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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:69 题号:15787813

A new study from Lund University in Sweden shows that the presence or absence of moonlight has a considerable effect on when migratory (迁徙的) birds take flight in the autumn.

Together with his colleagues, Gabriel Norevik studied European nightjars (夜莺) and how the lunar cycle and moonlight affect the leaving time when the birds start their three-month-long migration flight to areas south of the Sahara.

Using miniature (微型) data loggers the researchers recorded the activity of 39 European nightjars over a one-year period. The result shows that the birds begin their autumn migration south about ten days after the full moon, and that the individual birds synchronise (同速进行) the migration and fly off more or less at the same time. “It surprised us that the lunar cycle and the time the birds spent in hunting insects covary so well. This in turn affects their migration pattern in such a way that they synchronise their flight so that almost all of them fly off at the same time ten days after the full moon,” says Gabriel Norevik. European nightjars use their sight when they hunt at night. In the moonlight they find it easier to catch flying insects and refill their energy reserves.

The birds migrate in three stages from northern European to wintering sites south of the Sahara. Each stage follows the same pattern: first the moon provides double of the light for the birds to hunt insects, and the next stage of the migration starts ten days after the full moon.

The researchers doubt whether other birds also adapt to the lunar cycle when they migrate. “We will go on to examine that and what effects this type of synchronised migration has on the birds themselves and their surroundings,” says Gabriel Norevik.

1. What can we learn from paragraph 3?
A.39 European nightjars were charted over a lifelong period.
B.European nightjars catch flying insects more easily by means of moonlight.
C.The individual birds start the migration ten days later than group birds.
D.The lunar cycle and the ending of the birds migration covary very well.
2. Which of the following statements is true?
A.The birds’ migration has three patterns.
B.The birds migrate to northern Europe for food.
C.The stage of the migration starts after the full moon.
D.European nightjars’ migration is from August to December.
3. What might be examined in the following study?
A.Nightjars’ habitat.B.Absence of the moon.
C.Other birds’ migration.D.Insects’ surroundings.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Migration Flight and moonlightB.Migratory Birds and Autumn
C.Ten Days Makes a differenceD.European Nightjars Need to Migrate
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Honeybees rely heavily on flower patterns not just colors when searching for food, new research shows.

A team led by the University of Exeter tested bee behaviour and built bee’s-eye-view simulations (模拟装置) to work out how they see flowers.

Honeybees have low resolution vision, so they can only see a flower’s pattern clearly when they are within few centimeters. However, the new’ study shows bees can very effectively distinguish between different flowers by using a combination of colour and pattern.

In a series of tests, bees rarely ignored pattern, suggesting colour alone does not lead them to flowers. This may help to explain why some colours that are visible to bees are rarely produced by flowers in nature.

“We studied a large amount of data on plants and bee behaviour,” said Professor Natalie Hempel, from Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour. “By training and testing bees using man-made patterns of shape and colour, we found they relied flexibly on their ability to see both of these elements. Showing how insects see colour and learn colour patterns is important to understand how pollinators (传粉者) may, or may not, create evolutionary ‘pressures’ on the colours and patterns that flowers have evolved (进化). Our findings suggest that flowers don’t need to evolve too many different flower colours, because they can use patterns to vary their displays so bees can tell them apart from other flowers.”

One typical feature identified in the study is that the outside edges of flowers usually contrast strongly with the plant’s leaves while the centre of the flower does not have such a strong contrast with the leaf colour. This could help bees quickly identify colour differences and find their way to flowers.

While flowers may be beautiful to humans, Professor Hempel stressed that understanding more about bees and the threats they face meant we need to see the world “through the eyes of a bee and the mind of a bee.”

1. What does the new research focus on?
A.The source of bees’ food supply.B.The evolution of bees’ behavior.
C.The effect of bees’ poor eyesight.D.The way of bees finding flowers.
2. What aspect of research into bees did Hempel highlight?
A.Research data.B.Research methods.
C.Research objects.D.Research frequency.
3. According to the passage, which statement is true?
A.Bees an see a flower’s pattern clearly from a distance.
B.After some training, bees can identify both colors and shapes.
C.Flowers try to produce colors visible to bees.
D.Professor Hempel stressed we need to see the world with a bee’s eyes.
4. What does Hempel think of flowers trying to evolve more colours?
A.It’s not a must.B.It’s a pressing need.
C.It’s beyond belief.D.It’s a temporary solution.
5. What’s paragraph 6 mainly about?
A.An explanation of the research intention.
B.Dramatic changes in the research strategy.
C.Conflict between different research outcomes.
D.Supporting evidence for the research findings.
2023-01-11更新 | 94次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Life was not kind to a sweet Boxer-Pit Bull mix. Dog fighting had cruelly taken away his left ear. In 2019, the 4-year-old arrived at a rescue in North Carolina and was then named Van Gogh. Christy Langley explains he was named after the famous painter “not because he is an artist, but because he is a work of art”. What Lang-ley couldn’t predict (预测) was that Van Gogh would actually go on to be a successful artist.

