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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:148 题号:15902742

The plum tree (梅树) is native to China, mainly growing in Suzhou, Shanghai and Hangzhou, with the biggest plum garden in Wuxi. The plum tree     1     (normal) flowers in late winter during January and February when the land is pale in color. It is regarded as one of the Three Friends of Winter along     2     the bamboo and the pine tree (松树). Because its flowers emerge before its leaves and     3     takes a long time to come into flower, the tree, often shown with a crane (仙鹤),     4     (link) with long life. The plum tree can grow to 4-10 meters tall and its flowers in bright colors of red, pink and yellow have a refreshing smell. The plum flower has long been recommended as one of China’s     5     (nation) flowers, the symbol of strength and humbleness with the courage     6     (stand) against the undesirable trends. And above all, it is a messenger (报信者) for spring and     7     (bring) hope for a better season ahead.

The Daoist philosopher Laozi is said to have been born beneath a plum tree,     8    has been a popular subject for poetry for     9     (century). The Song poet Lin Bu is said to have spent his spare time     10     (feed) cranes and planting plum trees near West Lake in Hangzhou.


语法填空-短文语填(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文改编自China Daily新闻报道。文章讲述了熊猫丫丫受到普遍关注后,最终顺利回国的经历。

A farewell party for 22-year-old Ya Ya at Memphis Zoo took place last Saturday. Ya Ya, a giant panda, was surrounded by bamboo and given a special ice cake made of grapes, sugar cane (甘蔗), and cookies,     1     (take) on a harmonious scene, according to pictures and videos shared online.

In 2006, Ya Ya began to lightly shed fur,     2     skin issue leading to fur loss, which worsened in 2014. Ya Ya’s health     3     (weigh) on a majority of Chinese people. And online, people started pressing for Ya Ya’s return to China.

Since the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens received reports of Ya Ya’s poor health condition, Chinese experts have swung     4     action to assist in the care of Ya Ya to ensure her health and well-being. “Contrary to     5     most netizens might assume, Ya Ya is in a relatively stable (稳定的) health condition other than the fur loss, having a good appetite and stable weight. China will get Ya Ya home     6     (safe) at the fastest speed,” spokesperson of China’s ministry of foreign affairs, Wang Wenbin, said on Tuesday.

On April 27t, Ya Ya returned to Shanghai, safe and sound. One of the local     7     (resident) said, “The number of people waving at Ya Ya’s aircraft before it lands in Shanghai     8     (be) beyond our imagination. Having anticipated Ya Ya’s return for a longtime, we, at this moment, are so     9     (excite)! It is crucial that Ya Ya be exposed to a familiar circumstance     10     is of great benefit to her health recovery.” To our shock, Chinese people’s affection for Ya Ya hasn’t reduced despite the elapse (流逝) of 20 years.

2023-07-01更新 | 106次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Many people think rock-life forms in the sea filled with colourful fish when corals(珊瑚) are mentioned. But corals are made up of thousands of small organisms     1     live and feed like any other sea life.

Researchers in Hawaii and Australia have been engineering corals inside a lab for the past five years to see if they could better resist the     2     (effect) of climate change. They say it is now time     3     (see) how their creations perform in nature. The climate change already     4     (lead) to warming oceans that can harm sea life. If the more heat-resistant corals researchers developed do     5     (good) in the ocean, the method can     6     (use) to help save suffering and dying reefs. The team tested three methods for     7     (make) corals that would be strong and healthy in nature. Hughes, the leader of the project, said all the methods proved     8     (success) in the lab. Some scientists might worry such methods go against the natural processes of nature. But with the planet continuing to be warmer and warmer, scientists don’t see any better     9     (choose). “We have to do something     10     order to make a change for coral reefs to survive into the future, ” Hughes said.

2022-05-01更新 | 79次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

Trees, plants and flowers are all around us and we enjoy their beauty every day. However, we are so used to them     1     we may even take them for granted without       2    (realize) how much inspiration they have given us. In fact, nature has inspired many of the most       3    (fascinate) designs around us, including those in architecture. Nature     4     (present) in various architectural designs.

Today, architects continue to explore ways     5     (capture) the beauty of natural forms, to mimic the way nature works or even to make natural organisms part of a building. ArtScience Museum, Singapore was designed to show the     6     (connect) between nature and the modern city environment in which it sits. Visitors are often amazed to find themselves in an urban building that so     7    (true) captures the beauty of natural forms. Harare's Eastgate Centre is     8     superb example of biomimicry(仿生学). To use biomimicry is to create structures     9    (base) on natural forms and processes. Creating buildings such as these enables us to live     10     closer harmony with our environment.

2020-05-29更新 | 166次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般