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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:143 题号:17526021

Exams are nerve-racking, especially for those already of an anxious disposition. The silence of the hall; the ticking of the clock; the beady eye of the invigilator; the smug expression of the person sitting at the neighboring desk who has finished 15 minutes early. It therefore seems hardly surprising that those who worry about taking tests do systematically worse than those who do not.

What is, perhaps surprising, according to the research published recently in Psychological Science by Maria Theobad at the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and her colleagues, is that it is not the pressure of the exam hall which causes the problem. It is the pressure of revision.

What Dr Theobald found was that anxiety on the day of the test did not predict exam performance at all. What did predict it was the level of knowledge a student displayed in the mock exam and the earlier digital learning activities. Those who performed well in these also did well in the real thing, regardless of how anxious they were on the day.

What actually hampered students, it turned out, were high levels of anxiety during the weeks before the exam took place. The greater a student’s anxiety in the days before the exam the lower his or her knowledge gain was during that period, leaving that student with less helpful material in mind during the exam itself.

And this is a positive discovery, for it suggests a change of approach to revision by the anxious might help improve their results.

Dr Theobald notes that test-anxiety is at its worst when students have low expectations of success and simultaneously know that passing the exam is exceedingly important. To reduce this anxiety, she proposes a two fold strategy for students to consider as they revise.

First they can raise their belief in their own abilities by reminding themselves of just how much they know. Second, they can weaken the significance of the test by reminding themselves that, while it is important, it is not a life or death situation.

1. According to the research, which of the following can help to predict a student’s bad results in exams?
A.The exam hall is silent during the exams.
B.He is very much afraid of the exams.
C.He feels great pressure from his classmates.
D.He displayed low-level knowledge gain in his revision.
2. A student’s exam performance can be predicted based on____________.
A.The level of his anxiety on the exam day.
B.His scale of knowledge shown in the mock exam.
C.His digital learning abilities during the exam.
D.His good performance in the real exam.
3. What does the underlined word “hampered” mean in Paragraph 4?
4. What can students do to reduce their exam anxiety?
A.Have more confidence in their abilities.
B.Value the importance of passing the exam.
C.Have low expectations of success.
D.Deny the significance of the text.
【知识点】 学习 情绪 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Dear Mr Lande Bandarage,

Congratulations! Your application to study Bachelor of Information Technology at Victoria University (VU) has been successful. I’m pleased to offer you the opportunity to study at VU as an international student.

VU has a long history of providing high-quality education, through predecessor (前身) institutions, including the Footscray Technical School which was founded in 1916. In 2016, we proudly celebrated 100 years of history and our 25th anniversary (周年庆) as a university.

Today we have 48,900 students, including over 9,400 students studying a VU course at one of our partner institutions in China, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore.

By selecting VU you will study at one of the top 4% of universities in the world. With more than 24,000 alumni (校友) working or residing outside Australia, a qualification from VU will prepare you for an international career.

This document contains important information about your courses including costs and your rights and obligations. If you have any questions about your offer, please email intapps@vu.edu.au.

To accept your offer to study at VU, you must:

1.Read the terms and conditions of this Letter of Offer very carefully,

2.Sign this Letter of Offer in Section 14,

3.Pay the fees in Section 8,

4.Return this whole document to VU.

Please note that if this offer includes one or more conditions for entry into a course, you will not be able to accept it until these conditions have been met. Any conditions are specified in Section 5 of this letter. We look forward to welcoming you to Victoria University.

Yours sincerely,

Dimi Christou

Senior Manager, International Admissions Victoria University

1. What is this text?
A.A university offer.B.A course advertisement.
C.An application for a university.D.An invitation to an alumni event.
2. What do we know about VU?
A.It has a 100-year history as a university.B.It is among the world’s top universities.
C.It will take in 24,000 international students.D.It has 48,900 students at its partner institutions.
3. How should Lande send his acceptance reply?
A.By emailing intapps@vu.edu.au.
B.By reading the terms and writing a new letter to Dimi.
C.By paying the fees and returning the signed document to VU.
D.By providing evidence of his meeting all conditions in Section 8.
2024-01-30更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When I graduated from high school, I attended a community college. There I majored(主修) in office-related subjects.