Gartner owns a shelter that helps dogs in shelters that are at risk of being put down. She saw Van Gogh and immediately knew she needed to help. So, she took Van Gogh in from North Carolina in June 2022. Gartner started telling everyone about the friendly and lovely Van Gogh on Facebook, Pet finder, and Rescue Me, but no one responded.

After months of searching for a new owner, Gartner had a new idea. Why not take Van Gogh’s name literally? Gartner explained. “He certainly had the name and the ear for it.” Gartner got to work, putting some paint on a canvas (油画布), wrapping it in a plastic bag, and coating it with peanut butter (花生酱) as a tasty treat for the pup. It only took five minutes for Van Gogh to lick the plastic-coated canvas clean and for a work of art to be created.

They worked on paintings for about a week and then, Gartner invited people to an outdoor art gallery event on October 23, 2022. Sadly, only two people showed up. The next day, Gartner put out a post on Facebook that she felt bad only two people showed up, and said the rest of the paintings were still waiting for their owners. Suddenly, Van Gogh’s pieces were hot items. After two minutes, the paintings were sold out and Gartner raised around $1,000 for her rescue. The biggest success of all, though, was that on the last day of the silent sale, Van Gogh was finally adopted (收养).

1. What got the dog named “Van Gogh”?
A.His talent.B.His works.C.His experience.D.His appearance.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The Canvas.B.The plastic bag.C.The work of art.D.The paint.
3. In what way is “Van Gogh” successful?
A.He went to Gartner for help.
B.He was skilled in promotion.
C.He defeated other dogs in a fight.
D.He was able to find himself a home.
4. Which words can best describe Gartner?
A.Creative and Demanding.
B.Caring and Determined.
C.Humorous and Honest.
D.Sociable and Generous.
2023-05-11更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A male tiger was rescued in Mishan city, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Friday. A tiger was recently seen on the Siner Russian border (边界),but there is no evidence to suggest this is the same tiger or that it had lost its way from Russia.

Wherever it may have come from, cross-border protection of endangered species is a problem. According to Ma Jianzhang, a senior wild animal researcher in China, tigers know no borders, which have been built to stop humans from illegally crossing over. However, these borders also stop the free movement of tigers, thus preventing their breeding (繁殖) and exchange of genes.

The Sino-Russian border also comes in the way of protecting tigers in the region. Data show about 500 to 550 Siberian tigers, or over 90 percent of the species, live in the wild in Russia; 27 live in the wild in China, and 50 in the border region. Sometimes tigers lose their way across the border and that is hindering 妨碍efforts to stop illegal hunting and protecting them.

Fortunately, both China and Russia have realized this problem and are working toward solving it. As early as 2010, the two countries established a cross-border protection network aimed at strengthening communication on protecting tigers in the northeast. The countries have also held anti-poaching (反偷猎)activities together. In 2019, two national parks from the two countries signed a three-year deal to share research data on tigers, greatly improving the living conditions of Siberian tigers in the wild.

However, much more needs to be done to protect the species. It is necessary to combine the tiger protection areas in the two countries. That will require greater efforts from both sides and some difficulties might remain even then. Fortunately, both countries have been taking effective measures to provide the endangered species a better home.

1. What's the original purpose of setting up the Sino-Russian borders?
A.To ban people from illegal crossings.
B.To help protect tigers in the region.
C.To protect tigers from losing their way.
D.To stop tigers' breeding and exchange of genes.
2. What does the underlined phrase “comes in the way of” probably mean?
A.keeps from.B.is on the way toC.is aimed atD.keeps up
3. What is the focus of Paragraph 4 ?
A.Recent studies and researches on tigers.
B.Joint efforts by China and Russia to protect tigers.
C.The possible effects of establishing a network.
D.Reasons for improving the living conditions of tigers.
4. What's the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To inform the possible dangers of tiger protection.
B.To cover the news about a missing tiger on the border.
C.To put forward suggestions on finding the missing tiger.
D.To report the problems and measures of cross-border tiger protection.
2021-07-07更新 | 57次组卷
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