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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:17238712

When it comes to the judgement of their bodies, women can’t win. People often make “fat jokes”, but fat-shaming is no laughing matter; neither is fit-shaming.

I spoke to two women who were ashamed for being fat, and then, after losing weight, ashamed for being fit.

Sarah Moore is a 29-year-old mother of three from US. She became a personal trainer after losing more than 45 kg. She remembers the fat-shaming she had before. When waiting to get on a roller coaster(过山车) once, people behind her were complaining about the wait, and someone said, “Don’t worry. She’s not going to fit on here, and you’ll soon be next.” But after losing weight, Moore said people still commented on her body even more. “Are you sure you can eat that? Aren’t you worried you’ll regain the weight?”

“Fat-shaming made me feel sad and helpless, and fit-shaming makes me angry,” she said. Changes in body weight can also influence relationships. It can upset the balance because others can get jealous(嫉妒). People who lose weight can experience personality changes, such as an increase in confidence, which also influences relationships.

Fit-shaming has been harder to deal with for Andrea Sereda, a 38-year-old social worker in Canada. She said that when she was 9, her grandfather told her at a birthday party, “I don’t think you should eat cake,” and made comments about how many calories(卡路里) she took in. She also experienced similar things in college. The judgment of Sereda’s body increased after she lost 57 kg. It’s worse with people who knew me before,” Sereda said. “People always say, ‘you’re too slim and now you’re going to disappear’.” It was mostly friends making such comments. Closer friends seemed to compare their own bodies negatively to Sereda’s new shape.

Let us try to understand that just because someone has lost weight, it is unfair for them to be commented on their new shape. Everyone has the rights to live free from body-shaming, no matter how they look.

1. Sarah Moore is ashamed for being fit after losing weight mainly because ________.
A.people still judge her new shape
B.people are all jealous of her new look
C.she lost too much weight after her diet
D.her personality has changed and made her different
2. The example of Andrea Sereda is used to ________.
A.show the negative effects of fit-shaming
B.suggest what can be done to deal with fit- shaming
C.explain what usually pushes women to lose weight
D.show the difficulties overweight women could face
3. What would be a wise way to treat those who have lost weight?
A.To tell them to be careful with their diet.
B.To compare their body shape with others’.
C.To stop commenting on their body shape.
D.To encourage them to keep their new shape.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards body-shaming?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Created as recently as 2011, and mainly played by those aged over 50, walking football is growing at great pace in Britain. The game, where players walk rather than run, is designed to help aged people get fit or maintain an active lifestyle no matter what their age and fitness. According to a 2019 survey, there were 1,200 registered clubs and an estimated 40,000 regular participants.

North Ferriby Walking Football Club in East Yorkshire is one such example. “We started in 2015,” explains Mark Leighton, the team’s manager. “The first week we started off, we probably only had four or five players. Now we have 42 registered players taking part over three separate sessions each week.” Mark’s immediate goal is to get the club to 50 registered players across four sessions a week.

Andy Fairburn is a regular at the sessions. Now in his early-seventies, Andy finds the game still has plenty to offer him. “I’ve been playing football since 16. Getting older, your knees start to hurt, and I’ll know when it’s time to stop. I am sill competitive, though, and old habits die hard.”

It goes beyond kicking a football around for players like Andy. “There’s a serious football side if you want to win and a friendship side. I’d rather stick to the latter. It’s brilliant to socialize with people through walking football.”

Walking football is clearly a success story with much to be proud of. However, it’s striking that 87 per cent of clubs reported that less than 10 per cent of players are female. And not all clubs are as fortunate as North Ferriby Walking Football Club, which operates on a pay-as-you-go model and has secure sponsorship to reduce the cost burden.

1. What do we know about walking football?
A.It is becoming popular in and outside Britain.
B.It has been played for dozens of years.
C.It is aimed at improving elderly people’s welfare.
D.It has the same rules as the normal football.
2. Why does the author mention North Ferriby Club in paragraph 2?
A.To introduce a successful walking football club.
B.To illustrate the growth of walking football.
C.To praise Mark Leighton’s work for the club.
D.To suggest the ideal number of players in a club.
3. What does Andy Fairburn like most about walking football?
A.The sport is good for his knees.B.He doesn’t have to give up his habit.
C.Winning games makes him feel good.D.He can make friends with new people.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.There’s work to be done to promote the game.B.Most women don’t like playing football.
C.Walking football clubs can be profitable.D.The findings of the 2019 survey are wrong.
2022-11-13更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约140词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Taking your pulse during physical activity allows you to measure how hard you are exercising. You should exercise to stay within your target heart range.

Increasing your heart rate is a key part of exercise, but it is important that your heart rate is not too high or too low. If you are a beginner, you should also be able to breathe comfortably while exercising. This will ensure that you are exercising at a level that is safe and effective for your body.

The chart below illustrates target heart rate ranges for exercise based on the maximal heart rate for selected ages. Here are the steps for using the chart:

1. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Exercise intensity can be reflected by a person’s heart rate.
B.The faster your heart rate is, the more effective the exercise is.
C.Vigorous exercise will definitely present a threat to people’s safety.
D.The target exercise heart rate range for a 45-year-old is 90–149 BPM.
2. A 34-year-old man is running and the number of pulses he takes for 15 seconds is 40.

His fitness coach had better tell him _____________.

A.“You are doing fine.”B.“You can run faster.”
C.“You should slow down a bit.”D.“You should drink some water.”
3. What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To advise people to form a habit of taking their pulses while exercising.
B.To inform people of the target heart rate zone for those aged 60 and under.
C.To tell people the importance of maintaining moderate amount of exercise.
D.To show people how to measure heart rate to keep proper exercise intensity.
2020-01-10更新 | 161次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Even if you know that working out will make you feel great, it can still be hard to motivate yourself to get up and do it. However,     1    , you can get back on track no matter how long it’s been since you worked out!

    2    . Think about the reasons you want to work out, and a few fitness goals you’d like to achieve. Put the list somewhere you’ll see it often, like on the refrigerator or near your bathroom mirror.

Make bargains with yourself if you’re having trouble getting started. Sometimes the hardest part of working out is taking the first step. If you’re finding it hard to get started, try bargaining with yourself.     3    . After that, try telling yourself to just go outside, do your warm-up routine, or drive to the gym.

Keep a fitness journal and write down your feelings after each workout. You can use this journal to keep up with your progress, too.     4    , take out the journal and read how good each workout made you feel, and look at how far you’ve come.

Set up rewards for when you complete a workout or hit a new goal. Think of something that will motivate you when the workout gets tough or you don’t want to get off the sofa.     5    .

A.if it is the case
B.When you don’t feel like working out
C.Try to include both short-term and long-term goals on your list
D.They can be anything that you look forward to, for example, buying a new pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing
E.if you acquire some tricks that can help you
F.Write down a list of achievable goals and look at it often
G.Tell yourself you just have to put on your workout clothes, but you don’t have to do anything else
2019-10-11更新 | 58次组卷
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