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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:17346334

Six people are about to find out what it would be like to live on Mars—without ever leaving the Earth.

Three men and three women will spend eight months living in a special habitat on the side of a volcano in Hawaii. They are part of an experiment being done by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) that is designed to mimic (模仿) life on Mars.

Some people may become unhappy or bored living under those conditions. Certain personality types may not get along, and living together for a long time could cause them to argue.

By studying people living in similar conditions here on Earth, NASA hopes to learn how to choose the best people for a space mission, and how to help them get along.

The crew (全体工作人员) will live in a two-story dome-shaped (圆顶形) building. The dome is located in an area about 2,400 metres up the side of Mauna Loa, the second biggest volcano in the world. Mauna Loa is an active volcano, but it has not erupted since 1984. It is monitored all the time for signs of volcanic activity. NASA chose the location because the environment there looks very similar to Mars.

During the experiment, the crew will only be able to communicate by email. To make it more like being on Mars, there will be a 20-minute waiting time between the time a message is sent and when it is received. That means it will take 40 minutes to get a reply to an email.

The crew will be performing scientific work while they are there, including some trips outside the dome. When they go outside, they will have to wear spacesuits, just as if they were on Mars.

The commander of the crew is Martha Lenio, a 34-year-old Canadian. Lenio studied engineering and is interested in space exploration and environmental problems. During the mission, she will run experiments on growing food and making compost (堆肥) inside the dome.

The other crewmembers have backgrounds in physics and astronomy. They were chosen from about 150 people who applied to take part in the experiment. None of them are astronauts.

1. What is the main purpose of the experiment?
A.To study people’s behavior.
B.To complete a challenging task.
C.To get familiar with our natural world.
D.To prepare volunteers for life on Mars.
2. When living in a group, volunteers should _________.
A.try to show their own personality
B.learn to get along with each other
C.have no chance to go outside
D.communicate by phone
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.Martha Lenio used to be an astronaut.
B.The experiment will take about two years.
C.All six members have professional backgrounds.
D.All members will run experiments on growing food.
4. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A travel magazine.
B.A science magazine
C.A biology textbook.
D.A geography textbook.
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】People who are cheerful and relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds. It’s possible that being full of vim and vigor helps the body fight illnesses, say the researchers from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh.

“We need to take more seriously the possibility that a positive emotional style is a major player in disease risk,” says psychologist Sheldon Cohen, the study’s lead researcher.

In a previous study, Cohen and his colleagues found that people who tended to be cheerful and lively were least likely to develop sniffles, coughs, and other cold symptoms.

Those findings were interesting, but they didn’t prove that a person’s attitude affects whether he or she gets sick. Instead, it was still probable that a person’s underlying personality is what matters.

Evidence suggests, for instance, that certain people are naturally more likely to be outgoing and optimistic, with high self-respect and a sense of control over life. This would mean that who we are, not how we feel, finally decides our chances of catching colds.

To figure out which mattered more (personality or emotions), the CMU team interviewed 193 healthy adults. The researchers talked to each person over the phone every evening for 2 weeks. They told the researchers about the positive and negative feelings they had experienced that day.

The results showed that everyone in the study was equally likely to get infected. Their symptoms, however, differed depending on the types of emotions that they had reported over the previous 2 weeks.

Among those who reported good moods and had been infected with the flu virus, for example, 28 percent developed coughs and stuffy (堵塞) noses. On the other hand, those symptoms struck 41 percent of people who had been less positive. Scientists argue about whether negative emotions or positive emotions have a stronger effect on how healthy we are. For now, it can’t hurt to look on the bright side more often than not!

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.How to get rid of colds.B.Being cheerful turns away colds.
C.Attitude determines life.D.Different opinions about colds.
2. The word “full of vim and vigor” underlined in Paragraph 1 probably means______.
C.energeticD.in low spirits
3. According to the finding, a leading factor of catching colds should be one’s ______.
4. By saying the last paragraph, the writer intends to suggest______.
A.positive emotions are as good as negative emotions
B.it is not necessarily good for you if you always look at problems positively
C.it will be good for your health to always keep up an optimistic state of mind
D.the saying-every coin has two sides
2020-10-25更新 | 69次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The ocean waves (波浪) are getting stronger as a result of climate change, which might cause dangers for coast cities in the future, according to the latest study published in the scientific journal Nature. Researchers found that waves have increased in strength by 0.41 percent per year since 1948. This change is related to the increasing sea-surface temperature, which is driving sea level to rise and bringing more serious and extreme weather.

