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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:90 题号:16208279

The dog Pooch Chi Chi managed to open the door and let a fire crew in after his owner collapsed on the kitchen floor.

Responders were searching for another entrance when they heard a “click” as the dog managed to unlock the door to let them in, They found the man, named only as Mr Green, collapsed on the floor in the kitchen as the fire took hold on the hob. Firefighters then swiftly put out the fire and carried out first aid until paramedics(急救医士)arrived.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service said “a potential disaster” was averted with help from the dog. They said they were called to the scene after a smoke detector was activated and a Careline alarm was sounded.

Mr Green initially answered the call but operator at Careline lost communication. Within six minutes, the crew was on scene and investigating. They could hear the alarm but were unable to establish contact with the man inside. With curtains drawn, the crew could not see in-side but could hear a dog barking. They tried the front door, but it wouldn’t open. As the crew looked for another entrance, they heard a “click” and the front door opened. The crew went inside to find a man collapsed on the floor in the kitchen when a fire was beginning to take hold on the cooker. They contacted the ambulance service, put out the fire and allowed fresh air in. Firefighters then carried out first aid and stabilized the man until paramedics arrived. It wasn’t until later in the incident that they discovered that Chi Chi had managed to open the front door and let the crew inside.

Ian Bolton, Crew Manager for Home and Partnerships at Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service added: “Having monitored detection in people’s homes means the fire service are only minutes away from providing lifesaving assistance. This is a real success story and highlights the importance of Careline and the fire service. Careline’s system, combined with the speed of our crews getting to the incident, saved Mr Green’s life. The cherry on the cake. however, was Chi Chi letting the crews in before they had to force entry to the property. ”

1. What does the underlined word “averted” in Paragraph 3 mean?
2. Why did the operator lose communication?
A.The man fell down and couldn’t move.
B.The system broke down accidentally.
C.The operator lost his senses.
D.The crew couldn’t see inside.
3. According to Ian Bolton, what is the most important factor in the rescue?
A.The swift reaction of Mr. Green.
B.The wide use of the smoke detector.
C.The dog unlocking the entrance to the door.
D.The joint work of   Careline and the fire service.
4. Which word can best describe Chi Chi?
【知识点】 动物 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】What do you do when you are cold? Your may wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sip a cup of steaming cocoa. All animals have different ways of responding to the cold. Some animals, such as Canada geese, move to warmer climates. Others sleep for the whole winter. But the wood frog does something unusual. It freezes.

The wood frog’s ability to freeze its body is vital to its survival. The wood frog can live in extreme climates from the Appalachian Mountains, across much of Canada, and into Alaska. When temperatures are cold, a wood frog digs down a few inches beneath the leaves on the forest floor. As the outdoor temperature decreases, the frog’s skin freezes. For a human this would result in cold injury, or the freezing of body tissues. But the wood frog has a natural defense against the cold that is remarkable.

Special proteins inside the frog’s body freeze the water in the frog’s blood. Water forced out of the frog’s other cells freezes as well. But a special solution produced inside the frog acts like antifreeze in a car, protecting the cells.

In cold temperatures the frog’s heartbeat, breathing, and brain activity stop. Because the organs are surrounded by ice, they do not rot away (腐烂) and do not require oxygen or nutrients. In fact, about 65% of the frog freezes. The frog, however, is still alive.

The wood frog can freeze for a few days or several months at a time. It can survive temperatures as low as 18°F without damage to its body. When the temperature outside increases, the frog thaws (变暖) along with its surroundings. Water and blood begin circulating in its body again. Within a few hours its heart starts beating again. Over the next several hours, the frog slowly regains use of its legs―and hops away.

Scientists are extremely interested in the wood frog’s ability to freeze. For years they have sought ways to freeze body tissue without damaging it. They hope that in studying wood frogs they may learn better ways of preserving human organs for transplants and other medical procedures. Whether these frogs can be used to help humans or not, they certainly are amazing.

1. To survive under severe conditions, wood frogs mainly benefit from__________.
A.fallen leaves.
B.their ability to freeze.
C.the other animals in the area.
D.the temperature of their environment.
2. What can we learn about wood frogs in winter months?
A.They are not truly frozen during winter months.
B.They have a special process for storing energy.
C.They are not harmed by the body-freezing process.
D.They have a unique ability to know the temperature.
3. It can be learnt from paragraph 5 that a wood frog _________.
A.hops away before being frozen.
B.thaws faster than its surroundings.
C.uses the same amount of time to thaw as to freeze.
D.adjusts the body temperature with its surroundings.
4. The author’s purpose in writing the text is to explain _________.
A.the scientific studies that involve wood frogs.
B.how wood frogs migrate to warmer climates.
C.how wood frogs survive in unfavorable conditions.
D.the reasons scientists have been unsuccessful at freezing organs.
2021-05-28更新 | 84次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The cry of the fishing cat sounds like the quack of a duck, and the rest of this midsize cat also enables it to hunt in the water. Its streamlined head is perfect for moves in the mangrove swamps (红树林沼泽地) and wetlands of South and Southeast Asia, and its pointy ears even fold (折叠) down when it jumps into deep water. The short and strong tail helps control its direction. The extra-thick coat keeps it warm and dry while swimming.

