents had even printed a few pictures off her Instagram so the girls could stick them on their walls.

“You’re right. I must think of Natalie and what she would say in this situation. What do you think she would say?” Ellie asked her little sister. “I think Natalie would encourage us to play with whatever dolls we wanted,” Alana said happily, making Ellie laugh. The tears stopped, and they went to Ellie’s room to play with their Barbies.

A week later, it was finally Elle’s birthday, and she received many amazing gifts. Many people and friends showed up.

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Suddenly, the music in the backyard stopped.


Ellie couldn’t wait to see what present her idol had brought.

2023-07-30更新 | 48次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

A Sweet Song

"Nothing will ever be the same again," Ally whispered. She sank slowly into her father's favorite chair and stared at the small American flag on his desk. It was the flag which Chief Russell had given to her after the funeral last summer, when he hugged her and told her how proud the Police Department was of her dad's work for them. His tears had warmed Ally's cheeks; her own tears were still frozen inside her heart.

Ally looked at her father's picture on the bookcase. Dad was sitting in the middle of a stream, wet through but grinning proudly. "I miss you, Dad," she said softly. By this time last year she had already taken dozens of pictures. Ever since she could remember, she and Dad had been a team, searching the woods behind the house each weekend for a glimpse of the special wood warbler(林中莺).

Ally reached for the first photo album she and Dad had put together. On the cover a tiny orange bird with blue-gray wings and sharp black eyes peered out of the photo her father had clipped from a local newspaper. Ally smiled, remembering the excited look on his face when he first showed her the pretty bird. "Ally, I bet if we search real hard, we'll see this little guy together some day."

They'd never spotted the warbler, but her father had an amazing way of making each outing seem special. Staying with Dad, Ally felt comfortable. "If only I could get that good feeling back," she thought, sighing.

Staring at the bird, suddenly, she knew exactly what she had to do. Grabbing the-little flag, she placed her camera around her neck and hurried outside. Ally stuck the flag among the flowers in the garden. "Please let me see the warbler," she murmured to herself. She gave her worried Mom a kiss and then set off into the woods.


Familiar smells of the earth rose up to greet her.


Determined to start out the next morning, she was about to head home when a ringing birdsong floated down to her.

2021-06-24更新 | 286次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

“Why can’t I just get a dog, Mum!”

“Because of your allergies (过敏)! How many times do I have to tell you, Violet!”

Violet was filled with anger. The rain started to fall. Large raindrops slid down the window, just like the tears on her face. There was violent anger in Violet’s eyes. She walked angrily to her room and threw herself onto the bed. Her anger was now like an angry bull.

She screamed into her pillow as loud as she could and threw it onto the ground with all her strength. She dialed her best friend Darla, who happened to also be her neighbor.

Darla picked up in an instant.

“I could hear everything.” Darla immediately chuckled. “I’ve known you and your mum since primary school. She’s not letting you get a dog.”

“Was I that loud?” Violet questioned herself in disbelief.

“You’ve been asking for a dog since you were seven! There’s no chance she was going to just give it to you. Plus, you have so many allergies that I’ve even lost count.”

“It’s just not fair. You get two dogs and I’m stuck with my younger sister who has basically a rat.” Violet announced unappreciatively.

“You have to be grateful for what you have. Anyway, I’ve got to have dinner with my family. I can call in half an hour, see you later.”

After the call disconnected, the words from Darla’s mouth about being grateful sunk into Violet like a dry sponge (海绵) filled with water, She remembered the countless times that she was admitted to the hospital for an allergic reaction while her family stayed and cared for her. Violet never really thought about the things she had, she only thought about the things she didn’t have. Violet had a tamily which accounts for more than everything, even a dog. Family love is stronger than any love. Violet knew she was blessed to have this love.


From that day onwards, Violet stopped asking for a dog.


The allergies were disappearing with age.

2023-05-11更新 | 124次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般