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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:212 题号:16671118

A team of Australian and Japanese scientists are using the bacteria-killing (杀菌的) characteristics of the wings of insects, such as cicadas (蝉) and dragonflies, to create lab-made material that can kill up to 70 percent of bacteria. Insect wings have sharp points which destroy bacteria on contact. The new technology has a major influence on food storage because so much is wasted when bacterial growth goes into food. The new bacteria-killing food packaging will improve shelf life and reduce waste.

Professor Elena Ivanova from RMIT University’s School of Science said the team had successfully applied a natural fact to plastic. “We knew the wings of cicadas and dragonflies were highly-effective bacteria killers and could help inspire a solution, but replicating nature is always a challenge,”Professor Ivanova said. The breakthrough was a big step towards a non-chemical, antibacterial packaging solution for food manufacturing, she added.

Professor Ivanova and her colleagues first discovered that insect wings were natural-born bacteria killers a decade ago. The team is now working on improving the technology to find the best way to mass produce the bacteria-killing packaging. But the possible applications of the technology do not stop with packaging. In an earlier 2020 review published in Nature Reviews Microbiology, the researchers detailed how possible uses might one day even include defeating drug-resistant bacteria.

Professor Ivanova said that at the time finding non-chemical ways of killing bacteria was very important, with more than 700,000 people dying each year due to drug-resistant bacterial infection. Bacterial resistance to some medicine is one of the greatest threats to global health and regular treatment of infection is becoming increasingly difficult,” Professor Ivanova said. “When we look to nature for ideas, we find insects have developed highly-effective bacteria-killing systems. If we can understand exactly how insect-inspired patterns kill bacteria, we can engineer exactly these shapes to improve their effectiveness against infections.”

1. Why do wings of insects have the ability to kill bacteria?
A.They smell bad.B.They are usually wet.
C.They move very fast.D.They have sharp points.
2. What can best replace the underlined word “replicating” in paragraph 2?
3. What is Professor Ivanova probably eager to find out?
A.What kind of shape the cells of insects have.
B.What’s our body’s defence system against infection.
C.What’s behind the bacteria-killing systems of insects.
D.Why so many people die of bacterial infection.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Smart Food Packaging Keeps Harmful Cells Away
B.Plastic-Based Bacteria-Killing Packaging Keeps Food Fresh
C.New Packaging Uses Drugs to Kill Harmful Bacteria in Food
D.Insect Wings Inspire New Bacteria-Killing Packaging


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】People get to know the world by reading news. Here are some pieces of news on what’s happening around the world.

Artist recycles rubbish into large trolls (怪物), Ohio, US

Artist Thomas Dambo has been making large trolls out of recycled rubbish to highlight how waste can be made into beautiful things. He has built three trolls at the Aullwood Audubon Center, a bird sanctuary (保护区). Its director, Alexis Faust, said, “I see the trolls as protectors of the birds and they help remind us that we need to do the same.”

Albatrosses (信天翁) break up more often, Falkland Islands

Albatrosses usually stay with the same partner for life. However, a recent study has found that more and more albatross couples are breaking up. This has been blamed on stress caused by changes in the environment, such as warming water, which means the birds must fly further to find food

Singing robots enter the classroom, Seoul, ROK

Seoul, the capital city of ROK, has sent robots to 300 nurseries (幼儿园) to prepare children for a high-tech future. The Alpha Mini robots can sing, dance and teach kung fu. One class discovered that they could ask their robot to speak on command. Teacher Byun Seo-yeon said the robots would help with children’s creativity.

Endangered tigers come back, Yakutin, Russia

Amur tiger footprints have been found in Yakutia Russia, for the first time in 50 years. The Amur tiger, also known as the Siberian tiger, is an endangered species. In the 1940s there were fewer than 50 left in the wild. Conservation (环境保护) efforts have seen its number increases in eastern Russia, from 330 in 2005 to 600 today.

