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Touching Emoji(表情符号)

Distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic has made both physical and social connections a touch more difficult to maintain. For Stanford University graduate student Millie Salvato, being apart from her mother on the opposite coast has proved challenging.

    1     In a new study, she and her colleagues demonstrated a wearable sleeve that can simulate (模拟) human touch and convey abstract social messages sent electronically. Salvato and her team measured how 37 participants expressed social information in different situations. In each test, one person wore a pressure-sensing device on an arm, and another touched it to respond to situations involving six intended meanings: attention seeking, gratitude, happiness, calming, love and sadness

After collecting 661 touch movements-squeezes, strokes, shakes, pokes, and the like-Salvato and her colleagues mapped the location and pressure of each.     2     Finally, they programmed a wearable sleeve to simulate these movements using eight embedded disks that shake when electronically signaled.

“It doesn’t feel like an actual human hand ... but it doesn’t feel like these separate motions either,” Salvato says, as one might expect from large moving disks. “It feels nice, honestly.”     3     For comparison, a previous study from Gerling’s laboratory found participants could match situations for touches from real human hands 57 percent of the time.

In the new study, “I think it’s interesting that participants can reliably understand what touch has been delivered to them at a pretty high rate, given the scarce amount of information that they have available to them,” Gerling says.

Previous research has found that social touch is important for physical and mental health.     4    

A.One can’t help but wonder when new tech will convey emotion through a virtual touch.
B.Even with no training, 30 new study participants correctly matched the simulated touches to the six situations 45 percent of the time.
C.Sometimes a text or video call is not enough, and people in Salvato’s situation often long for a way to send a loving touch or comforting squeeze from afar.
D.In the future, instead of just sending a <3 to a loved one by phone or computer, adding a “touch emoji” might help us feel just a little bit closer.
E.Next, they used a machine-learning software to select the movements that were most reliably part of each response.
F.“It’s a unique work that looks at how our social touch is delivered and then... how to reproduce it,” says Gerling, a touch researcher not involved in the study.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】One of the biggest concerns in science is that scientists themselves may influence the outcomes of experiments. Scientists have come up with all sorts of strategies to try to get rid of this problem.

But gathering the data and running an experiment is not the only part of the process that can go wrong. The methods chosen to analyse the data can also influence results. This point was dramatically demonstrated by two recent papers published in a journal called Surgery. Despite being based on the same data set, they drew opposite conclusions about whether using a particular piece of kit during appendix (阑尾) removal surgery reduced or increased the chances of infection.

A new paper, from a large team of researchers headed by Martin Schweinsberg, a psychologist at the European School of Management and Technology, in Berlin, helps cast some light on why. Dr Schweinsberg gathered 49 different researchers by advertising his project on social media. Each was handed a copy of a data set consisting of 3.9m words of text from nearly 8,000 comments made on Edge. org, an online forum (论坛) for chatty intellectuals.

In the end, 37 analyses were regarded sufficiently detailed to include. As it turned out, no two analysts employed exactly the same method, and none got the same result. The problem was not that any of the analyses were “wrong” in any objective sense. The differences arose because researchers chose different definitions of what they were studying, and applied different techniques.

Truth, in other words, can be a slippery customer, even for simple-sounding questions. What to do? One conclusion is that experimental design is critically important. Dr Schweinsberg hopes that platforms such as Data Explained can help solve the problem as well as revealing it, by allowing scientists to specify exactly how they chose to perform their analysis, allowing those decisions to be reviewed by others. It is probably not practical, he admits, to check and re-check every result. But if many different analytical approaches point in the same direction, then scientists can be confident that their conclusion is the right one.

1. Why did the researchers get different results according to paragraph 2?
A.Different methods were applied in the data analysis.
B.Some experimental techniques were unreliable.
C.Some analyses were conducted in a new way.
D.Different data were adopted randomly and indirectly.
2. Which is TRUE according to paragraphs 3 and 4?
A.49 researchers were gathered to discuss an issue.
B.37 analyses were thought to employ the same method.
C.2 analyses were considered not good enough.
D.37 researchers got different results.
3. What does the underlined part “a slippery customer” refer to?
A.A person who is extremely critical.
B.Someone who can’t be trusted.
C.A person who is willing to speak frankly.
D.Someone who can raise questions skillfully.
4. What can be inferred from the whole passage?
A.Different results come from the same experimental design.
B.The more data are collected, the more truthful the results will be.
C.Data don’t lie, but they can lead scientists to opposite conclusions.
D.The outcomes of the experiments come from the cooperation of the scientists.
2022-09-17更新 | 160次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】The story of The emperor’s new clothes is one of Andersen’s best-known works. Cheaters fool the emperor into believing they have made him a fantastic suit. Courtiers (侍臣) dare not say that the emperor is naked; it takes a child to point out the obvious. How many companies have ploughed ahead with expensive projects that were favoured by the CEO, even when other managers have had doubts? The moral is that people are often too restricted by social practice to state their views.

