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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:198 题号:15677282

Deep Sea: To Mine Or Not To Mine

A robot as large as a truck moves along the bottom of the deep sea. It eats metallic (含金属的) rock and soft mud. They travel up a long pipe to a ship, where workers and machinery separate out the rock and throw the mud back into the ocean. This is a mining operation. The rock contains a mixture of metals, including ones called rare earth metals. People use these materials to make batteries and electronics like computers and phones.

Deep-sea mining hasn’t happened yet. But it probably will occur within the next decade. No country owns any part of the deep sea, so a UN organization called the International Seabed Authority (ISA) decides who is allowed to mine there. It has allowed 29 organizations to explore the deep sea and make plans for mining, one of which plans to begin mining in the year 2027.

Scientists and environmentalists, though, warn that mining could destroy deep-sea ecosystem. In 1989, ecologist Hjalmar Thiel carried out a test. His team searched the seafloor of the Pacific Ocean, in a spot with lots of the metallic rocks that miners wanted. They didn’t actually collect any of the rocks. But they disturbed the mud, just as a mining operation would. The cloud of mud fell back down over the ocean floor burying creatures living there. Up to now, the area they disturbed has not recovered. Signs of the search are still there. Deep sea creatures like sponges and corals have not moved back in. That means mining could have harmful, long-lasting consequences for deep ocean life. Scientists want to understand the deep sea better before disturbing it.

Leaving the deep sea alone sounds great, but people need those metals. “Mines on land are soon going to run out,” geologist Steven Scolt of the University of Toronto told Smithsonian Magazine. “Every electronic device in the world has rare earth metals in it... we need raw resources.” New energy technologies including solar and wind power and electric cars rely on these metals as well. We may need to mine them from the sea in order to switch to greener energy sources.

1. According to the passage, why do people want to carry out deep sea mining?
A.To test the mining robot.B.To collect rare earth metals.
C.To separate the rock from mud.D.To understand the deep sea better.
2. What can we infer from the test of Hjalmar Thiel in 1989?
A.They gathered some metallic rocks the miners wanted.
B.They helped the recovery of the disturbed mining areas.
C.They discovered the deep-sea mining affected the ocean ecology.
D.They found the rare metallic rocks were harmful to sea creatures.
3. What is Steven Scolt’s attitude towards deep-sea mining?
2022·北京通州·一模 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】People have many different ways to relax during break time at work or school. Smartphones are probably the number one choice for a quick mental vacation. Although it might seem like a good time, the result is opposite, according to a recent psychological study from Rutgers University.

For the study, more than 400 students were asked to finish a set of 20 words puzzles. Halfway through the task, the students were divided into three groups. One group was allowed to take a break and use cellphones to buy things online. The second group was asked to have a rest and buy things using a computer. The last group didn’t take any break at all.

Surprisingly, the group that used their cellphones during the break went back to work feeling the most tired and least motivated to continue. They also had the hardest time solving the remaining word puzzles.

Terri Kurtzberg, co-author of the study, explained that they assumed looking at cellphones during a break would be no different from any other break — but instead, the phone may cause increasing levels of distraction that make it difficult to return focused attention to work tasks.

“Cellphones may have this effect because even just seeing your phone activates thoughts of checking messages, connecting with people, and more, in ways that are different from how we use other screens like computers, and laptops,” Kurtzberg said.

This is echoed by a recent study from the US University of Chicago. It found that even if cellphones are turned off or turned face down their mere presence has a bad effect on a person’s cognitive (认知的) function.

1. What can we learn from the study?
A.The students were divided into groups at the beginning.
B.The last group had the hardest time solving the word puzzles.
C.Computers and laptops cause more distraction.
D.Cellphones may make people less focused on work.
2. What does the underlined word “echoed” in the last paragraph mean?
3. What suggestion will the author give in the following paragraph?
A.Try putting your smartphone away during your next break.
B.Using computers to shop online rather than cellphones.
C.Stop checking messages and connecting with people by cellphone.
D.Turning off your cellphone during work time.
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.Ways to relax for students.
B.The result from a word-puzzle game.
C.A study on using smart-phones to relax.
D.Effects brought by the smart-phone.
2021-04-01更新 | 179次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Knowing which of these statements have been proved by SCIENCE — and which are MYTHS(谬论) — could improve your health. Here are some health facts your doctor wants you to know.