1. What is the influence of the trolls?
A.More birds will be attracted.
B.More rubbish will be made by people.
C.More people will visit the bird sanctuary.
D.More people will be reminded to protect birds.
2. Why are singing robots brought to the classroom in ROK?
A.To teach children to make music.
B.To equip kids with literature.
C.To make children exercise more.
D.To develop children’s creativity.
3. What do we know about the animals in the text?
A.Albatrosses live under threat.
B.Siberian tigers are dying out.
C.Albatrosses used to fly further to find food.
D.There are fewer Siberian tigers than 50 years ago.
2022-04-15更新 | 122次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Clementine seemed to be missing apiece from her life’s puzzle for most of her life. Dropped off as a 3-year-old homeless dog near New Orleans, the dog stayed in the shelter for four months before being moved to Texas.

While living at an adoption center in Texas, the dog was adopted out twice to different families. Sadly, neither of those adoptions were successful. It turned out Clementine didn’t get along with smaller pets, and she had too much energy for the second family.

Meanwhile, Captain Robert Moree wanted to add a fire dog to the station. He’d just read a study about how dogs help firefighter scope with the pressure of their jobs, and he was eager to give the study a real life trial run! With the permission of the chief and other firefighters, he and a few colleagues visited the shelter. As soon as they met Clementine, they were smitten!

“They introduced us to Clementine,” Captain Moree recalled. “She started to like us, and we liked her instantly. Later that day, my driver, Bryan Wallen, and I decided to get her.”

Captain Moree officially adopted Clementine, but she definitely belonged to every person in the firehouse. She loved to hug the firefighters in between calls, and she was always nearby whenever anyone was preparing food. “She rides on the truck when we go out on calls” said Captain Moree. “She not only makes the station feel more like home during our 24-hour shifts but also keeps us excited to come to the station.”

Clementine has made such an amazing journey from a homeless dog to a hero dog. She was named Dog of the Year at the 2022 ASPCA Humane Awards!

1. Why did Clementine fail to stay in the second family?
A.She liked fire.B.She was too active.C.She ate too much.D.She hated other pets.
2. What does the underlined word “smitten” probably mean?
3. What did Captain Moree expect a fire dog to do?
A.Help put out fires.B.Guard the firehouse.
C.Stay excited day and nightD.Reduce stress of firefighters.
4. What can be inferred about Clementine from the last two paragraphs?
A.She risked her life as a fire dog.
B.She has got many important awards.
C.She did an excellent job as a fire dog.
D.She remained homeless in her whole life.
2024-01-16更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Thorny devils, rattlesnakes, kangaroo rats and more have developed smart ways for surviving in water-scarce(缺水的) environments.

Thorny devils

In Australian deserts live some animals known as thorny devils. These animals specialize in eating ants, which are also where they get their water.

But when ants are scarce, or conditions are even drier than normal, they have a backup. All they have to do is to kick the sand up onto their backs and let the network of tiny canals(沟渠) on their skins to catch small amounts of water and guide the liquid directly to their mouth.

Namib desert beetles

An ocean away in southwestern Africa, the Namib desert beetles pull off a similar trick. They use their backs as a cooler to catch water trapped in the morning fog. As the droplets grow in size, they run down the insects’ backs toward their mouths.

Desert rattlesnakes

Desert rattlesnakes of the western US are able to live on just one hearty meal a year. But without a drink of water now and then, the snakes would dry up and breathe their last in a few days.

So how do they survive way up in the Rocky Mountains, where water is scarce? Easy. They turn their bodies into bowls in the evening to collect the dew(露水). With their cold bodies flattened into a bowl, the dew gathers on their skin.

Kangaroo rats

These pocket-size animals in the US Midwest plains never drink water. They spend 75 percent of their time in underground holes to avoid the heat in the desert. They survive on a diet of dry grass seeds, which they first bury underground. Because the underground soil is wetter than the surface soil, stored seeds may absorb as much as 30 percent more water than ones above ground. So when the rats eat their seeds, they get both food and water.

1. Where do Namib desert beetles live?
A.In Australian deserts.B.In the US Midwest plains.
C.In southwestern Africa.D.In Canada’s Rocky Mountains.
2. What is unique about kangaroo rats?
A.They drink underground water.B.They bury their backs to get water.
C.They don’t need water to survive.D.They just use their food to gather water.
3. Which may have a better chance of surviving in food-scarce environments?
A.Thorny devils.B.Desert rattlesnakes.
C.Kangaroo rats.D.Namib desert beetles.
2022-05-01更新 | 62次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般