In his new book Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking, Matthew Syed argues that the key to dealing with this problem is “cognitive (认知) diversity”, in other words, assembling a team of people with different perspectives and intellectual backgrounds. It is not just about selecting people for teams from both sexes and various races. Hire only Cambridge politics graduates or Stanford software engineers and they will have studied under the same professors and absorbed similar world views regardless of their gender or skin colour.

There is another element to selecting a good team: ensuring that those viewpoints are heard and respected. A study of over 300 projects by the Rotterdam School of Management found that those led by junior managers were more likely to succeed than those led by senior managers—maybe because other team members were less scared about pointing out potential dangers to someone of lower rank.

The ability to speak up within an organization, without fear of punishment, is known as “psychological safety”. Mr. Syed cites a study of teams at Google, which found that self-reported psychological safety was by far the most important factor behind successful teamwork at the technology giant.

One way to overcome shyness while brainstorming, for instance, is for everyone to write down their ideas but ensure their names are never known. That way, opinions about thoughts are less closely tied to the status of the thinker and can be tested against each other with less fear or favour.

1. Why is The story of the emperor’s new clothes mentioned?
A.To confirm its popularity.B.To argue for children’s wisdom.
C.To make fun of the adults.D.To indicate the importance of speaking up.
2. Which of the following makes an effective team?
A.People with the same cognitive origin.
B.People with more races and gender.
C.People with various academic backgrounds.
D.People following their leaders unconditionally.
3. Why does a team with a junior manager tend to succeed?
A.It encourages members to compete.B.It creates a relaxing atmosphere.
C.It allows members to voice opinions.D.It thinks little of social ranks.
4. What do we know about “psychological safety”?
A.It is a term invented by Mr. Syed.B.It contributes to diversity thinking.
C.It is a secret weapon of the Google.D.It is a project done at the Rotterdam.
2022-06-01更新 | 686次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约470词) | 较难 (0.4)
Taping and bracing ankles

Ankle sprains(踝关节扭伤) are the most common sports-related injuries in the United States. If there was an easy way of decreasing the number and severity of these injuries, that would be great. For this very reason, the practice of taping and bracing ankles was introduced decades ago.

How, then, do taped or braced ankles decrease the incidence and severity of sprains in athletes? One explanation for how it works comes from a study which found that taped athletes had improved proprioception(本体感受), which is the bodys ability to know how fast the ankle and foot are moving and if they are starting to roll over or not. When they were compared, the athletes with taped ankles had better proprioception both before and after exercise compared with athletes using no tape. The tapes traction(拉力)or pressure on the skin of the foot and ankle helped improve sensitivity and proprioception, resulting in fewer ankle sprains.

Another common concern often expressed by the public is that lengthened practice of taping or bracing ankles results in weak ankles that then tend to get injured more easily; this would be a strong case against taping or bracing ankles. However, a scientific study looked at the effects of consistent ankle brace use on the peroneus longus muscle. It is an important stabilizer(稳定装置)of the ankle, particularly against inversion, the most common type of ankle injury. This study showed that the peroneus longus muscles ability to do its job was not changed by the long-term wearing of an ankle brace.

Many studies have been completed to compare taping ankles and bracing ankles to try to determine which one is better. Most have shown that braces are slightly more effective than tape, but that both are better than no support at all. One study found that simply wearing high-top sneakers instead of low-tops prevented some ankle injuries and that high-tops plus tape had more than 50% fewer injuries than low-tops plus tape.

So whether its on the field or on the court, the tape or brace is an important piece of athletic equipment just like your helmet or mouth guard.

IntroductionTaping and bracing ankles have been practised for decades to reduce the     1     of ankle sprains.
    2     about the practice of taping and bracing anklesHow does this practice work?
It enables the body to have a better knowledge of the ankle and foots     3    .
It makes the ankle and foot more     4     to the outside stimuli(刺激).
Does this practice have side effects?
Some people assume that the lengthened practice could be     5     to the ankles.
    6     on a scientific study with the peroneus longus muscle, the long-term wearing of an ankle brace did not     7     its ability.
Which is better, taping ankles or bracing ankles?
They both work well, but the latter works more     8    .
Besides taping ankles, wearing high-top sneakers also makes a     9    .
ConclusionWherever you do sports, the tape or brace really     10    .
2019-01-27更新 | 66次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般