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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:141 题号:15699508

Gabby Goodwin and her mother, Rozalynn, had a problem: Even after careful styling, barrettes (发夹) kept slipping out of the 5-year-old’s hair. Gabby hated losing bows, and her mom was tired of buying replacements. As Rozalynn shared her frustration with other parents on social media, someone suggested that the Goodwins try creating their own barrettes.

“I was super excited,” said Gabby, now l4. “I was nagging (唠叨) my mom every single day about these barrettes.” Gabby’s persistence persuaded her mother, and they began to deal with the problem.

First they examined Gabby’s hair bows to see why they were falling out. Then they came up with a design for a double-face, double-snap barrette that attaches securely to hair.

When the Goodwins first showed their design to business investors, it was rejected. The product wasn’t the right fit or the business plan wasn’t good, companies told them. The setbacks made Gabby more determined.

Gabby and her mother didn’t give up, and in 2014 they began selling the bows online. The barrettes were so popular that the Goodwins received a patent. Today Gabby is chief of Confidence by GaBBY Goodwin, and the barrettes-called GaBBY Bows-are available online and in 74 Target stores across the country. In 2018 Black Enterprise selected Gabbyas its Teenpreneur of the year. The following year, Gabby and Rozalynn set up a virtual academy to help girls learn business skills.

If you watch Gabby deliver a speech on a Facebook video, it’s hard to imagine the South Carolina eighth-grader as anything other than confident. But learning to be the public face of her company was “really hard at first,” she said.

Over the years, with a lot of practice speaking to audiences, Gabby grew more comfortable in her role. She offers this advice to kids: “Keep doing what you’re passionate about, then you’ll be able to grow in confidence.”

1. What did the Goodwins do after listening to someone’s suggestion?
A.They asked for help online.B.They designed a new barrette.
C.They looked for stylish barrettes.D.They bought more replacements.
2. How did Gabby react to some companies’ rejection?
A.She sold her products online.B.She gave up working on barrettes.
C.She decided to redesign her barrettes.D.She told her business plan to a virtual academy.
3. How is Gabby’s business going?
A.It has suffered a downturn.B.It is expanding fast.
C.It has failed to get a patent.D.It hardly makes ends meet.
4. What does Gabby’s advice to kids show?
A.Every dog has its day.B.Never be ashamed to fail.
C.Confidence is important in public speaking.D.Interest and hard work lead to success.
【知识点】 记叙文 励志故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】If there's one place outside Argentina that can match its sadness over Diego Maradona's death, it's in the Italian city Naples. While Maradona, who was born in Lanus, Argentina, but raised in Villa Fiorito, a poor town to the south of Buenos Aires, was respected around the world as perhaps the greatest football player ever, in Naples he was more than that.

“Maradona wasn't just a player. He represented the spirit of Naples for years," said president Corrado Ferlaino, who owned Napoli club when Maradona played there.

Upon hearing the news of his death, thousands of people in Naples poured out into the city's streets to honor Maradona and light candles in his memory. Many of them stood below huge pictures of their hero that cover the whole sides of buildings in the center of the city.

Naples official Luigi De Magistris immediately suggested that the city's San Paolo Stadium be renamed for Maradona—and ordered the stadium's lights be turned on all night even though there was no game being played there.

“Maradona is Naples. The passion for him here is known to everyone, De Magistris wrote on Twitter. "Because it was real love. A great love. Naples lost part of its soul today. You were, and will always be, an inspiration to all of us. Naples cries tonight.

Maradona, of course, already made Naples cry when his Argentina team defeated Italy in Naples in the 1990 World Cup semifinals. However, many Naples fans cheered for Maradona and Argentina——not their own country—during that game, because he was treated as God in Naples.

Maradona led Naples to a number of successes that have raised the spirits of the southern Italian city, which was left far behind by the country's football capitals of Milan and Turin. In 1987 , he led Naples to its first Italian Championship and repeated it in 1990. In 1989, he helped Naples win the UEFA Cup by beating VfB Stuttgart in the final with 2 to 1, Maradona scoring one of the goals.

