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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:188 题号:15974618

Dogs tend to ignore suggestions from people who are lying. This is what Ludwig Huber’s team at the University of Vienna in Austria found in its recent experiment.

In the experiment, Huber and his colleagues first trained 260 dogs of various pure breeds to find hidden food in one of two covered bowls. The dogs learned to follow the suggestion of a person they had never met—the “communicator”—who would touch the food-filled bowl, glance at the dog, and say, “Look, this is very good!” Dogs appeared to trust this new person when they were reliably following the signal, says Huber.

Once that trust was established, the team had the dogs witness another person move the food from the first to the second bowl. The communicators were either in the room, and also witnessed the switch, or were briefly absent and so apparently unaware that the food had been switched. In either case, the communicators would later recommend the first bowl—which was now empty.

In previous versions of this experiment with children under age 5, Japanese macaques or chimpanzees, the participants reacted in particular ways. If a communicator had been absent during the food switch, it would appear that they couldn’t know where the treat really was. As such, the children, chimps or macaques would typically ignore a communicator who gave honest—but misleading—advice on where the food was, says Huber.

However, if the communicator had been in the room and witnessed the switch, but still recommended the first (now empty) bowl, young children and non-human primates (灵长目动物) were actually much more likely to follow the communicator’s knowingly misleading suggestion to approach the empty container. This may be because the children and non-human primates trusted the communicator over the evidence of their own eyes, says Huber.

The dogs in the new experiment, however, weren’t so trusting of lying communicators—much to the researchers’ surprise. Half of the dogs would follow the communicator’s misleading advice if the communicator hadn’t witnessed the food switch. But about two-thirds of dogs ignored a communicator who had witnessed the food switch and still recommended the now-empty bowl. These dogs simply went to the bowl filled with food instead. “They did not rely on the communicator anymore,” says Huber.

“This study reminds us that dogs are watching us closely, are picking up on our social signals, and are learning from us constantly even outside of formal training contexts,” says Monique Udell at Oregon State University.

Besides, the fact that half the dogs trusted the communicator who seemed to have made an honest mistake could reveal a lot about how dogs process social information, says Udell. “There is both genetic and behavioral evidence that dogs are hypersocial, meaning that many dogs have a difficult time ignoring social cues even when another solution might be more advantageous,” she says. “This is a really striking example of just how often this may occur.”

1. What did Huber and his colleagues try to do first?
A.To let dogs trust a stranger.B.To train dogs to guide humans.
C.To communicate more with dogs.D.To improve dogs’ ability to seek food.
2. How would young children react when the communicator was obviously lying?
A.They would be misled by the communicator.
B.They would ignore the communicator’s advice.
C.They would teach the communicator a good lesson.
D.They would keep a distance from the communicator.
3. What did the new experiment show?
A.Dogs tend to follow the communicator’s advice.
B.Dogs can be easily confused by the food switch.
C.Dogs can identify whether the communicator is lying.
D.Dogs can accurately understand humans’ social signals.
4. What does Monique Udell say about dogs?
A.They are much smarter than humans.
B.They prefer to stay with honest humans.
C.They need to be trained to follow humans.
D.They can be easily influenced by social cues.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A butterfly’s wings can have many jobs besides keeping the insect high up in the air. They may be used to attract mates, or to warn potential attackers to stay away. All of these roles, though, depend on their unchanging colouration. This plays into the idea that butterfly wings are dead tissue, like a bird’s feathers. In fact, that’s not true. For example, in some species males’ wings have special cells releasing some chemicals which attract females.

Nanfang Yu, a physicist at Columbia University, in New York, has been looking into the matter. Together with Naomi Pierce, a butterfly specialist at Harvard University, he has now shown, in a paper published in Nature Communications in February, 2020, that butterfly wings are, indeed, very much alive.

In their experiments, the two researchers used a laser(激光) to heat up spots on the wings of dozens of butterfly species. When the temperature of the area under the laser reached 40°C or so, the insects responded within seconds by doing things that stopped their wings heating up further. These actions included a butterfly turning around to minimize its profile to the laser, moving its wings up and down or simply walking away.

Butterflies engaged in all of these heat-minimising activities even when the researchers blindfolded them. That suggested the relevant sensors were on the wings themselves. Dr Yu and Dr Pierce therefore searched those wings for likely looking sensory cells. They found some, in the form of neurons(神经元) that were similar to heat detectors known from other insects. They also uncovered disc-shaped cells that appeared to be similar to pressure-sensitive neurons. They guess that these are there to detect deformation of the wing—information an insect could use to control its flight pattern.

The third discovery they made to contradict the “dead wing” idea was that some butterfly wings have a heartbeat. A butterfly’s wings have veins(静脉). These carry a bloodlike liquid which, researchers have now found in males, shows a pulse(脉搏) of several dozen beats per minute. The source of this pulse appears to be the scent(气味) pad, a dark spot on the wings that produces the female-attracting chemicals. Apparently, this “wing heart” acts as a pump that helps bloodlike liquid through the scent pad.

In all their experiments simulating different environmental conditions, Dr Yu and Dr Pierce consistently found that, different parts of the wing are covered by different sorts of scales(鳞屑). In particular, tubes pass through scales over the scent pads. This improves their ability to spread heat away and helps keep the living parts of a butterfly’s wings alive.

