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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:96 题号:15582894

Having worked in a nature reserve for 30 years, Hou Tiguo has developed a special ability—he can tell what kind of birds are around simply by their singing. “I can also tell whether they are happy or unhappy,” he added with a big smile.

The 52-year-old’s home, Baihualing, a village in Yunnan province, is well-known for the diversity of birds. He recalled, “In the 1970s, people were so poor. Birds were often targeted as food, so almost all the children including me in the village were good at using slingshots (弹弓).”

His life changed in 1989, when a couple hiking through the mountains visited Baihualing. They asked him to be their guide and lead them to good bird-watching spots. He said, “That was the first time I had made money from birds without killing them.”

Inspired by that, the villagers built a reserve to feed birds and protect the habitat (栖息地) of birds. In the decades that followed, more bird-watchers visited the village. The village became a popular destination for bird lovers, and most villagers have turned into bird protectors and engaged in serving bird-loving tourists.

In the village, there are more than 60 “bird guides” like Hou. More than 20 guesthouses which have hosted visitors from more than 100 countries bring in a total income of 15 million yuan every year. “During the peak season, I serve nearly 100 tourists a day. Thanks to the birds, our life is not what it used to be any more.” Hou said, adding that he takes his 3-year-old grandson with him every day to feed birds and teaches him to love and respect them.

1. Why is Hou’s special ability mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To show his typical talent.B.To describe the variety of birds.
C.To introduce the beauty of nature.D.To indicate his devotion to the job.
2. What has happened in Baihualing according to the text?
A.Visitors come to the village to protect birds.B.The local government established a reserve.
C.Villagers began to engage in traveling around.D.Bird-watching industry benefits villagers in return.
3. How does the author describe the current living conditions of the locals?
A.Telling moving tales.B.Using plentiful numbers.
C.Quoting famous sayings.D.Giving accurate definitions.
4. Which can be the best title of the text?
A.The Reserve Is Birds’ Best HomeB.Birds Help Villagers’ Life Take Off
C.The Wild Birds Are in Danger of ExtinctionD.Take Action to Protect the Environment Now
【知识点】 人与动植物 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Jack London的中篇小说White Fang中的的情节。

【推荐1】Something was in the air. All his senses told White Fang that some big change was about to come. “Listen to that!” said Matt. Through the open door came a low, anxious howl, like a sobbing under the breath.

The truth was that Scott was torn. He was miserable at the idea of leaving White Fang, but he knew a dog like him needed the wide-open spaces of the frozen North. Five or six times he changed his mind. But in the end he decided firmly against taking him. He told himself, “He would hate living in a city, anyway.”

Then came the day when White Fang saw his master pack and take two large bags out of the cabin. “Poor fellow,” said Scott, gently rubbing White Fang’s ears. “I’m hitting the trail, old boy, I’ve got a new job in California, where you can’t follow. Now give me your howls. A goodbye howl!” But White Fang wouldn’t howl. He gave his master a wistful, searching look and buried his head out of sight, between his master’s arm and body.

Matt locked the door. Scott wiped his eyes. “Take good care of him, Matt,” he said, “Write and let me know how he gets on.” “Sure,” replied Matt. “But listen to that!” Both men stopped. White Fang was howling inside. His howl burst upwards, dying down into trembling misery. It rose again and again.

Near the steamship, Scott said goodbye to Matt and was to have a final handshake with Matt. But Matt’s hand dropped. He stared at something behind them. Sitting on the deck and watching wistfully was White Fang! “Did you lock the door?” asked Scott. “Sure did.” Said Matt. As Scott patted the dog, he noticed blood on his nose and a fresh cut between his eyes. “We forgot the window!” he cried. “He’s all cut up. Must have made his way clean through the glass!”

The steamship whistled its final. Scott bent down to White Fang, “Howl for me now, you stupid, brave fellow!” White Fang knew he had won. He howled and nuzzled his beloved master for all he was worth.

1. Why doesn’t Scott take White Fang at first?
A.Because life stress outweighs reality.B.Because he blocks his pursuit of career.
C.Because he dislikes the city environment.D.Because he belongs to the spacious wild.
2. The description of Para. 2 is mainly focused on ________.
A.dialoguesB.actionsC.inner thoughtsD.emotions
3. Why are White Fang’s howls repeatedly described?
A.To interpret his emotional changes.
B.To interact with the devoted animal.
C.To create an atmosphere of sadness.
D.To present a vivid account of the animal.
4. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.White Fang gets seriously injured all over.
B.Scott is the first to find White Fang on the deck.
C.White Fang’s fearless love contributes to their reunion.
D.White Fang catches up with Scott by breaking the door.
2022-05-31更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Jessica Damiano moved into a new home in the spring of 2005. At the time, she was delighted to see a flowering plant growing in the garden.She did not know the name of the beautiful plant. But that did not matter to her. She loved it!

