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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:105 题号:17597955

Dogs have a seemingly endless list of lovely behavior, and their curious head tilt(歪头) at human voices is no exception. While conducting a study on dogs’ ability to learn words, scientists stumbled upon a potential link between dogs’ memory and their head tilt.

In the study, researchers looked at the head tilt patterns of both“gifted”and “typical” dogs. Owners ordered their dogs to fetch a specific toy from another room. While most dogs struggled to memorize the name of just two toys, the seven “gifted” dogs-all of which were border collies(牧羊犬)could remember at least ten different toy names they'd been taught by researchers.

The team found that dogs that were particularly good at toy recall tilted their heads more often when hearing a command than dogs which weren’t as skilled. When they compared the dogs’ responses to a command from their owners, gifted dogs tilted their heads 43 percent of the time, while typical dogs did so just 2 percent of the time. It’s possible, scientists concluded, that the dogs’ head tilt may be a sign of paying attention or even matching a name to a visual image in their heads.

Researchers also discovered that dogs usually tilted their heads in the same direction regardless of where the owner was standing. The so-called “right-tilters“ and “left-tilters” may be a matter of individual preference. “The next step is to ask more questions to know what the head tilt really means, “says the researcher Monique Udell. “Can we use head tilting to predict word-learning ability, or attention, or memory?””

The researchers agree that the study is still in the early stages. For now, dog owners can take comfort in knowing that their dogs’ head tilt maybe a lovely attempt to better understand them.

1. Which of the following best explains “stumbled upon“ underlined in paragraph 1?
A.Broke by accident.B.Discovered unexpectedly.
C.Imagined without reason.D.Investigated secretly.
2. What were the dogs asked to do in the study?
A.Find out the hidden toys.
B.Find the name of the toys.
C.Separate the different toys.
D.Go to get the toys mentioned.
3. What did the researchers find out about the gifted dogs hearing commands?
A.Their responses were faster.
B.They tilted their heads more often.
C.They tilted their heads to the left more often.
D.They were more easily influenced by the owners’ locations.
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Dogs mainly communicate by tilting their heads.
B.Dogs have developed specific communication skills.
C.A new study offers a clue as to why dogs tilt their heads.
D.Border collies are the smartest species in the animal kingdom.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The last African elephant at the Johannesburg Zoo, Lammie, lost her male partner to a sickness in September.

Lammie was born in the zoo 39 years ago. She had lived for 17 years with Kinkel, who died at age 35. Kinkel had been rescued in the wild after his trunk was caught in a trap in 2000. Around the time of her partner's death on Sept. 4, Lammie had stopped eating. The day before Kinkel died, she was seen trying to help him get up. Elephants are known for their intelligence, strong social ties and even the ability to mourn (哀伤). Some people argue Lammie should be sent to another place where she can be with other elephants.

Audrey Delsink is wildlife director of Humane Society International/Africa. She said, Lammie “is in desperate need of a happier existence and the chance to live out her years with other elephants.” Delsink added that a wildlife rescue place is ready to take Lammie if the Johannesburg Zoo agrees to let her go.

But the zoo says Lammie is staying. The zoo says it serves an educational purpose, especially for the poor who cannot pay to visit wildlife parks.

Michele Pickover disagrees. She is director of the EMS Foundation, a South Africa-based African wildlife rights group. She said “nobody learns anything” by seeing an elephant in captivity (被圈养). She said that watching a film about elephants would be more educational.

But, a spokeswoman for the Johannesburg Zoo, Jenny Moodley, says it is looking for a new partner for Lammie. She said the zoo is following guidelines in its search set by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. She added that experts are closely observing Lammie and that the elephant might not adapt well to a new environment. Moodley said of Lammie: “She is coping incredibly well, considering that she has lost her partner.”