1. Where did Maradona grow up?
A.In Lanus.B.In Villa Fiorito.C.In Naples.D.In Buenos Aires.
2. What did Luigi De Magistris do on hearing Maradona's death?
A.He made a public speech to honor the city's hero.
B.He joined the people to light candles in his memory.
C.He immediately changed the name of the city's stadium.
D.He had the lights turned on all night in San Paolo Stadium.
3. Which of the following best explains “passion" underlined in paragraph 5?
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The scoring records in Maradona's career.
B.The people's sadness over Maradona's death.
C.Maradona's contributions to Naples' football games.
D.The Italians' anger over their defeat in the 1990 World Cup.
2021-01-11更新 | 236次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Women Pioneers Who Changed the World

Ali Stroker

Ali Stroker took the theater world-and, indeed, the very Internet-by storm when, on June 9, 2019, she became the first performer in a wheelchair to take home a Tony Award. After becoming the first actor in a wheelchair in Broadway history in 2015, she won the award for her powerhouse performance in the revival of Oklahoma!

Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony participated in her first women’s rights conference in 1852. Over the next 54 years, she published The Revolution; gave speeches; called the first Woman Suffrage Convention in Washington, D. C. (1869); and was arrested for voting (1872). She was also a vocal advocate for abolishing slavery and improving workers’ rights, higher education for women, and training standardization and registration for nurses.

Anna Bissell

In 1889 Anna Bissell became the CEO of the company, making her the first female CEO in America. She traveled around the country selling sweepers and making deals with major retailers to carry the Bissell brand. Eventually, she took the brand international. She was also one of the first company heads to give workers pension plans.

Malala Yousafzai

When terrorists began seizing power in her hometown and attacking girls’ schools, Yousafzai gave a speech defending her and all women’s right to an education. She continued to speak out even after her cover was blown and the terrorists issued a death threat. In 2012,a masked gunman boarded the bus and shot her in the head. She survived. In 2014, she became the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

1. What is Ali Stroker noted for?
A.Her efforts to win a prize.B.Her Broadway background.
C.Her special art performance.D.Her wheelchair to perform in.
2. Which word can best describe Anna Bissell?
3. Who made a great contribution to the education for women?
A.Ali Stroker and Anna Bissell.
B.Ali Stroker and Malala Yousafzai.
C.Susan B. Anthony and Anna Bissell.
D.Susan B. Anthony and Malala Yousafzai.
2022-03-21更新 | 490次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要说明了Rose Smith为患有严重疾病的孩子制作披风,以此来鼓励和支持他们。文章介绍了这一举动开始的原因以及披风对孩子们的影响。

【推荐3】Every superhero, no matter how small, needs a cape (披风). That was Rose Smith’s motivation when she started sewing superhero capes for kids with cancer, heart disease, and other serious diseases.

It all began when Rose heard of a girl named Anna. Anna was fighting against a potentially deadly skin condition called harlequin ichthyosis (丑角鱼鳞廯). What she was going through was really tough, but she faced it bravely. “I had a happy moment,” Rose says. “Anna was a superhero! She needed a cape.”

So, Rose sent her one, and Anna’s mother was delighted. After that, Rose found ten more kids online and sent out ten more capes. Before long, she quit her job at a software company and work full time for the website-www.tinysuperheroes.com, where people can buy handmade capes for brave kids facing illness and disability.

Since 2013, Rose and her small paid staff have sent more than 12,000 handmade capes to kids in all 50 states and 15 other countries. The capes can be made in different colors and can be decorated with the child’s initials (姓氏首字母) or specialized patches, including a heart or a rocket.

One was five-year-old Gary. He was born with heart defects. Rose sent him a red cape with a bright yellow G in the center. It was a hit. Gary, who is now a frequenter on the company’s social media posts, becomes a very well-known kid. In fact, two years later, “We still bring Gary’s cape with us to every hospital appointment, as it brings him much power to face his disease,” said Gary’s mom.

1. What inspired Rose Smith to make capes?
A.The bravery of the sick kids.B.Anna and her mother’s wish.
C.Children’s love for superheroes.D.Her interest in sewing capes.
2. Where can people buy such handmade capes?
A.From the Internet.B.From Rose’s house.
C.From Rose’s store.D.From the hospital.
3. What does the underlined word “frequenter” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.An advertising designer.B.A company owner.
C.An image representative.D.A website programmer.
4. Why does Gary bring the cape with him every time he sees a doctor?
A.The cape is his favorite clothing.B.He looks cool in the superhero cape.
C.The sick kids share the same kind cape.D.The cape gives him courage and strength.
2023-04-14更新 | 57次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般