Not all heart attacks have a symptom(症状) of chest pain.

Truth! A 2012 study of more than 1.1 million heart attack patients found that 31 percent of men and 42 percent of women didn’t have any chest pain before being hospitalized. Call 911 for other symptoms, too, including shortness of breath, light – headedness, and pain elsewhere in the upper body.

You do not need eight glasses of water every day.

Truth! There is not any scientific evidence that eight is the magic number. You might need more or less than that, depending on factors(因素) such as climate and body size. To make sure you are getting enough, just drink water throughout the day.

You need less sleep as you get older.

Myth! Older adults often sleep less as a result of serious conditions that are more common with age as well as the drugs used to treat them. But that doesn’t mean they require less sleep. While sleep needs vary from person to person, most adults should get at least seven hours of sleep for health.

Reading in dim(昏暗的) light will harm your eyes.

Myth! It might tire your eyes in the short term, but there’s no evidence that it will do any lasting damage. When reading, position light to shine directly on the page rather than from over your shoulder to reduce unpleasant bright light.

1. Which of the following has been proved to be true?
A.You are in need of much less sleep as you get older.
B.Reading in dim light does lasting damage to your eyes.
C.Some heart attacks don’t have a symptom of chest pain.
D.You must get more than eight glasses of water every day.
2. According to the text, what may be the result of using drugs?
A.Heart attacks.B.Weak eyes.
C.Less sleep.D.Shortness of breath.
3. What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To inform.B.To entertain.
C.To advertise.D.To praise.
2019-05-29更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Animals in Antarctica

There are no land animals that actually live in Antarctica! However, the surrounding ocean is rich in living creatures! It’s just too cold to support very many life forms! Now let’s meet some of the Antarctica’s animals.

Weddell Seal

They are the southern most pinniped (鳍足类的) in the world. Males are generally smaller than females. Interestingly, newborn pups have a coat of long hair, which they will shed (脱落) within the first month as the protective layer of their body is developed.

Blue Whale


Named for its blue-gray color, this huge animal may grow to be roughly 100 feet long and weigh more than 120 tons! A blue whale eats about 4 tons of krill (磷虾) per day during the feeding season! This means that about 40 million krill are eaten every day for six months by a blue whale! The tongue of the blue whale can be as big as a Volkswagen! The blue whale is the loudest animal on earth!

Rockhopper Penguin


One of the most beautiful penguins, the rockhopper shake their heads and cause their yellow eyebrows to fly into a “halo” in order to attract a mate!

Wandering Albatross


This species of albatross wanders the ocean for months at a time searching for food. It sleeps on the ocean surface at night and drinks sea water. The wandering albatross is the largest bird in the world in terms of the wing span — 11 feet!

Ross Seal


Ross seals are very rarely seen because they live deep within the pack ice. It is believed that Ross seals feed mainly on squid, fish and krill. They were named after the British polar explorer Sir James Ross, who first discovered them in 1840.

Emperor Penguin

Emperor penguins are the biggest of the 18 penguin species. They are flightless birds. They are the only living species to reproduce during the harsh Antarctic winter. Without a nest, the father emperor penguin keeps the egg warm by holding it on his feet for 2-3 months until spring, during which the father doesn’t eat anything and he just eats a little snow for moisture. Unbelievable! What a Dad!

1. We know from the 5th paragraph that the wandering albatross ________.
A.never touches the land
B.is a good swimmer and flyer
C.drinks fresh water
D.sleeps on boats
2. According to the last paragraph, we can learn that ________.
A.there are 19 penguin species on earth
B.emperor penguins spend most of their time on land where they find food
C.penguins are birds with no wings
D.the mother emperor penguin lays one egg during the winter
3. We know from the reading that ________.
A.a male Weddell seal is larger than a female
B.rockhopper penguins are the most beautiful penguins
C.it is hard to see a Ross seal
D.a blue whale eats about 4 tons of krill every day
2023-07-09更新 | 38次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般