组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 日常活动 > 学校生活
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:159 题号:17250206

As this term began, I found a new student in my class named Ian Bonus, 16 years old. He was silent, always doing business alone. From his file, I learned that Ian was born in Korea, and spent all his childhood there until his family moved to England. It wasn’t as smooth and easy as he imagined. He had to learn and speak a new language so as to communicate with others. When at school, he tended to avoid crowds. He usually tried every possible means to keep his mouth shut up, even in class. Besides, after class, he didn’t join any clubs or activities even though everyone around him invited him to have a try.

At the beginning, I thought Ian was just a little shy at his age especially in a new place. However, later he still didn’t say a single word when classmates got along well. Having ever dealt with such similar situation myself, I felt I had the suitable experience and the right responsibility to encourage him to melt into our class.Finally, a chance came. One day, in my class, it was Ian’s turn to make a short speech as other students did regularly. But he just stood up, saying nothing. Then I could feel his face red with embarrassment. Next class, we had a P.E. lesson on the court. Again, he didn’t join, just sitting on the bench watching others play. Learning that he was fond of sports and was actually a very athletic and energetic person, I felt a strong desire to persuade him to play together. With this thought in mind, I walked over and sat aside Ian.

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“Hello, Ian, why not join us in playing badminton?” I smiled, “I know you can play well.”


The next morning, Ian volunteered to step onto the platform to make up for the speech he missed the day before.

【知识点】 学校生活 个人经历


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I had just a very wonderful day. Although all my days were always wonderful to me, that day was completely different. There was a bulletin(公告)board saying that they would need to find volleyball players for the girls and I was so happy! I have been loving playing volleyball since my mother taught me how to play. I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to play! Then I read more what was on that bulletin board, which said that here would be an audition(试演)after three weeks! “Three weeks?” I thought about it I did know how to play volleyball but I was not much of an expert in doing it but I still wanted to try.

After that I was determined to practice volleyball every day. I practiced hard again and again each day and never got tired of doing the same practice through all the days, and finally, the day came. I was so prepared for this and hurried to the gym to the audition. When I had reached the gym, I was surprised to see that 12 or 14 girls were lining up and I guessed I was the last one to arrive. Then our audition began. Some of the girls failed to pass the audition and some passed.

There was only one position left to complete the 6 girls to join the volleyball team and suddenly I felt nervous because the person in front of me was going to take the serve(发球). Then the girl hit the ball and then the ball didn’t pass over the net! The girl hit her forehead and left, leaving me standing in the middle of the court.

Then the coach spoke, “Okay, you serve.” She handed me the ball and I caught it with my hands. As the ball was in my hands, my hands were suddenly sweating and so was I!


I then suddenly became nervous about this.


I come to a stop, taking a deep breath and began.

2023-04-19更新 | 205次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I always cherished my working experience as a teacher, as I learned a lot from my dear students, those little kids yet full of wisdom, which helped me a lot in my later life.

When I worked in a primary school, Friday afternoon was our school-wide sports program finale (尾声) in the gym. The finale was a series of races and games. There were jump rope relays, basketball relays, soccer relays, minute-to-win-it games and a host of other challenges for my first graders. There were balls escaping, jump ropes tangling (缠绕), and the first graders clapping and cheering each other on with abandon.

One of the hardest games was a basketball shooting game. Each kid stood at a line and shot five baskets. This was a very hard task for first graders. That basket might as well have been in the clouds. One of my darling little girls was chosen for this game.

She was an adorable kid. When she got excited about something, her blue eyes opened wide and she waved her arms. I’d seen her act like this when reading her favorite books, when mastering particularly difficult math problems, when playing after class and especially when she painted.

She stood at the line, basketball in hand, with a serious expression on her face. She shot. Air ball. She scrunched up (皱起) her face in concentration and shot again. Air ball. Her third and fourth shots went through the air and again fell short. Not one of her five shots even came close to the net. Not a single one.

Poor little kid! I felt sorry for her, but didn’t find a chance to comfort her during the finale.

Back in the classroom, those kids were still in excitement. After the conclusion of the sports program, we decided to gather together to talk about all the fun we’d had.

Unexpectedly, my tiny air baller raised her hand, “Mrs. McCauley, I want to share!”

What? What did she want to share? She got five air balls! She must have got me wrong.

Then, she said, “I was nervous about that basketball game at first because I’d never played it before.” She paused. Immediately, I searched in my mind for words of encouragement or some advice, anything, to ease the pain of all those air balls.


However, she continued with her arms waving in wild excitement, “But then I played the game and I was awesome at it!”


The next time I was faced with a new challenge, I would remember her face, scrunched up in concentration.

2022-04-18更新 | 171次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Miss Baugh taught seventh-grade social studies. She was the kind of teacher that just about everyone has had at least once: Scary. Her reputation was not unlike that of Dracula. Miss Baugh allowed no nonsense (胡言乱语). She drilled us and taught us to take school seriously. She also introduced to us the concept of “extra credit” for a correct response to a random question — and a frown for an incorrect one. Miss Baugh had been teaching for a long time and knew how to frighten even the naughty boys in the back row, including me. She managed to scare us all.

But I also had a life outside of school and had just discovered cheap prank (恶作剧) pieces —   an ink bottle painted to look as though it had overturned, and a piece of shiny black metal shaped like a puddle of ink.

Of all the people I could have pranked, I chose Miss Baugh somehow. At the beginning of the class, before she’d returned to her classroom, I dared to approach her desk. I opened her grade book and placed the bottle and the black metal on one of the pages, proudly noting that it truly did look like spilled ink! Then I went to my desk and waited for the fun.

I wasn’t disappointed. When Miss Baugh saw the items, she let out a little cry and looked for something to wipe up the ink with. The prank had succeeded the way beyond my expectations. But immediately she discovered that it was just a piece of black metal. She picked up the “puddle”, then the bottle, and examined them. She looked up with eyes sweeping the classroom with a deadly stare. Some of my classmates who had seen me set up the fake spill carefully avoided looking at me, so as not to give me away. Then came the unavoidable question: “Who did this?”

After a few violent beats in my heart, I slowly raised my hand.
Miss Baugh was as strict as before, but something changed in me.
2022-04-04更新 | 446次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般