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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:88 题号:16570249

A 23-year-old man can do weightlifting in many ways as hard as any other gym-goer, but he only has one leg. Nathan Seawood doesn’t let his disability keep him from the weight room. Instead, he’s learning to bear a different load.

“This isn’t just a physical battle in the gym,” Seawood said. “It’s a mental battle for myself.” Refusing to be weighed down by his disability, Seawood draws strength from his mind, as he fights to make it through each step. “That takes a lot out of me. I push my body so hard that I’m tired,” said Seawood, who once thought he might have to give up the weights forever.

Seawood ended up in a hospital bed with one leg after falling off a boat in Long Lake near Traverse City in June, 2019. His left leg got caught in the propeller and had to be cut.

“I didn’t want people to see me,” Seawood said. “I couldn’t accept what had happened to me because it’s a lifestyle change. And that was hard. I was down bad.”

Seawood said a therapist helped lift his spirits. “I wanted to be able to walk and that was difficult because I’m using muscles that never really get noticed as much,” Seawood said. Now he’s using those muscles to train hard at Grand Rapids City Gym, inspiring those around him to keep pushing.

“He faces difficulties most of us don’t have to,” Jeff Phillips, who owns the gym, said. “I mean, he’s in here and he only has one leg, but he’s doing a lot of the same lifts everybody with two legs are doing. It’s surely encouraging to see him doing that.”

Despite life’s best attempt to knock him down, Seawood is still standing, and while he may exercise differently from others, he’s thankful to still be moving. “I might have a disability, but I’m not disabled,” Seawood said.

1. What plays the key role in Seawood’s weightlifting?
A.His right leg.B.The others’ encouragement.
C.His strong will.D.His family.
2. What led to Nathan Seawood’s disability?
A.An accident.B.An early birth.C.A serious disease.D.A medical mistake.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Nathan Seawood?
A.Confident and honest.B.Smart and hardworking.
C.Calm and modest.D.Determined and positive.
4. Why is Jeff Phillips mentioned in paragraph 6?
A.To tell Seawood’s sad story.B.To draw attention to weightlifting.
C.To speak highly of Seawood.D.To show sympathy for Seawood.
【知识点】 记叙文 励志故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】As a college student in Boston, I formed the habit of buying used books. I enjoy the hunt, the good price and the unrecognized treasures. I find old textbooks, ex-bestsellers, and books on subjects I’ve never heard of and now must learn all about. I don’t search for rare books, first editions, or leather-bound editions but books that are worth reading.

Rereading, for me, is a pleasure during retirement. The theater and the concert hall become less appealing to me, along with crowds. Staying alone and reading books have become extremely important to me. Literature needs the flesh of experience to have its full effect. Different books offer me insights and ways of expressing that stuck in my mind as grains of sand in an oyster now shine like pearls. My taste in books improves with age.

While packing for a move, which occurs at intervals of five to seven years, I clear my shelves and pick my books. I abandon a few, later regret my decisions, and look for them again. Several years ago, I got rid of books related to my job-architecture. Some were design guides, reference books, product catalogs, and things that went out of date. Some were historical or centered on a period or an architect. These had given me many hours of pleasure. Will I ever open their covers again? Certainly. I held on to the red bulk of Sir Banister Fletcher’s A History of Architecture and books on Paris, Rome, and Boston.

I gave away drafting equipment and instruments. I threw out rolls and rolls of paper, and old drawings of projects completed long ago, some of which had even been damaged. This time, I stay put in a cottage that suits my status and I’ve moved on in spirit. No doubt I will acquire more used books and throw away more books as passions grow and fade, like feathers changing with the seasons.

1. What does the author consider most important when choosing used books?
A.Their appealing covers.B.Their reasonable prices.
C.Their excellent content.D.Their collection value.
2. What does the author realize as he grows older?
A.He has a small circle of friends.B.His attitude towards work changes.
C.His communication skills improve.D.He has a deeper understanding of life and books.
3. Why does the author mention books on architecture?
A.To show some books are worth reading repeatedly.
B.To recommend Sir Banister Fletcher’s books.
C.To suggest we avoid making poor decisions.
D.To explain his love for architecture.
4. What can we learn about the author from the last paragraph?
A.He will stop throwing away used books.
B.He likes updating his collection of used books.
C.He is bad at using advanced drafting equipment.
D.He enjoys leading an active life in the countryside.
2022-05-13更新 | 708次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约160词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】A young father was visiting an old neighbour. They were standing in the old man's garden, and talking about children. The young man said, "How strict should parents be with their children?"

The old man pointed to a string(细绳索) between a big strong tree and a thin young one.

"Please untie that string," he said. The young man untied it, and the young tree bent over to one side.

"Now tie it again, please, " said the old man. "But first pull the string tight so that the young tree is straight again."

The young man did so. Then the old man said, "There, it is the same with children. You must be strict with them, tie the string tight again. But when you find that they are ready to stand alone, you can take the string away."

1. The story is about _____.
A.how to take care of young treesB.how strict parents should be with their children
C.how the young father should get on with his old neighbourD.how to help children to study
2. The young man untied the string ____.
A.in order to throw it awayB.so that both of the trees would grow straight
C.in order to see if the young tree grew tallerD.to see if the young tree can stand straight
3. When could the string be taken away ?
A.When the old man left.B.When the young man untied it next time.
C.When the young tree grew strong enough.D.When the young tree grew older.
4. At last the old man told the young man _____.
A.that he should be strict with his children if they could not stand alone
B.that he should always be strict with his children
C.that he should be hard on his children
D.that he should put a string to his children
2022-03-25更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】I couldn't believe it.

I just couldn't believe it. “How could they do this to me?” I screamed to myself as I walked along the icy New York streets to my apartment just a few blocks away. Just a few minutes ago, I was happily working at my job. Meat was on the grill (烤架) and bread was being toasted.

I knew it was a little fishy when Mark called me into his office for a “chat” . Something just didn't seem right.

“This is so hard for me to say,” he said, “but we will not need your service any more. Please take off your apron (围裙). Here is your final paycheck. ”

Just then, the winter wind whipped (鞭打) onto my face and big snowflakes started to fall on my heavy winter coat. I didn't even know how, but warm tears started to drip out of the corners of my eyes. My hands were too cold to even wipe my face.

Out of nowhere, an old man walked up to me. He had black mustache and his eyes were surprisingly blue.

“Hello, young man,” he said to me, “lift your spirits. ”

“I can't. I just can't. I was just fired from my favorite job. ”

“I know. I know,” he said, interrupting me, “I want you to always remember that it is always the darkest before dawn. You will get another job. Don't worry. ”

I didn't know what to do. I looked down at my shoes to think about the situation. Maybe this man was right. Maybe dawn was not so far away.

I decided to thank the man for supporting me, but when I looked up, he was gone.

A week later I got a well paid job as the executive chef for a five -star restaurant. The man was right.

1. What couldn't the author believe?
A.The streets of New York were very dangerous to walk on.
B.He had just been fired for no reason.
C.His colleagues had just made fun of him.
D.What he had cooked turned out very bad.
2. What does the underlined word “fishy” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. Why did the author describe the wind and the snow?
A.To show that he was wearing very little.
B.To explain that the weather was not good.
C.To show that he was in a very bad mood.
D.To explain that he hadn't enough money for supper.
4. What does the author want to tell us according to the passage?
A.There is always hope in the dark.
B.Don't believe what you see.
C.A kind heart will always be paid back.
D.Someone will give you a hand in the end.
2019-10-25更新 | 156次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般