组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:536 题号:17321702

Sunlight flooded through the window when Tomas was sitting at the kitchen table, struggling with a literary classic. Streamers of clouds drifted by high above in the sky. Not far away, the huge new tower blocks lined the road. The faint sound of cars was dimly heard.

His mother was chopping tomatoes for their dinner as usual. Suddenly she said, ”You know, the thing I miss most is cooking a really hot salsa (辣番茄酱), with fresh peppers straight from the garden.” She sighed. “That’s what I miss most about Merida.”

Tomas looked up from his book in surprise. His mother had never talked like this about their old life before. He studied her now. She looked a little sad, but then she smiled at him and swept the pile of chopped tomatoes into the cooking pot.

“But I’ve already learned a lot about this new country, Tomas,“ she said. ”For a start, I’ve learned that there’s more than one way to make a salsa!" She waved a packet of chili spice powder at him, and they both laughed.

Watching his mother busy in the kitchen preparing dinner, Tomas thought about the insight his mother had given him into her feelings, and he realized that he felt the same way about leaving.

Sure, it had been great for his father to get this good job, but it had also been hard. Tomas missed his old home-especially the sun and the beach. And his mother missed Merida, too. She had loved working in her market garden, selling the fresh vegetables that she had grown herself and then coming home to cook up huge, tasty meals for her family. Tomas’s stomach rumbled at the memories.

He thought about how different things were for them now, living in this large, gray apartment block where there was no garden and no friends dropping by to share their delicious meals.

He sighed. At least they were still able to speak regularly every night after dinner with his grandmother back in Mexico over the computer-Grandmother! Abuela!


Suddenly Tomas had an idea.


A week later, a box arrived from Mexico.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Alexander sang all the time. He sang in the shower, he sang while he did his homework, and he sang while he walked to school. He simply loved singing. One day during a break, he heard Kevin talking about the tryouts(选拔)for the City Choir(合唱团).

“Yeah, I’m attending the tryouts this weekend,” Kevin announced. “With my voice, I’m pretty much guaranteed a spot. I don’t even need any practice as I am so talented. Imagine they’ll want me to perform lots of solos(独唱),too.”

Everyone knew that Kevin had a fantastic singing voice. Normally, Alexander just ignored him, but he couldn’t help imagining himself as a member of the choir. Wouldn’t it be fun, he thought, to sing with other kids every day and have someone actually teach him about singing?

On the tryout day, Alexander took a deep breath, walked into the building, registered at a large table, and then waited nervously in the hallway. The only one who didn’t look nervous was Kevin. And why should he be? He has performed as a soloist many times. Alexander, on the other hand, had never taken a musical lesson in his life, much less had performed for an audience.

After a while, the choir director, Mr.Robeson, walked in and told the kids that they were to sing a song individually, sing as a group and answer some questions. Soon the individual test began. When Alexander stood on the stage, he tried to calm down and pretended he was singing in the shower. He felt satisfied when he was done, at least until Kevin’s turn came. As Kevin³s confident voice filled the room Alexander realized that he would never sound that good.

Next, Mr. Robeson put the kids into groups of four or five and asked them to sing together. Kevin’s group sang right before Alexander’s, and even with four other boys singing, Kevin’s voice clear and distinct; it seemed to reach the farthest corners of the room.


Then came the time for Alexander to sing with his group.


Finally Mr.Robeson told Alexander that he made it, not Kevin.

2022-09-25更新 | 404次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

I was a bad boy in a village in India. At least I was labeled that way because I had no interest in school or studies. I used bad language, hung around with other “bad” boys, skipped school and ran through the fields. No one thought I would do anything worthwhile with my life. And I’d heard many people in our village talking. “Why bother going to school? These kids end up back on the farms anyway. He’ll never amount to anything.” My parents and teachers were disappointed with my average marks.

My mother envisioned a different future and knew the value of education to create a better life. By the time I entered the 12th grade, I had taken a good look at myself and realized the life I was creating. The bad boy image troubled me. I didn’t believe I was a bad boy. I didn’t want to be a bad boy. These realizations forced me to acknowledge that my mother was right — education was my only way out. I worked hard to finish my high school, and then I decided to apply for higher education in university. But this village bad boy faced too many challenges.

Firstly, my family had very limited money. In addition to that, my grades were not good. There was very little chance I’d gain admission to a university. Still, I took a chance and applied. The last day of admissions, I visited the university to check my result. I looked down the list, and there it was, “Parashram J. Patil”. Finally, I’d been admitted. Now, it was the last day to pay, so I had to find money to cover my fees.


Helpless, I sat outside the department head—Professor Parth’s office.


From then on, things changed.

2024-02-18更新 | 154次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

I was in Walt Disney World with my son, Daniel, who is autistic (患自闭症的), and at that time he was 7 years old. My wife and our three other sons were with us too. He was having one of his melt down screaming tantrums (发怒), only God knows why. So my wife and I decided I would take the bus back to the hotel, and she would stay in the park with the other three children.

After we got on the bus, the screaming continued. My son looks “normal”. To the many people on the bus, he appeared to just be a kid screaming --- or a spoiled child who did not get his special toy that day. It did not take long --- less than a minute --- before the screaming brought about stares, then glares from the other passengers.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
To my shame, I found myself losing my temper at my own son
He said calmly, “Is he alright?” I said, “He’s autistic.”
2021-10-20更新 | 49次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般