“I found fishing cats to be very ingenious,” says Tiasa Adhya, co-founder of The Fishing Cat Project, a research and conservation group based in eastern India. Her research recently showed that the animal has two methods of catching fish. In deep waters, the cat stays still on the banks for hours before jumping into the water for the kill. In shallow (浅的) waters, though, the cat actively drives the fish out of their hiding places by moving about with heavy steps.

Now the fishing cat is facing another challenge: humans. The world has lost almost 90 percent of its wetlands since the 1700s, with Asia suffering the greatest loss. These days, industrialized fish farming, pollution and other human behaviors have destroyed the living condition of freshwater fish and set fishing cats against farmers, as the hungry cats steal farmed fish, and the farmers get even with them (报复). Once found along river systems from Pakistan to Vietnam, the cats have disappeared from large areas of their range.

Researchers are testing new methods, including the commercial launch (商业化推出) of a type of native rice variety. Depending on nutrients (营养物) washed in by rains rather than on chemicals, the rice creates living space for the fishing cat and its food. The idea is that in healthy lakes where there is plenty to feed fishing cats and fishermen alike, killings will be unnecessary. “Nobody takes a loss,” Adhya explains, “when somebody takes a fish.”

1. What does the author want to explain about fishing cats in the first paragraph?
A.Why they moved to South and Southeast Asia.
B.What helps them swim well in the water.
C.What pushes them to live with ducks.
D.Why they love staying in the water.
2. What does the underlined word “ingenious” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The battle between fishing cats and humans.
B.The decision to protect freshwater fish.
C.The importance of stopping pollution.
D.The method of increasing wetlands.
4. What can we infer about the new method mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.It will do some harm to the environment.
B.It will create a win-win situation.
C.It will increase food production.
D.It will cost a lot of money.
2024-05-14更新 | 22次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The first apes evolved 20 million years ago in the forests where they would go up a tree to get their food, and then come back down to move on to the next tree. Getting out of a tree presents all kinds of new challenges. Big apes can’t afford to fall because it could kill or badly injure them. Natural selection would have favored those with body structures that allowed them to descend safely.

Dartmouth researchers report in the journal Royal Society Open Science that apes probably evolved free-moving shoulders and flexible elbows to slow their descent from trees as gravity pulled on their heavier bodies. These flexible body parts passed on from ancestral apes would have allowed early humans to climb trees at night for safety and comedown in the daylight unhurt. When early humans transitioned from forests to open savannas (热带稀树草原), flexible shoulders and elbows were crucial for gathering food and using tools for hunting and defense.

The researchers used sports analysis and statistical software to study how primates(灵长目动物) like chimpanzees and small monkeys called mangabeys climbed in the wild. They found that chimps and mangabeys scaled(攀爬) trees similarly, with shoulders and elbows mostly bent close to the body. When descending, however, chimpanzees extended their arms above their heads to hold on to branches, much like a person using a ladder, to counteract(抵消) their heavier weight pulling them downward.

Luke Fannin, the lead author of the study, emphasized that their findings highlight the importance of “down climbing” in the evolution of apes and early humans. He explained, “Our research introduces the idea that down climbing played a significant role in shaping the structural differences between monkeys and apes, which eventually manifested in humans.”

“Our field has thought about apes climbing up trees for a long time, but we’ve been ignoring the second half of this behavior,” said Professor Jeremy DeSilva, “The findings are among the first to identify the significance of “down climbing” in the evolution of apes and early humans.

1. According to paragraph 1, apes would have been favored by natural selection if                .
A.they have sufficient food resources.
B.they come down from trees securely.
C.they master skills of climbing up trees.
D.they cure themselves when they’re injured.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The similarity of two primates in tree climbing
B.The evolution of two primates’ adaptation to nature.
C.The analysis of primates’ tree scaling and descending
D.The application of different research methods and tools.
3. Which of the following statement might DeSilva agree with?
A.Descending trees has been neglected by researchers for a long time.
B.The study is the first to recognize the significance of down climbing
C.The evolution of apes and early humans is a result of down climbing.
D.Studies on climbing down trees are more likely to have new findings.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Chimpanzees and Mangabeys: Researches in Natural Settings
B.Apes and Humans: A Comparative Study of Climbing up Trees
C.Shoulders and Elbows: Evolved as Brakes for Downclimbing Apes
D.Apes’ Climbing Strategies: How to Use Different Body Parts Flexibly
2024-01-02更新 | 129次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般