Two years later,Damiano graduated from Cornell University’s master gardener program. She worked as a gardening writer for a local newspaper. That is when she found out the truth. She discovered that her favorite plant was called purple loose strife and that it was considered “invasive (入侵的) ” in her home state of New York. However, she told herself that the plant was not spreading on the property and that it was not out of control.

Then she learned more. Some plants known to be invasive are what Damiano calls “wolves in sheep’s clothing”. This means they may seem harmless and well-contained in the garden but become harmful in other places.

Birds eat the seeds of invasive plants and spread them to other places. Those seeds grow into new plants that outgrow native plants. This is because invasive plants often are not eaten by local wildlife, which would otherwise keep them under control. If not controlled, invasive plants grow larger and push out native plants that provide food and shelter for birds,insects,and small animals. This harms the local environment.

Many state environmental agencies ban the sale and use of plants found to be harmful to human or ecological health. But some invasive plants are not officially considered invasive. Others may be listed as invasive in one area but not another. And some invasive plants continue to be sold in stores.

So, what is a gardener to do? Damiano says to avoid any plants sold as “vigorous”, “ fast-spreading”, “quick-climbing” or a “rapid self-sower”. She warns that these are all sellers’ code words (暗号) for invasive plants. Next, learn about your local area: Which plants are invasive? And which plants are native? Ask government agencies, universities and colleges, and environmental groups. You can also do your own research at libraries or online.

In the end, Damiano replaced that plant with the native and equally beautiful blazing star plant. This plant has been growing happily without problems in her garden for the past 15 years.

1. How did Damiano react when she first learned purple loose strife was“invasive”?
A.She felt regretful for loving it.B.She reported it to the government.
C.She didn’t take the fact seriously.D.She got rid of the plant immediately.
2. Why can invasive plants grow better than native plants?
A.They need less water.B.They have fewer natural enemies.
C.They adapt to the environment quicker.D.They have longer roots and bigger leaves.
3. What does the author mainly intend to express in paragraph 5?
A.Policies about invasive plants vary in different areas.
B.Some invasive plants are not harmful.
C.Invasive plants are rarely seen in stores.
D.The government’s attitude to invasive plants is improper.
4. Which is a method the gardener can use to avoid planting invasive plants?
A.Give up any plants that sell well in the local area.
B.Choose plants that can provide food for wild animals.
C.Refuse to say the code words of sellers for invasive plants.
D.Refer to books for information on which plants are invasive.
2023-03-24更新 | 207次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The large, colorful birds called peacocks have spent the last 20 years walking through cities in South Florida with nothing to worry about. They are protected under law.

However, local leaders voted recently to permit individual cities to remove the birds from unwanted areas. Raquel Regalado, a local government leader, represents parts of the cities of Miami and Coral Gables where people want permission to remove the birds. “Mating season is when we get the most complaints. They get very aggressive, ” said Regalado. She added birds would do things like damage cars with their beaks.

About two years ago, people who live in the Miami neighborhood asked city leaders to remove a large group of peacocks. The birds caused damage and left piles of waste in the streets. They called the birds “filthy and dirty”.

But others liked seeing the unusual birds and thought it made their neighborhood look different in a good way. They don’t want to see the birds harmed. Danielle Cohen Higgins, a local woman, said, “we learn to live with these peacocks and they are part of the community.”

Peacocks are not native to South Florida. They originally come from Sri Lanka and other parts of Asia as well as Africa. The birds have been protected from killing or capturing in South Florida for about 20 years. The rule was put in place because people in the area wanted to save a group of peacocks. But now the birds live freely in parts of Florida and they are not uncommon. It is hard to find zoos that want them while state laws prevent non-native species like peacocks from being released in the wild. If will accept the birds, they might have to be killed in a process known as euthanasia (安乐死).

Regalado said the problem now will be to decide where to put the peacocks. “This really is not about killing,” she said. “This is about moving. ”

1. From the passage, we can learn________.
A.peacocks are being killed in Florida.B.peacocks are hopefully to live in the zoo.
C.peacocks are influencing people’s daily life.D.peacocks are being sent to the wild.
2. Why are some neighbors against removing the peacocks in the passage?
A.They consider them as a part of their life.B.They think the birds will not cause damage.
C.They want to save the native species.D.They call them “filthy and dirty”.
3. What is the problem according to Regalado?
A.How to live with the birds.B.Whether to remove the birds.
C.How to kill the birds.D.Where to put the birds.
2022-04-23更新 | 56次组卷
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