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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:124 题号:17165974

Most kids spent their summer holidays playing video-games, watching TV and sleeping in.Parents can follow the steps below, and your kids can break their summertime tech habits and adapt to a school-friendly schedule in two weeks.

Shift bedtime

There’s nothing more important to kicking off the school year successfully than getting sufficient sleep. Two weeks before school begins, schedule bedtime back by about 20 minutes a night to stop kids staying up late or sleeping in. Instead of a long, fun bathtime, switch to a quick shower. Keep all digital devices out of their bedrooms and buy them alarm clocks.

Set screen goals

Having intentional goals for screen use can help kids change their tech habits. You might decide to make screen time a reward rather than a right. Set limits on digital activities such as no videogames until they complete homework. Don’t jump to no apps but consider using apps that control the length of time kids can use a device. Establish zones in your house where electronics simply are not allowed. Besides, get your kids involved in activities that don’t need a screen.

Make a schedule

A summer spent without routine can make jumping back into the structure of school difficult for kids. Setting a schedule for the last two weeks of summer can work. Ms. Rawson, founder of the Screen Time Clinic, suggests creating blocks of time that mirror those of the school day,arranging 30 to 50 minutes for an activity, depending on the kid’s age, along with a set lunchtime. Kids should have a say in deciding how to fill the day’s time blocks. The activities can involve anything but screens.

1. Before the new school year begins, kids can shift bedtime by     .
A.taking a long bathB.sleeping in a lot
C.using phones as alarm clocksD.moving to bed earlier
2. According to the passage, what should parents do to adjust kids’ screen time?
A.Manage homework time with apps.
B.Forbid them from using electronics.
C.Reserve areas for screen-free activities.
D.Remove apps from their digital devices.
3. A school-friendly schedule should        
A.reflect individual needs of kids
B.copy the exact school timetables
C.start from the beginning of holidays
D.combine study with digital entertainment


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Improving Your Personality

You can improve your personality with some suggestions given below.

·Following moral values. To be successful in a career, you must be smart. But being smart doesn’t mean forgetting the importance of ideal personality values. Successful men are those who are honest in their work.    1    In short, they do things based on various moral values.

·    2    It’s important for us to value others’ opinions as much as our own. So it becomes very important for us to give as much importance to the thoughts of others as we give to our own. To get success in any field, along with being aware, it is key to understanding the views of others, especially in a job in which you have to work with someone other than yourself.

One thing to note here is that some people have a habit of refusing to listen to other persons.    3    And they are doing things behind in their jobs. But too much agreeableness(随和性)can also be harmful and it is suitable or unsuitable depending on the kind of the job.

·Finding the motivators(动力). You need skills to inspire others. Inspiration comes from within, and it’s something you feel or value.    4    Successful leaders understand it. Leaders observe each person and find out what the person needs or wants. They make a genuine effort to understand individual needs, desires and feelings through observation, communication and investigation.

·Using close observation. Use your powers of observation while observing people.    5    When something inspires people, pay attention to it. Enter your comments on paper if necessary. When they talk about the things that make them sad, look into their eyes, reading any sign of pain and discomfort you find there.

A.This is what drives you to work.
B.Understanding the views of others.
C.Motivate yourself and make great progress.
D.Expressing your opinions as much as you can.
E.Such people don’t get any support from others
F.See what makes them smile and what discourages them.
G.They also keep their self-respect and honesty while valuing the benefits.
2023-06-21更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It’s very common these days for people to have a gym plan. Whatever the drive behind it, it is impossible for people to take some sort of regular exercise each week.

But if you’ve never done it before, what’s the best way to go about it? Well, many people make use of a PT—that’s a personal trainer. This might be because they’re wet behind the ears or maybe they just don’t want to design their own workout plan. A PT will create a proper plan for you based on your aims.     1     And, better still, they will teach you how to move in a way that won’t weaken you.

    2     Each hourly session can be expensive because you have to pay both the PT and membership of the gym, too. If you are short of cash then regular sessions might be out of your budget.

So what’s left?     3     It’s relatively easy to do if you have the know-how. But before you do, here are some basic pointers.

First, keep your fitness goal in mind. Are you looking to slim down, bulk up(健壮), or increase your abilities? Whatever it is, make sure the things you choose to do are in pursuit of that goal. Next, do your research. These days, social media is chock-full of fitness videos and advice. Watch as many of these as possible and be a little critical of them. Finally, keep your feet on the ground.     4     It takes at least three months to see any realistic body changes. And don’t exercise too much—never work in pain—a good workout is difficult and challenging, but never painful.     5    

If nothing else, focus on calisthenics(健美操)—these are the basic body movements which everyone can do anywhere, even at home.

A.Pain means you are damaging yourself.
B.They will charge you for their train work.
C.They will tailor it to your current abilities.
D.However, the trade-off with a PT is the price.
E.Be patient with yourself and set realistic goals.
F.Make sure that the place where you exercise is good.
G.Well, if you have the courage for it, you can make your own plan.
2024-02-05更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Society tells us that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A new study published in Human Development points out that using a childlike approach to learning can help people of any age take on and rise to new challenges.     1    .

Venture (冒险) outside your comfort zone. As adults, we tend to use similar skills day in and day out: We take jobs in fields we re already good at, drive the same routes to the same places, and fall into routines we’re comfortable with.     2     Switching to something more challenging may have more cognitive benefits.

    3     A fear of making mistakes is another reason adults are so slow to learn new things; if we try and fail, we can face criticism, lose money, or get fired. That’s why it’s important to build up a support network of people--at work and at home--who allow you to make mistakes and learn from them.

Make a serious commitment and don’t give up.     4     If you can afford it, spending money on a new pursuit--for example, booking a trip to Rome to practice your Italian--might also make it harder to throw in the towel.

Learn more than one thing at once. We tend to zero in on one hobby or one skill. But dividing that time and energy into three or four areas will stretch your brain in all different directions.     5     For example, maybe you started learning a new language in 2018, and this year you add singing lessons, and next year you try something else. You can add things gradually based on what you can handle.

A.Turn to your friends and family.
B.The following strategies will do the trick.
C.Surround yourself with encouraging people.
D.Telling friends about your new goal can help keep you motivated.
E.But all this familiarity limits the parts of the brain we’re using regularly.
F.That doesn’t mean you should start all the new challenges all at once, though.
G.So feeling comfortable can reduce stress and make you happier and more productive.
2019-10-14更新 | 269次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般