组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 生活与学习 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:224 题号:16348048

Christmas Eve, my husband and our three children gathered in the living room. The presents were wrapped under the tree. Everything was perfect except one thing was missing the star on the top of the Christmas tree.

Lilly and Brandon were born first, and decorating the tree soon became the focus of our Christmas traditions. We would lift one of the kids up high to put the star on top. “The star that shone with promise,” I told the kids. The two kids took turns to do this important job.

Then Finn was born. He was a happy baby, until Matt and I noticed something odd when he was 14 months old. He didn’t interact with us anymore. Then, his autism (自闭症) diagnosis came out. How to be the family Finn needed us to be? In so many situations, I didn’t have an answer.

Finn turned three years old, and I hoped he was ready to take part in adding the final touch to our tree. It would be his first time, a chance to connect with us through this tradition. Matt took the older kids’ hands and stepped back to give us some room. I took the star from its box. “Here, Finn,” I said, putting the star in his little hand. “It’s your turn to put this on the top of the tree!” I went to pick him up. Finn didn’t seem to understand. He threw the star on the floor and twisted in my arms.

“Finn,” I said, “It’s okay, honey.” Still, he fought me. Finally, I put him down. I wanted to try again, but he ran away. “Finn!” I called after him, but he ignored me.

“Give him time,” Matt said. It didn’t feel right to let Lilly or Brandon place the star instead. It was Finn’s turn, and I didn’t want to leave him out. So, the tree remained starless that Christmas. The next Christmas too. And the one after that. waiting for Finn. This Christmas, however, I simply gave up trying and left the star in the box somewhere in the basement.


Matt brought some presents to the living room for the kids besides the starless tree.


“You want to put the star on the top?” I asked, looking where his finger was pointing.



书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

We were in our late 20s with a child when my husband, Ralph, finally graduated from college.

“OK, now I deserve a piano,” I blurted out when he sat down for lunch just before the graduation ceremony. A look of surprise crossed his face.

“We could never afford a piano. After so many years of hard work, we got you through school. Now I deserve a piano,” I repeated.

Several months later, Ralph, with help, moved the upright piano we bought for $ 100 into our cottage’s tiny arched dining room. It smelled a little musty, but had great tone.

Ralph started graduate school, leaving no money for private piano lessons. The first thing that came to my mind was Santa Monica City College—maybe it offered piano lessons. Skimming the catalog, I danced around the room when I found a class at the same time the boys were at preschool.

Practicing, however, was not so easy. Four-year old redheaded Denny crawled out of bed in the evening on a regular basis. That was my time to practice. He’d pad out of the bedroom in his sleeper and climb up on the bench with me. Soon he began plinking (发出叮铃声) on the high keys. I tried to ignore him. He listened to the echoes of the keys and plinked some more. Doing all I could do to keep focused on my own practicing, I continued to ignore him.

This practice pattern became an evening routine. After a while, I didn’t even hear him anymore. Ralph studied. Denny plinked on the high keys, and I focused on my piece for the end-of-the-term recital (独奏会).

That evening came. However, Ralph said he was busy preparing for the midterms and couldn’t watch Denny.

Pacing back and forth, I shook my head trying to figure out what to do. Time was running out. I bundled up Denny—with his sleeper on—and drove off to the recital with him.

“We’ll sit in the front row, Denny,” I whispered. “You have to be very quiet and listen when I am playing.” He nodded, said “Uh-huh,” and we sat down.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Denny held my hand, but then my turn came.


A small body climbed onto the piano bench next to me.

2023-04-08更新 | 577次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

It’s eight o'clock on a cold spring night. Our apartment has been hit by a tornado. Every bit of furniture is draped with scissors and Scotch tape, modeling clay, and party favors. I’m so tired tonight.

The phone rings-for the sixth time in less than an hour. We know who it is. When my mother was 68,a stroke claimed her brain. She is haunted by paranoia (妄想症)—she thinks she has been kicked out of her assisted living facility; she thinks her daughters have not visited in months; she thinks that her friend Jimmy never wants to see her again.

Each time she calls, I play a game with myself called “How Good a Person Can I Be?” She has no idea that she has repeated the things she is about to say a million times today and a million times yesterday. She has no idea that I had surgery, nor can she recall her own granddaughter’s name. She is unaware of most of the past, and she is lonely.

“MOM!” I yell. “You are not being removed from your home!And we visited you two days ago!” “Mom, you have to believe me, and if you don’t, I cannot talk anymore! Everything is fine!”

Silence. Then: “I was only calling to say hi. But I also doubt about something; do you have a minute?”

“No, Mom, I don’t, I can’t have this again!”

“Why are you yelling?”

I flop(猛然坐下)on the couch, aware that my daughter is witnessing. She hears me complain my mother, lose my patience, announce that someone I love is an unwelcome burden. I have not only failed at being a good person; I have failed at being a good example to my daughter.

“Can I talk to Grandma Ellie?” My five-year-old reaches for the phone.

Paragraph 1:

Wordlessly, I hand it over.

Paragraph 2:

I listen to my daughter singing to her grandmother, caring for her with patience.

2022-05-17更新 | 78次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

I was born into a big family. As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same public school as my three older sisters and brother. Every year, my mother went to the same scene and had parent/child interviews with the same teachers. The only thing different was the child. And every child participated in an old school tradition — the annual plant sale held in early May, just in time for Mother’s Day.

Third grade was the first time that I was allowed to take part in the plant sale. I wanted to surprise my mother, but I didn’t have any money. I went to my oldest sister and shared the secret, and she gave me some money. When I arrived at the plant sale, I carefully made my selection and spent a long time inspecting each plant to ensure that I had indeed found the best geranium (天竺葵). Once I had taken it secretly home, with the help of my sister, I hid it in the attic (阁楼). I was very nervous for fear that my mother would find it before Mother’s Day, but my sister assured me that she wouldn’t, and indeed she did not.

When Mother’s Day arrived, I got up very early, went into the attic on tiptoe and carried the carefully-selected geranium to the kitchen, where my mother was preparing breakfast. “It’s for you!” I gave the flower to mum and hugged her tightly.

The year I was fifteen, my younger sister reached third grade. In early May she came to me full of wonder and secrecy and told me that there was going to be a plant sale at school, and she wanted to surprise our mother. As my older sister did for me, I gave her some money and off she went.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

She arrived home full of nervous excitement.


My mother noticed me watching, and she gave me a soft, secret smile.

2022-04-28更新 | 337次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般