1. A bird’s feathers are mentioned in Paragraph 1 to _____.
A.introduce the latest research findings on a bird
B.highlight the special feature of a bird’s feathers
C.show common knowledge about butterfly wings
D.stress the difference between a butterfly and a bird
2. What can we learn from Dr Yu and Dr Pierce’s experiments?
A.Butterfly wings are complicated living organs.
B.Butterfly wings have little reaction to external heat.
C.The scent pads on some male butterfly wings are their hearts.
D.Heat-minimising activities help detect deformation of the wings.
3. What is the function of scales over the scent pads?
A.Attracting mates.B.Increasing blood flow.
C.Covering powerful tubes.D.Producing the cooling effect.
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Seeing Is BelievingB.More Than Meets The Eye
C.Nothing Seek, Nothing FindD.Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds
2020-09-27更新 | 1173次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】As we all know, trees are important to our life. They provide us with food, wood and most importantly, oxygen. Now there is one more thing we can add to this list—blocking out harmful bacteria in water.

The discovery was made by some scientists and high school students who were seeking for a natural water filter(过滤器)—one that could help people in developing countries that don’t have access to modern water systems.

The researchers, led by Rohit Karnik, a professor ,decided to turn to trees for help because they were able to allow liquid to flow through while blocking out air bubbles(气泡).

They began by cutting 1.5-inch-wide sections of tree bark from the branch of a white pine tree. The researchers then tested the wood’s filtering ability by pouring water containing red dye particles(染料颗粒)of different sizes through. To their surprise, they found it was effective in trapping all the particles. Encouraged, the team did another experiment, this time with water containing bacteria. Sure enough, the bark held back 99%of the bacteria, allowing only 1% to flow through.

Mr. Karnik said the bark was able to filter water containing much smaller particles. This means that it can be used to get rid of most of the bacteria. However, what troubles them is that tree bark cannot hold back viruses, which tend to be much smaller.

Though the experiment is successful, we must remember one thing—the bark only works when damp. This means that before this natural filter can be put to practical use, the researchers will have to figure out how to keep the bark damp, or find a way to keep the bark’s great filtering ability even when it’s dry.

But the study is not done. The researchers plan on testing other types of trees, including those flowering trees. They think those may be more effective in trapping smaller particles and even viruses.

1. How will the discovery affect the world?
A.No harmful bacteria will be found in water.
B.There will be no water pollution around the world.
C.More pine trees will be planted around the world.
D.Clean water will be more accessible in developing countries.
2. What problem troubles the researchers when using the trees bark as a water filter?
A.Viruses cannot be prevented.
B.Tree bark should be wet.
C.It’s hard to remove air bubbles.
D.Not all bacteria can be held back.
3. Why does the team plan to do other experiments?
A.To find other natural water filters.
B.To improve the filtering ability of other trees.
C.To find a way to keep the bark wet.
D.To test the filtering ability of other trees.
4. In which column of a newspaper can we read this text?
2017-07-07更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】An elephant and a crocodile were once standing beside river. They were disputing which was the better animal.

“Look at my strength,” said the elephant. “I can pull up a tree, roots and all with my trunk”

“Ah! But your skin is not nearly so thick as mine,” replied the crocodile. “No knife or tooth can cut through it.”

Just as they were coming to blows, a lion happened to pass.

“My dear friends!” said the King of all animals, going up to them. “Let me know the cause of your disagreement.”

“Will you kindly tell us which is the better animal?” cried both at once.

“Certainly”, said the lion, pointing across the river. “Do you see the soldiers’ metal hat on that wall?”

“Yes!” replied the beasts.

“Well, then,” continued the lion, “go and get it, and bring it to me, and I shall be able then to decide between you.”

Upon hearing this, off they started. The crocodile, being used to the water, reached the opposite side of the river first, and was soon standing beside the wall.

Here he waited till the elephant came up. The elephant, seeing that the crocodile had no way of reaching their goal, raised his long trunk, and took down the hat quite easily.

They then made their way together back again across the river. The elephant was trying to keep up with the fast-moving crocodile in the water and became careless. When he was forced to turn sharply to avoid a floating tree branch, the elephant dropped the hat and it fell to the river bottom. The crocodile noticed the accident, so down he dived, and brought it up in his huge mouth. They then returned, and the crocodile laid the metal hat at the lion's feet. The King took it up, and turning to the elephant, said: “You, because of your size and trunk, were able to reach the hat on the wall but, having lost it, you were unable to get it back. And you,” said the lion to the crocodile, “although unable to reach the hat, were able to dive for it and save it. You are both wise and able in your own ways. One is no better than the other.”

1. The underlined word "disputing" in Paragraph 1 means____.
2. What did the crocodile think was the best about himself?
A.His big mouthB.His strong skinC.His swimming skillD.His dangerous teeth
3. How did the lion deal with the animals’ disagreement?
A.He ordered them to fight.B.He made a quick decision.
C.He suggested a competitionD.He asked them to describe themselves
4. What caused the elephant to drop the hat?
A.The hat got wet in the river.B.He hit a floating tree
C.He was trying to swim too fastD.He wanted to fight the crocodile
5. How were the elephant and the crocodile able to complete their task?
A.By working togetherB.planning carefully
C.By sharing their ideasD.By listening to the lion
2020-10-07更新 | 56次组卷
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