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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:39 题号:17586620

Last year,Li Minhua,who is in her early 40s, began helping seniors in Beijing with her shower assistance service,with many of her clients treating Li as their own daughter. A few years ago, she noticed just how desperate her mother was for a shower after her parent was involved in an accident.“She had to lie in bed, unable to move around for six months, and I didn’t want to take any risks in giving her a shower,”she said. Li was hampered in efforts to help her mother due to a lack of special equipment and professional assistance, which prompted her to research ways to help seniors take showers.

After learning about Japanese professional shower assistance procedures and standards, Li bought two water pumps and inflatable bathtubs(浴缸) when she set up her own business in March last year. This equipment enables the elderly to lie down comfortably during a bath, as most of them are unable to stand or sit up.“The key is reducing the distance as much as possible in which those taking a shower have to move,“Li said.

The first time Li helped bathe a senior made her determined to persevere with her business.“The client was an 85-year-old man who had lost the ability to communicate,”she said. Li’s initial embarrassment gave way to a sense of achievement and pleasure after the man was bathed and scrubbed.“You could tell from his look that he was relieved and happy,”she said. The experience gave Li a new understanding of aging.“I really feel that the elderly with disabilities need care and attention from more people. They also need a decent life,”she said.

Li has recruited(招募)six members to her team, which has served more than 300 households with elderly family members who have difficulty taking a shower. About 80 percent of Li’s clients now take a shower at least once a month thanks to her service.

1. What does the underlined word“hampered”probably mean in Paragraph 1?
2. What is the advantage of the inflatable bathtubs?
A.They are light to carry.B.They own multiple functions.
C.They are cheap to buy.D.They are comfortable to lie in.
3. How did Li Minhua feel after finishing bathing the 85-year-old man?
4. In which section of the newspaper may the text appear?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】About a dozen women have gathered as their instructor guides them through the moves. “Backstroke!” Jean Bailey directs from her chair, raising her arms high, as the women of Elk Ridge quickly begin arm rotations. Everyone puts in top effort.

Bailey, who is 102, has been teaching them four times a week in the hallway of the second floor for about three years. “When I get old, I’ll quit,” said Bailey. Some of her regulars have arthritis (关节炎) that limits their movements, but they can do the stretching exercises comfortably and benefit from them, said Bailey, who herself often uses a walker.

“After attending the class, we’ve gotten pretty close up there on our floor. One of us would do something for anybody. We really keep track of each other,” Phyllis Black, 87, said. She lives down the hall from Bailey; if she skips them, she feels stiff. “She’s a very nice neighbor, and she’s a good friend also. She’s very talented.”

When her children were young, Bailey became a florist (花匠) — a practice she still enjoys as a hobby. She buys artificial flowers and makes bouquets (花束) for the clubhouse and some residents. Laura Stuart calls her the “queen bee”. “She brings her expertise in floral arrangements and is always doing beautiful arrangements,” Stuart said. “She brings that to us, and it’s just a blessing that she’s still here with us to even do such a complex type of floral arrangement.”

At Elk Ridge, residents can participate in fitness activities like a walking club, tai chi and working out in a fitness room. But Bailey’s ladies seem to prefer her class because of her warm and fun personality, and the gentleness of the stretches for people who have mobility challenges, says Sean Tran, operations director at Elk Ridge. “More than anything, her general outlook on life…is just remarkable,” he said about Bailey. “She’s the nicest, most thoughtful, caring person that I probably ever met. Nothing is going to stop her,” Tran said. “She’s going to keep going, no matter what. And others look at her and think: ‘If she can do this at 102, I can do this at my age, whatever it is.’”

1. What scene does the first paragraph describe?
A.A game practice.B.A dancing session.
C.A swimming training.D.A fitness class.
2. What is implied in Phyllis’s words about the learners?
A.They have deepened the women’s friendship.
B.Some women often skip the exercise classes.
C.Old women are gifted in exercise.
D.Some attendees feel stiff after the classes.
3. What does Laura think of Bailey?
A.She has a hobby of growing flowers.
B.She is expert at arranging flowers.
C.She is a good florist.
D.She sells man-made flowers to others.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Bailey organizes various activities,
B.Bailey makes her attendees stretch gently.
C.Bailey inspires other people to exercise.
D.Bailey remarks on the life of others.
2024-01-22更新 | 120次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I took a job at a vet (兽医) clinic almost five decades ago. As an enthusiastic animal lover, I accepted the position on the condition that I wouldn't have to assist with any wounded animals. I couldn't bear to see any creature in pain.

