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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:17173480

Buck’s first day on the beach was a nightmare. Every hour was filled with shock or surprise. He had been suddenly removed from civilization and thrown into the heart of a primitive world. Here there was neither peace nor rest, nor a moment’s safety. It was essential to be constantly alert, for these dogs and men were not town dogs and men. They were savages, all of them, who knew no law but the law of Club and Tooth.

Buck had never seen dogs fight like these, and his first experience taught him an unforgettable lesson. He was fortunate that it was Curly who was the victim, not himself. Curly, in her friendly way, tried to make friends with a husky dog. The dog was the size of a full-grown wolf, but not half as large as Curly was. There was no warning: only a fast jump, a metallic cut of teeth, and a jump back. Curly’s face was ripped open from eye to mouth.

It was wolf fighting, to strike and jump away, but there was more to it than this. Thirty or forty huskies ran to watch. They surrounded the fighters in a silent, watching circle, all licking their lips. Curly rushed at the husky, who struck again and jumped away. He met her next rush with his chest in a strange way that knocked her over. She never got up again. This was what the watching huskies had waited for. They closed in on her, snarling and yelping. Curly was buried, screaming in pain, under the dogs’ bodies.

1. Why did Buck have to be ‘constantly alert’?
A.He couldn’t fall asleepB.He was worried about Curly
C.He had to make sure he was always safeD.He was in a lot of pain
2. What does ‘The Law Of Club & Tooth’ mean?
A.You must have a tooth and club in the wildB.The strongest make the rules
C.The weakest must survive in the wildD.The tooth must fight the club
3. How do wolves fight?
A.Run at the enemy non-stopB.First to strike wins
C.Attack and step backD.Wolves only use their paws to fight
4. Which of the following phrases best explains this passage?
A.Dogs will always fight other dogs for food
B.Buck wanted to help Curly, but he was afraid of the huskies
C.The only way dogs can survive is by eating other dogs
D.Only the strongest shall survive in the wild
【知识点】 动物 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Saturn, an alligator(短吻鳄), aged 84, died at the Moscow Zoo. That in itself made Saturn unusual. In the wild, the normal life span for an alligator is 30 to 50 years. But longevity was the least unusual aspect of Saturn’s life story.

Saturn was born somewhere in Mississippi in 1936 and was shipped to the Berlin Zoo from which he disappeared on November 23rd, 1943, when the zoo was stricken in an air bombing campaign. Of the 16,000 animals once kept in the Berlin Zoo, fewer than 100 survived the war. Saturn was one of them.

When he got freedom in 1943, Saturn was 7 years old. In June 1946, an almost adult Saturn was discovered and captured by British army. The alligator was then turned over to the allied Soviet troops(苏联盟军)in Berlin who sent him on to Moscow where he would live in the next 74 years.

It was in Moscow that word got around that Saturn was a pet which belonged to Adolf Hitler. This undocumented episode with Hitler made Saturn a public figure.

"Even if he belonged to someone," the zoo's announcement of Saturn's death says, "animals are not involved in war and politics." Officials at the Moscow Zoo treated him as an honored guest. "We tried to take care of him with great care and attention. He was picky about food." Even among his keepers, he knew who he liked. He perfectly remembered the trusted keeper.

If a zoo animal can be a historical figure, officials say this one qualifies. "Saturn is a whole era for us. There is not the slightest exaggeration," the announcement of his death said. "He came after the victory in WWII—and witnessed(见证)its 75th anniversary. It is a great happiness that each of us could look into his eyes, just quietly being near. He saw many of us as children. We hope that we did not disappoint him.”

Death may not end Saturn's public career. It has been reported that his body will be maintained and placed on show at Moscow's Charles Darwin Museum of Biology.

1. What does the underlined "That" in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Saturn's death.B.Saturn's longevity.
C.Saturn's life story.D.Saturn's living conditions.
2. According to the timeline of Saturn's life, which matches the event to the year when it happened?
A.Saturn was born and raised in the Berlin Zoo in 1936
B.Saturn survived an air attack and got freedom in 1943.
C.Saturn got caught by the allied Soviet troops in 1946.
D.Saturn celebrated its 75th birthday and died in 2020.
3. What do we know about Saturn while he was in Moscow?
A.He was kept a pet there.B.He could remember all the keepers.
C.He lived a go-as-you-please life.D.He got well-known as a picky eater.
4. What makes Saturn a historical figure according to the text?
A.His story with Adolf Hitler.B.His uncommon 84-year lifespan.
C.He will be on show after death.D.He was identified as a history witness
2021-08-30更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Jonathan, a Seychelles giant tortoise (巨龟) living on the island of Saint Helena, turned 190 years old. The event was celebrated with a big party, which included a special salad cake.