This relationship is important, as it shows that “global wave power can be a valuable reminder of global warming, carbon dioxide concentration, the global sea level rise or the global surface atmosphere temperature,” said director of research at the Environmental Hydraulics Institute at Spain’s University of Cantabria.

The study reveals a long-term and increasing wave energy. The effects of this increase are particularly clear during the storm seasons. A storm was formed in the winter of 2013-2014 in the North Atlantic, which affected the west coast of Europe. “The storm in 2017 in the Caribbean reminded people of the huge economic effects coming from coastal storms,” said the study.

Researchers hope the findings could provide a more complete understanding of the dangers faced by coastal cities in the coming decades. “Our results show that ignoring the changes in wave power and having sea level rise may cause us to think little of climate change, which will result in not enough or poor preparation,” warned the author Fernando J. Mendez, a professor at the University of Cantabria.

The findings may warn governments to better protect the population in the coastal cities and infrastructure (基础设施) such as ports and harbors by building coastal defenses.

1. What’s a result of stronger ocean waves?
A.Climate begins to change.B.People living near the coast face danger.
C.Oceans are being polluted.D.Cities will move to other places.
2. Which of the following may lead to stronger ocean waves?
A.The rising sea- surface temperature.B.Coastal cities.
C.More population.D.More ports and harbors.
3. Which of the following best explains “reveals” underlined in paragraph 3?
4. What is the probable purpose of the study?
A.To predict the climate change.
B.To advertise the results.
C.To warn governments and coastal people of the increasing ocean waves.
D.To encourage people in the coastal cities.
2019-09-27更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Should we hide in the “Triangle (三角) of Life” when the earthquake comes?

At 1:39 on June 15, a magnitude (里氏) 3.1 earthquake occurred in Qingpu District, Shanghai, with a focal depth of 8 kilometers. Earthquakes are one of the major natural disasters, so how to avoid danger and self rescue during earthquakes has become a topic of great concern.

There has always been a saying on the Internet that when an earthquake comes, collapsed objects and solid large objects will form a triangular space around them(the “Triangle of Life area”), and hiding in this area will have a greater probability of survival, which many people believe deeply.

In this regard, the China Earthquake Administration said that although observing the ruins after the earthquake, we can find that there are similar triangular spaces in some places.

However, when an earthquake occurs, people cannot know in advance the way of the earthquake, the direction of the collapse of buildings or objects, and it is difficult to know where there will be the so-called “Triangle of Life”.

The “Triangle of Life area” was proposed by an American disaster relief worker named Kupp, who believed that traditional self-help methods such as drilling tables were no longer suitable for people living in modern buildings. The collapsed floor structure would crush the tables or beds for refuge, and only hiding in the triangle area could survive.

Although the “Triangle of Life area” self-help method has been popular for more than ten years. However, the American Red Cross, the California State Emergency Service Office and earthquake experts have all pointed out the irrationality of the “Triangle of Life”. The Chinese Ministry of Emergency Management has also provided a refutation explanation.

In fact, after an earthquake, the internationally recognized most reliable method of self rescue is ‘lying on the ground, blocking, and holding onto your hands’. You should lie down, squat down, or sit down, try to lower the center of gravity of the body, and protect important parts such as the head, neck, eyes, and mouth and nose.

1. What information can we learn about the “Triangle of Life” in the first three paragraphs?
A.The Triangle of Life area is an official definition.
B.Many people believe in the “Triangle of Life”.
C.The earthquake in Shanghai has caused panic among the masses.
D.When an earthquake strikes, one should hide in the triangle area.
2. Why did disaster relief personnel propose the definition of a triangular area?
A.To protect himselfB.To overthrow the government
C.To avoid earthquakesD.To attract attention
3. According to the passage, what are the unreasonable aspects of the triangle area?
A.Its unpredictabilityB.Its out-of-date construction
C.Its instabilityD.Its illegality
4. Where may this article be selected from?
A.NewspaperB.Horror BookC.History BookD.Science Magazine
2024-03-10更新 | 61次组卷
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