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题型:阅读理解-六选四 难度:0.65 引用次数:147 题号:17583198

Quiet Quitting

While not a new concept, the term “quiet quitting” has recently gained popularity on social media.

What is quiet quitting?

Quiet quitting doesn’t mean an employee has left their job, but rather has limited their tasks to avoid working longer hours.     1     They stick to what is in their job description and when they go home, they leave work behind them and focus on non-work duties and activities.

    2     It may also mean they are ready to change positions or may be currently looking for another job.

Why are employees quiet quitting?

Quiet quitting may be a popular term, but this practice isn’t new. Workers have quietly quit their jobs for years to look for something new, whether it was because of poor pay, unmanageable workload, burnout or lack of growth opportunities.

Working from home has also changed the dynamics of the workplace because employees and managers are communicating in different ways through online meetings. These interactions may feel more formal than the chat sessions that happen in an office. Limited meetings can cause a disconnect between employees and management.     3    

How can businesses help employees?

The biggest way to prevent disengagement is to improve the employee experience. Talk to employees, gather their feedback and discuss what can be done to make them feel appreciated. Make sure workloads are realistic and that there are appropriate boundaries to maintain a work-life balance. It’s important to check in with employees to make sure these boundaries are clear and help establish an open and honest relationship.

Further, managers should clearly outline paths of career progression to each employee.     4     A recent report revealed that more than half of employees surveyed would accept 10% less pay in exchange for a “more interesting career path or more opportunities to learn new skills”.

A.Supporters argue that quiet quitting is a way to safeguard your mental health.
B.They set clear boundaries to improve work-life balance.
C.Regular support and praise that make employees feel valued and connected can get lost.
D.Managers must learn how to have conversations to help employees reduce disengagement and burnout.
E.However, quiet quitting could be a sign that an employee is not happy in their position.
F.Employees are more likely to be engaged when they have specific targets.
2022·上海徐汇·一模 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】For decades, doctors have warned patients that too much salt can be bad for the heart. Heat attack has long been considered a grown-up problem, but a new research suggests that salt is starting to affect children. Eating too much salty food when you're young can lead to health problems later.

Salt is made up of two elements: sodium and chlorine. Dietary guidelines recommend that adults and kids aged 9 — 13 shouldn't consume more than about a teaspoon of salt daily. The average American eats twice this amount. This worries doctors because too much sodium results in the body producing more blood. To pump the extra blood, the heart has to work harder. This causes a rise in blood pressure a measurement of how stressed the heart is. High blood pressure often leads to heart disease.

A kid with high blood pressure is more likely to become a grown-up with high blood pressure. Reducing salt might also help stop childhood obesity (肥胖). British researchers recently found that kids who eat less salt also drink fewer sugary soft drinks. Drinking fewer fizzy drinks makes kids less likely to gain weight, become obese and develop high blood pressure.

Salt can affect more than just your heart and weight. A recent study found that a growing number of kids in the US are suffering from kidney stones. This painful condition usually affects people aged over 40. Now, kids as young as five are getting it.

Cutting down on salt can be hard, but you can retrain yourself to prefer less salty food. The best way to reduce the amount of sodium you eat is to make changes gradually. Start by adding half as much salt to your dinner as you normally do. Switch to fresh foods instead of canned and bottled versions. And go easy on the condiments (调味品). You might also want to start reading nutrition labels. You may be surprised to learn that there are 1,150 mg of sodium in a double cheeseburger, and over 2 ,000 mg in many frozen meals.