At the end of my first week, we were closing the office for the day when a young man ran up to us holding a severely injured Doberman pinscher puppy (杜宾幼犬) in his arms and begging us to save his life. The four-month-old pup had been hit by a car.

The doctor and I ran back into the operating room. The only place the skin was still attached to this poor little animal's body was around one shoulder. The vet worked tirelessly for what seemed like hours, sewing him back together again. That was the easy part. The puppy had broken multiple bones, including his spine (脊椎) . If he survived the next few days, we were quite sure he would never walk.

That day forever changed my life. I became the vet's assistant in all things medical. One of my first jobs was to give that Doberman puppy daily physical therapy, I remember moving his tiny legs to try to keep his muscles from weakening.

Weeks went by until one day, I felt this little fighter push back ever so slightly. And he continued to push back till he could finally use his legs.

Fast-forward about a year. I walked into the clinic's crowded waiting room and called the name of the next client. Suddenly, a huge Doberman who had been standing quietly with his owner on the opposite side of the room broke loose and dashed toward me. 1 found myself pinned against the wall with this magnificent dog standing on his hind legs, his front paws on my shoulders, washing my face with abundant and joyful kisses!

I still tear up in amazement at the display of love and gratitude the dog had for me that day all those years ago.

1. Which was the possible position the author took originally at the clinic?
A.A medical assistant.
B.A professional vet.
C.An enthusiastic volunteer.
D.A regular receptionist.
2. How did the author help the dog?
A.She sewed his wounds.
B.She fixed his spine.
C.She helped him to recover.
D.She taught him to walk.
3. What can we infer about the dog?
A.He struggled to be on his feet.
B.He liked to lick people’s faces.
C.He got well immediately.
D.He got fierce afterwards.
4. Why did the huge Doberman dash toward the author?
A.To push her awayB.To be a lucky dog
C.to show his gratitude to herD.To ask for some food
5. What is the best title of this passage?
A.A loving vetB.A lucky dog
C.A grateful patientD.A life-changing story
2022-02-05更新 | 95次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Babbage, born in London in 1791, was a great mathematical genius. He was a natural inventor.

When he finished school, he went to study mathematics at Cambridge University. Later, he got a job teaching at the university. While working there, he designed his “first difference engine”. This was, basically, a hand-operated mechanical calculator.

He took nine years to build a part of the machine. This machine can make complex mathematical calculations. It’s a basic mechanical computer.

Babbage dreamed, however, of more complicated machines. In fact, he didn’t only dream; he began to design them. The result was a series of “analytical engines” which were in fact powerful computers!

His designs contained processors, control units, a memory, and an input/output system. These are the four essential parts of a modern mathematical computer!

Alas! His “second difference engine” couldn’t use electricity since this hadn’t yet become a usable source of power, so Babbage had to make do with mechanical systems. For this reason, the machine was big, complicated and expensive. Though Babbage produced complete plans for the machine, he couldn’t build it. It was too advanced for its age!

It was not until almost 160 years later that Babbage’s “second difference engine” was finally manufactured. The first working version of this machine was built by the Science Museum in London, for the Babbage bicentenary in 1991. A second machine was then built for an American high-tech millionaire, who put it in the Computer History Museum, in California.

Babbage’s analytical engines would have used “programs” like those used in the textile(纺织)industry to make complicated patterns, but they were never built. This brilliant mathematician really was too far ahead of his time!

1. Where did Babbage plan his “first difference engine”?
A.In London
B.At high school
C.At Cambridge
D.In Science Museum
2. What do we know about his “second difference engine”?
A.It took him nine years to build it
B.It was far ahead of its time
C.Its deign came out in his dreams
D.Its power source was electricity
3. The “second difference engine” was built to work in 1991 ____________.
A.for an American millionaire
B.in memory of Babbage
C.to test its ability to use electricity
D.for textile industry to make patterns
4. What can we infer from the text?
A.Babbage’s engines didn’t run on programs
B.Textile patterns are produced with programs
C.Babbage can be seen as the father of computers
D.Babbage’s analytical engines were never built
2018-01-12更新 | 91次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般