Nobody knows for sure how old Jonathan is. But in 1882, he was brought from the Seychelles as a gift to Sir William Grey-Wilson, who lived in Saint Helena. Pictures taken around that time show that Jonathan was already full-grown. Since it takes about 50 years for Seychelles giant tortoises to become adults, animal experts say Jonathan must have been born around 1832. To help keep things straight, Saint Helena’s current governor (管理者), Nigel Phillips, gave Jonathan the official birthday of December 4, 1832. That’s earned him the Guinness World Record for the world’s oldest land animal.

In 1890, William became the governor of Saint Helena. He brought Jonathan along with him to live at the governor’s home, Plantation House. Since then, over 30 other governors have come and gone from Plantation House. But Jonathan has remained. Currently, another three are staying there with him. Jonathan is a local star. For his birthday, he’s now being honored on a series of stamps. Saint Helena held a three-day party. People were invited to Plantation House to visit him. People made him a special salad cake to celebrate.

Jonathan was born before the Internet, computers, TVs, radios, telephones, or light bulbs ever existed. There weren’t even typewriters, electric motors, or photographs. Forty different presidents have led the US since he was born. Jonathan was born before global warming began and before plastic was ever invented.

Though Jonathan is still very active, he’s blind, and he can no longer smell things. Now he needs to be fed by hand. But he eats lots of vegetables and fruits, including carrots, apples and bananas. His sense of hearing is also still strong. He recognizes the voice of Joe Hollins, who looks after him, and gives responses to it.

1. What can be learnt about Jonathan?
A.He met William as a baby tortoise.B.He is the world’s oldest animal.
C.His birthplace is Saint Helena.D.His exact age is known to nobody.
2. How many giant tortoises are there in Plantation House now?
3. What is the purpose of paragraph 4?
A.To say Jonathan’s long lifetime.B.To introduce Jonathan’s way of life.
C.To explain Jonathan’s main changes.D.To praise Jonathan’s social role.
4. Why does Jonathan need to be fed by hand?
A.He has already become lazy.B.He’s too old to move his body.
C.He’s suffering health problems.D.He is often particular about food.
2023-08-09更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Just like humans, birds too rely on sound to communicate. However, they do not have a “language” in the true sense of the word and instead produce a variety of sounds to convey different emotions.

Often, birds recognize their mates (or young) by sound rather than sight. Hungry young birds use begging calls to let their mothers know it is feeding time. Alarm calls, flight calls and warning calls are other sounds made frequently by adults.

A new study shows that songbirds rehearse (排演) their songs even in their sleep. The activity in the brain of the birds when asleep is similar to the brain activity when the birds were awake and singing. The team used tiny recording devices to measure the activity of individual brain cells in four songbirds both when they were singing and when they were asleep.

Apparently the bird stores a song after hearing it, and then rehearses it later in its sleep. Scientists now believe the birds “dream of songs and tunes” to help them master the fine art of singing and that sleep plays a key role in the learning process!

Many songbirds learn to sing listening to adult birds of the same species. However, if separated from the adults, the young birds develop sounds which are hard to understand instead of normal song patterns. Researchers carried out an experiment in which a male bullfinch (灰雀) was raised by a female canary (金丝雀). The bullfinch soon learned the canary’s song and when it was later mated to a female bullfinch, Mr.Bullfinch taught his children the canary’s songs.

Last year, a British survey of London’s songbirds showed that the city’s birds are losing their tunes. Birds could hardly hear one another, over the traffic noise; as a result, instead of copying the sweet notes of the adults, young birds were copying the sounds they heard most often, namely car horns and beeping cellphones!

1. According to the passage, how do birds recognize their mates?
A.By using their own words.B.By listening to their sounds.
C.By looking at their appearances.D.By singing the same songs.
2. What does the story of Mr.Bullfinch suggest?
A.Young birds learn to sing from whom they live together with.
B.Birds only learn how to sing from the same adult species.
C.It's not easy for adult birds to teach young birds songs.
D.A canary's song is more beautiful than a bullfinch's.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Traffic noise makes young birds become deaf.
B.Birds in the city can sing as sweetly as those in the wild.
C.Birds in the city recognize their mates mainly by sight.
D.Noise pollution causes much trouble for birds in the city.
4. What does the author mainly intend to tell the readers with the text?
A.To inform the readers how songbirds bring up their babies.
B.To show the differences in songbirds’ brain activities when they are awake and asleep.
C.To persuade the readers to reduce the noise pollution and protect the birds.
D.To explain to the readers how songbirds communicate with each other.
2021-05-23更新 | 100次组卷
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