1. What is the author's major concern?
A.Children eat too much salty food.B.Many adults suffer from heart attack.
C.Americans consume too much salt.D.Heart attack is now a youth problem.
2. What does the author refer to as the cause of childhood obesity?
A.Eating more salty food.B.Lack of physical exercise.
C.Drinking many sugary soft drinks.D.Eating the same food as the adults.
3. What is another disease tending to be younger according to Paragraph 4?
A.Obesity.B.Kidney stone.
C.Blood disease.D.Heart attack.
4. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The laws of health.B.How to cut down on salt.
C.Healthy diet.D.The amount of salt we need.
2020-02-21更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Narcissists (自恋者) are people who are simply interested in themselves. They talk about themselves, demand admiration and recognition and believe everyone else should envy them.    1    . When you come across a narcissistic person, your initial reaction might be shocks but in some cases the best reaction might be none at all.

Understand that narcissism is a personality disorder.    2    . Often the person can’t help himself—he actually believes his idea of being superior to others. Remember that Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is classified as a mental illness.

    3    . A narcissist feeds off attention from others. When the person starts talking about himself excessively, the best thing to do is just walk away—leave the situation.

Have reasonable expectations about the person and his ability to stop being self-absorbed. This is not a disorder that goes away on its own—often the person will need intensive counseling to deal with his narcissism. Suggest counseling if you are in a close relationship with the person, such as a marriage.     4    , his condition may improve with treatment

    5    . A narcissist can be a burden on his friends and family and will often put others down as a way of building himself up. It is important to have high confidence yourself, so that you do not start to believe and absorb what he says as if it is the truth.

A.Stay positive and strong-minded
B.Ignore the person whenever possible
C.Give him or her a hand whenever possible
D.While he may not be able to stop the behavior completely
E.Often it is rooted in childhood issues, such as abuse or neglect
F.When you are suffering from this kind of mental disorder occasionally
G.They might even lie or exaggerate (夸大) the truth as a way to lift themselves
2022-04-23更新 | 238次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Do you feel lonely? The World Health Organization (WHO) recently addressed loneliness as a pressing health threat. It called for countries and organizations to make social connections a priority.

Loneliness is a state of mind marked by feelings of isolation (孤独) despite wanting social connections. So, people who are lonely usually experience the emotional pain of not being connected with others. Solitude (独处), on the other hand, is voluntary. People who enjoy spending time by themselves continue to maintain positive social relationships that they can return to when they want connection.

Social isolation impacts the health and well-being of all age groups across the world. According to the WHO, one in four old people experience social isolation. Among adolescents, between 5 and 15 percent experience loneliness, but the numbers are likely to be underestimations, said the organization.

In terms of teenagers, social disconnection can lead to poorer education outcomes since young people who have experienced loneliness in high school are more likely to drop out of university.

Lack of social connection carries a risk of early death equivalent to other better-known risk factors such as smoking, obesity and air pollution, or potentially even greater. Loneliness has a far-reaching impact comparable to smoking up to 15cigarettes a day, according to a 2017 study.

Previous studies have shown that loneliness has been linked to anxiety and depression and can increase the risk of heart disease by 30 percent. A 2015 study looked at the immune systems of its participants who were identified as lonely. It showed that they tend to have more inflammation (炎症) and less immunity, which can be a result of feeling stressed due to loneliness.

To tackle this crisis, the WHO launched the Commission on Social Connection, which held its first leadership meeting from Dec. 6 to 8 to outline solutions to build social connections at scale.

1. What can we learn about people experiencing loneliness from the text?
A.They prefer solitude over social interaction.
B.They feel lacking in social connection.
C.They feel other people isolate them on purpose.
D.They struggle to maintain social relationships.
2. How does loneliness affect people of different ages, according to the WHO?
A.It is harder for older people to get rid of it.
B.Teenagers are usually not influenced by it.
C.People can suffer from it regardless of their age.
D.Adults experience it primarily due to workplace stress.
3. How does the author explain the impact of loneliness on health?
A.By citing previous studies.B.By asking the readers some questions.
C.By quoting lonely people.D.By comparing it with other diseases.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this article?
A.To raise awareness about loneliness.
B.To give advice on how to prevent social isolation.
C.To stress the need for mental health evaluations.
D.To warn people of diseases related to loneliness.
2024-03-04更新 | 46次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般