组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:150 题号:16745062

It was a sunny day when my dad and I were arriving at his company. We parked the car and got out of it. I looked around and saw a grey thing on the ground. I thought it was, a garbage bag, but it started to move. As we approached we realized that it was a small wounded (受伤的) dog.

We were so moved by the scene that we decided to help the poor dog. We bought some dog food in the store across the street and got some pure water for the dog, in order to help him regain strength.

He was so hungry that while we were giving him the food and water he almost buried his head in them. After he had eaten we encouraged him to move; however, he could not. My dad tried to take him in his arms, but he started barking due to a wounded bleeding paw (爪子). In the end, we decided to carry him on a small stretcher (担架) to our car.

Rapidly, we took him to the vet (兽医) for him to heal his wound. The vet told us that he had a broken leg and that he had been starving for days. He got out of the vet’s office after 5 days of recovery, and we decided to look for a family for him. He was finally adopted by one of my dad’s workers and is living happily.

In conclusion, I learned from this that everybody can do an act of kindness. Everyone deserves a second chance to be happy.

1. What’s the author’s attitude toward the wounded dog?
2. Why did the dog begin barking?
A.There was blood on his paw.B.He was afraid of strangers.
C.His wounded paw hurt.D.He was beaten by someone.
3. What is probably the best title for the passage?
A.A Meaningful LessonB.An Act of Kindness
C.An Unforgettable ExperienceD.A Small Wounded Dog
20-21高二上·湖南邵阳·期末 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Christmas dinner at Bruce Sweetser and Denali Delmar’s house will come in part from their backyard garden. And this retired couple will add another locally grown delicious food to their menu.

“We started harvesting road­killed deer last year,” Bruce explained. His fridge is filled with meat harvested from deer killed in car accidents. Bruce and his wife think it is a right road toward a greener life. Their idea might best be described as locavorism (本土膳食主义). And they believe that eating local food is healthier and better for the environment.

About two years ago, the couple ran across a car accident. The only victim was a deer. And then they found an interesting list by chance.

In Massachusetts, many deer always rush to the motorway and often cause the accidents. So some Massachusetts police departments keep lists of people interested in harvesting meat if a deer isn’t damaged too much after a run­in with a car. There are eight people on the Westford Police Department’s official list. In addition, animal control officials also call people to harvest the meat.

But Massachusetts law requires that the driver of the car get first right to the deer. If the driver or passengers don’t want to get the deer, then police can give the animal to people living in Massachusetts. In other words, they can go to the list.

Bruce and his wife weren’t on the Westford list, when they came across that first deer in 2009. But now, they are, and they have harvested three deer as a result, putting the extra meat in the fridge for regular dinners and special occasions like Christmas.

1. For Christmas dinner, the couple will cook ________.
A.deer bought from the market
B.deer got from their neighbor
C.deer killed in car accidents
D.deer hunted by themselves
2. Why does the couple have such a diet?
A.To save money.
B.To seek a greener life.
C.To enjoy a special food.
D.To show their kindness.
3. When did the Sweetsers find the interesting list?
A.After they happened upon a car accident 2 years ago.
B.After they were asked to harvest the deer by chance.
C.After they heard about the road­killed deer.
D.After they failed to save the injured deer.
4. “An interesting list” mentioned in Paragraph 3 records ________.
A.the food prepared for the Christmas Day
B.the steps how to cook the delicious food
C.the punishment for the drivers who drive too fast
D.the names of people who can harvest the deer meat
2018-09-08更新 | 84次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】The forest was full of shadows as Sylvie hurried through it one summer evening in June. The child hurried the cow through the dark forest to her grandmother’s home.

Suddenly the air was cut by a sharp whistle not far away. Sylvie knew it wasn’t a friendly bird’s whistle. She hid in some bushes. But she was too late.

“Hello, little girl,” a young man called out cheerfully. “I’ve lost my way. Can I spend the night at your house?” he asked.

Sylvie didn’t answer. The stranger began walking with Sylvie as she followed her cow through the forest. She was glad when she could see her grandmother standing near the farm house. The stranger explained his problem to Sylvie’s grandmother.

“Of course you can stay with us.” she said. The young man explained he was a scientist, who collected birds.

“Do you put them in a cage?” Sylvie asked.

“No,” he answered slowly, “I shoot them and preserve them with special chemicals.”

“I’ve been looking for a white heron(苍鹭),” he said, “It’s a very rare white bird.”

But Sylvie’s heart began to beat fast. She knew that strange white bird! Early the next morning, she quietly hurried through the forest. She finally reached a huge pine tree, and climbed to the top. Sylvie’s bare feet and tiny fingers grabbed the tree’s rough trunk. Sharp dry branches scratched her like cat’s claws.

Suddenly, a bird with broad white wings landed on a pine branch next to her. The white heron smoothed its feathers and called to its mate. She knew the wild bird’s secret now.

Were the birds better friends than their hunters? Who can know?

1. What made Sylvie hide in some bushes?
A.A young man.B.A missing cow.C.A sharp whistle.D.An unfriendly bird.
2. Why did Sylvie’s heart begin to beat fast?
A.She was scared by the young man.
B.The white heron might be in danger.
C.She was familiar with that white heron.
D.The man would spend a night with them.
3. What maybe the most possible ending of the story?
A.The young man killed the white heron.
B.Sylvie kept the secret of the white heron.
C.Sylvie and the scientist became good friends.
D.The young man knew where the white heron was.
2023-07-22更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】It was a warm winter’s day in South Africa and I planned to go surfing. The area of beach I went to is famous among surfers for its powerful waves and popularity with sharks.

After a while my brother and some of my friends got out of the water because they felt uneasy. There was the smell of fish in the air, which could attract sharks. A few of us stayed, Finally, I saw my first big wave, but as I was about to hit it, two great white sharks attacked me.

It happened so quickly. One shark hit me, throwing me into the air; in a split second, it dragged me under the water. The shock stopped me from feeling pain. Under the water, another shark went for my head and shoulders but missed.

Perhaps surprised by the competition, the first shark lost its grip on me and the next thing I knew was that I was staring a shark straight in the face. It stared back at me for a few moments. Its mouth was wide open; I could see huge teeth and dark black eyes. After it passed, I swam to the surface as fast as I could.

When I got there, I saw my surfboard lying in front of me. As I climbed on, I saw that my right hand was hanging off. I was losing blood quickly. When surfing, there is always the fear in the back of your mind of sharks. Now it was real. I was shaking, crying and panicking, realizing that I could die. I tried all my hardest to swim back to the shore.

Eventually, I made it to dry land. I felt relief. Someone tied my arm to slow the bleeding and my brother rushed me to the hospital. The surgeon managed to save my fingers.

That day changed my life, but it hasn’t stopped me from surfing. I started a surfing school to teach the sport to others. I was more afraid of sharks before my attack. Now I’m just grateful to be alive.

1. What do we know about the shark incident?
A.The two sharks fought each other.
B.It happened when the author was surfing alone.
C.The sharks attacked the author because he hit them.
D.The sharks arrived probably because they smelled fish.
2. How did the author escape to dry land?
A.With the help of a surgeon.B.By surfing on his surfboard.
C.With the help of his brother.D.By swimming as fast as possible.
3. What happened to the author after the shark incident?
A.He was more afraid of sharks.B.He became appreciative of life.
C.He started to learn surfing at a school.D.He stopped surfing in the area where the accident happened.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Escaping the Jaws of DeathB.Fighting with the Sharks
C.Experiencing the First Big WaveD.Exploring the Undersea World
2022-04-29更新 | 72次组卷
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