组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:121 题号:15536380

Looking out of my window today reminded me of another day just like this one, a day when I was searching for a special blue bird. I thought it had been talking to my grandmother about me.

One day grandmother asked me to buy some bread. On the way home I gave my bread to a black dog. I really wanted to keep her but I knew my mother would not allow.

An idea occurred to me. I got to our back gate, carefully dug a hole under the fence, and left the rest of the bread right at the hole. Then from the front door I went down the drive and through to the backyard. I got there just in time. She was trying to reach the bread at the hole. I held her front paws and pulled her through. She ate up the bread and I was delighted that my idea had worked.

When I got inside, I told my grandmother that my bread was eaten by a stray dog. I was very pleased with myself for not having to lie. We suddenly heard scratching coming from the back door. Seeing her, grandmother asked me, “Where did that come from?” “She must have come in under the gate.” I pointed out the hole under the back gate. Grandmother told me she thought it was I who brought the dog home. I looked at my grandmother’ s face and asked, “How did you know?” She said, “A little bird told me, a little blue bird told me.” I reminded her I had not told a lie. She grinned and said, “No you did not lie. But the truth you told was not the whole story either.”

I spent most of that summer making sure the blue birds stayed out of the yard. I remember watching grandmother giggling a little as she watched me.

Years later I found out that grandmother had been looking out of the breakfast room window and watched me dig the hole, run back into the yard and pull the dog through. She and my mother laughed about it. Anyway, we kept the dog (even after she delivered 13 puppies) until she passed away with snow-white on her snout and around her eyes.

1. How did the dog get into the house?
A.From the hole under the fence.B.From the bakery at the back door.
C.From the front door and the drive.D.From the breakfast room window.
2. What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The bird.B.The scratching noise.C.The dog.D.The hole.
3. Why did grandmother grin?
A.Because she knew the truth.B.Because she once talked to the bind.
C.Because she thought I told the truth.D.Because she loved the dog too.
4. How did the writer feel about keeping the dog?
A.Frightened and puzzled.B.Concerned and happy.
C.Tolerant and sympathetic.D.Delighted and carefree.
【知识点】 动物 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】A cat whisperer is a person who can talk and communicate with cats. Talking to a cat means understanding the spoken and unspoken words of a cat. He understands the cat's physical and verbal communication.       1    

You can also become a cat whisperer if you learn to understand the body language of your cat.     2       If a cat opens her eyes wide and looks right at you, she is careful and ready to listen to you. When the eyes are half closed, it may mean she is a sleepy cat or she may want you to know, "I trust you and everything around me; I'm not in danger.” When the cat stares at you, it means she wants you to stay away and does not wish to be interrupted.     3       cats are complex animals that are actually clever. Each and every cat is different and the owner will quickly learn to understand the body language of his/her cat.

    4       For example, if you are petting your cat and you see her wagging her tail, it means that she is happy and loves to be petted. But if suddenly you get a bite, it means that she wants you to stop petting her at once.

Unlike dogs, who are considered humans' good friends, cats are not good at showing their emotions.     5     With a little understanding and patience, you will also become a good cat whisperer.

A.Take its eyes for example.
B.It is because she is searching for comfort.
C.Cat whisperers are something new to people.
D.Therefore, he knows what the cat is trying to say.
E.However, cats prove to be humans' good friends just the same.
F.You should understand these signs to communicate with your cat.
G.What's more,do consider a cats feelings if you want to be a cat whisperer.
2021-03-10更新 | 205次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约140词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Maliyuwa,a nearby village.They lived with the man's big family-his parents his brothers,their wives and children.They family kept an elephant,in which the young woman soon took a great interest.Every day she fed it with fruit and sugar.

Three months later the woman went back to her parents'home,having quarrelled with her husband.Soon the elephant refused to eat and work.It appeared to be ill and heart-broken.One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house.

It went to the woman's home.On seeing her,the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it.The young woman was so moved(感动)by the act of the animal that she returned to her husband's home.

1. The writer wrote the story in order to_____.
A.show that elephants are very clever
B.tell how a woman trained a wild animal
C.show that women care more for animals than men do
D.tell how an animal reunited a husband and wife
2. The woman left her new home_______.
A.to visit her own parents in Maliyuwa
B.to see if the elephant would follow her
C.because she was angry with her husband
D.because she was tired of the large family
3. After the young woman left her husband's home,the elephant_______.
A.returned to the forestB.was sad because it missed her
C.went to look for a new homeD.was sick because nobody fed it
4. The young wife went back to her husband because_______.
A.she knew he had sent the animal to herB.the elephant had come to look for her
C.her parents persuaded her toD.she missed her new home
5. The clephant is______.
2019-03-21更新 | 9次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Seen any unseasonably early daffodils (水仙花) showing their faces yet? UK spring flowers are opening nearly a month earlier than before the mid-1980s, due to climate change.

That is the conclusion of a study of nearly 420,000 observations of the first flowering date of 406 plants from a UK citizen science project called Nature's Calendar. It has records dating back to 1753 from gardeners and naturalists, as well as bodies such as the Royal Meteorological Society.

Ulf Büntgen at the University of Cambridge and his team found that plants were opening their flowers 26 days earlier on average in the years after 1986. They picked that year as it was the midpoint in the data set — where they had about the same number of observations before and after.The analysis included records of all plants, whatever time of year they flower, but most of them (like the daffodils) bloom in spring. "It is likely that the influence of climate change will be greater for spring-flowering plants, for in spring the usual beginning of warmer temperatures that can cause flowering starts earlier," says a spokesperson for the Royal Horticultural Society. There was a bigger advance in the dates of the first blooms of smaller plants, with those less than 20 centimeters high flowering an average of 32 days earlier in the years after 1986.

In any year, flower opening times are closely connected with the average temperature of the months from January to April. "If it's warmer, it's an earlier beginning. If it's cooler, it's a later one," says Büntgen. The average maximum temperature across those four months rose by 1.1℃, a conclusion from comparing the period from 1950 to 1986 with the years after 1986.

“The change could hurt insects, birds and other wildlife that have evolved to synchronize (同步) with the flowering of certain plants,” says Büntgen.

1. What can we know about the study?
A.It can date back to 1753.
B.It was based on plentiful data.
C.It only covered spring flowers.
D.It was conducted by naturalists.
2. Why did researchers pick the year 1986?
A.It was in the middle of the data set.B.It was a memorable year for Ulf Büntgen.
C.Flowering was first recorded in 1986.D.Flowers began to bloom earlier in this year.
3. What will be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.Measures to be taken to stop climate change.
B.The influences of flowers' early blooming.
C.Creatures' adaptation to climate change.
D.The reasons for flowers' early blooming.
4. Where can we probably find the text?
A.In a guidebook.B.In science fiction.
C.In a geography textbook.D.In a science magazine.
2024-03-30更新 | 52次组卷
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