One of the required courses was Typing 101. At that time the classrooms were filled with electric typewriters, which were a far cry from the ones that I was familiar with. Often I would stay late working in the student typing lab trying hard to get my pitiful typing to speed up. At that time I was certain I wasn’t typing 30 wpm. I had the hardest time placing my hands properly over the keys. After the first term I was very disappointed when I received an “F” grade.

My father came to the rescue. K-Mart was one of his favourite places to shop. So we got in the car and it just happened that K-Mart was selling the electric typewriters, at reasonable prices. It was deep blue in colour with a plastic carrying case. After looking at it over and over again, we decided this would work for me. So he bought one for me. While I continued to be a regular attendee in my typing lab, I was also actively practising on my own at home. Progress was being made. When the next grading period came around, I received a more acceptable “C”. By the end of the year I made a “B”.

Years later the technology world developed with the introduction of computers for use. My father and I still laugh at that electric typewriter bought at K-mart. It has only been within the last 7 years or so that I have got rid of it. Learning to type has opened up new opportunities for career growth and even being a contributor(投稿者) here at Yahoo. Isn’t it interesting how things turn out for the best after all? Maybe that “F” was a blessing in disguise.

1. Which of the following is one of the reasons why the writer got an “F” grade at first?
A.The writer was too stupid.
B.The writer didn’t work hard at practising typing.
C.The writer wasn’t interested in learning typing at all.
D.Electric typewriters were quite different from the old ones.
2. What did the writer’s father do to help the writer?
A.He bought the writer an electric typewriter.
B.He taught the writer how to type fast.
C.He bought the writer a personal computer.
D.He encouraged the writer to work hard at it.
3. We can learn from the passage that the writer ________.
A.liked using the electric typewriter
B.works at Yahoo at present
C.had the best grade in his/her class in the end
D.spent a lot of his/her spare time in practising typing
4. What does the phrase “a blessing in disguise” in the last paragraph mean?
A.A painful lesson.
B.A complete failure.
C.A good thing that you didn’t recognise at first.
D.The encouragement of his/her good teacher.
2021-11-09更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】You won't have any excuse to skip class anymore. French startup OpenClassrooms is offering the first state-recognized bachelor degree in France that uses only MOOCs (massive open online courses). The company partnered IESA Multimedia to create this program.

There are three learning paths in engineering, design and marketing. Students will have to complete all the courses and required projects in order to get their degrees. It's the exact same degree that you would get at IESA. IESA is already working on 40 different MOOCs for this program.

On average, it will take a year of hard work in order to complete all the classes. As always, it's hard to keep going when you sign up for a MOOC - that's why every week,you will get to video-chat with a teacher.

This kind of degree program has many advantages. For IESA, it is a private school and gives the school more students. For OpenClassrooms, the company will certainly get a benefit as a technology provider. It already has a premium(额外费用)for 20 euro per month, but you need to pay 300 euro per month for the premium plus offering to use the state-recognized program. It's unclear how much OpenClassrooms will charge, but it should be more than 20 euro per month.

For students, it's a cheaper way to get a degree. Maybe you can't afford to study for three years at IESA and pay 6,950 euro per year. OpenClassrooms lets you work and study at the same time and pay a lot less. Sure, it's probably a less enjoyable experience than going to your school and spending time with other students and teachers, but it makes sense for some students.

It's an interesting new direction, and I can't wait to see whether other schools will start working with the company to provide online courses. It will be interesting to see whether the first students are satisfied with this kind of degree as well.

1. If you complete the degree program offered by OpenClassrooms, ______.
A.you can skip classes that you are not interested in
B.you can get a degree in about two years
C.you need to meet a teacher once every month
D.you can get a state-recognized degree in France
2. How can students benefit from the degree program according to the passage?
A.They pay much less money to get a degree.
B.They study their courses in a more enjoyable way.
C.They have to spend time with other students and teachers.
D.They are free to choose the courses and projects they take in order to get the degree.
3. What is the author's attitude toward the OpenClassrooms degree program?
4. What is the main idea of the article?
A.The benefits of the OpenClassrooms program.
B.The reasons behind the popularity of M00Cs.
C.Some tips on whether to choose the OpenClassrooms program or not.
D.The difficulties of keeping up with online courses.
2019-07-19更新 | 81次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般