1. What do we know about Lammie ?
A.She used to be rescued in the wild.
B.She lost her friends.
C.She was sad because of her partner’s death.
D.She has been sent to another zoo.
2. What will Audrey Delsink agree?
A.Use Lammie to educate poor people.
B.Let Lammie stay in the zoo.
C.Ask experts to take care of Lammie.
D.Let Lammie live in a wild life rescue place.
3. What does Jenny Moodley intend to tell us ?
A.Lammie has recoverd from the pain.
B.Lammie doesn’t need another partner.
C.Lammie will be sent away soon.
D.Lammie is well taken care of.
4. What can be the suitable title for the text?
A.Rescuing the elephant
B.The sad story of an elephant and her partner
C.Should the last elephant stay or go?
D.Can elephant live happily without a partner?
2020-04-12更新 | 116次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There have been numerous wake-up calls about the effects of climate change on sea life. As ocean waters heat up, they are making coral lose color. Growing levels of carbon dioxide are making seawater more acidic. Now climate change is starting to affect fish's sense of smell, a phenomenon that will worsen in the coming years if global warming continues growing.

A sense of smell is what the fish can't do without. They use it to find food, detect upcoming danger, escape from predators (捕食者)find safe environments, and even recognize one another. "Future levels of carbon dioxide can have large negative effects on the sense of smell of fish, which can affect fish population numbers and the entire ecosystem, ”said an ocean life expert. "This can be prevented, but we must reduce carbon emissions now before it's too late.”

Experts believe that about half of carbon dioxide emissions produced by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels--have over time ended up in the oceans, lowering the pH of seawater, and making it more acidic.

Researchers found that sea bass (鲈鱼)exposed to the more acidic conditions swam less and were less likely to react when encountering the smell of a predator. Also, they were more likely to "freeze", a sign of anxiety, according to the study. They found the longer the fish were in high CO2,the worse they got along. The researchers also measured the ability of the fish to detect certain odors (气味)in different levels of acidity (酸度)。 The study showed that their ability to detect and respond to some odors connected with food and threatening situations was more strongly affected than other odors.

The research is important because 20 percent of the protein consumed by 3 million people comes from seafood, and about 50 percent of this comes from fish caught from the wild. “Therefore, increases in carbon dioxide in the ocean have the potential to affect all fish species, including those that many people rely on food and livelihood, "the ocean life expert warned.

1. What do we know from the first paragraph?
A.Global warming will continue in the coming years.
B.Global warming is starting to affect fish's sense of smell.
C.The temperature of seawater is rising to a dangerous level.
D.Few people are worried about the impact of climate change.
2. Why does the author attach great importance to the sense of smell of fish?
A.It can affect the survival of fish.
B.Fish can stay safe with their sense of smell.
C.Fish rely on their sense of smell to find food.
D.Fish can find each other by their sharp noses.
3. Why does the author mention human activities in the text?
A.He wants to blame human beings for global warming.
B.He wants to criticize human beings for overuse of fossil fuels.
C.He concludes that human activities can destroy the sense of smell of fish.
D.He concludes that human activities can improve the ecosystem of the ocean.
4. What is the author's attitude toward the future of fish industry?
2020-12-18更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him with wood and other products; they give him shade; they help to prevent drought and floods.

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. To make money from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had.

Two-thousand years ago, a rich and powerful country cut down-its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire, but since the trees were cut down, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the home county found itself faced by floods and hunger.

Even where a government realizes the importance of an enough supply of trees, it is difficult for it to let the villagers see this. The villagers want wood to cook their food with, and they can earn money by selling wood to the townsmen. They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new trees. So, unless the government has a good system of control or can educate the villagers, the forests will not get protected. This does not only mean that the villagers’ sons and grandsons will have fewer trees. The results are even more serious. Where there are trees, their roots break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in, which makes the soil stick together and prevents it being washed away easily. Where there are no tree, the rainfall son hard ground and flows away on the surface, causing floods and carrying away with it the rich top-soil, in which crops grow so well. When all the top-soil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.

1. Why do men cut down trees in large numbers in many places? (No more than 10 words)
2. What happened to the soil after trees were cut down in the rich and powerful country? (No more than 5 words)
3. What should the government do to protect the trees? (No more than 15 words)
4. What does the underlined phrase “sink in” in the last paragraph mean in English? (No more than 5 words)
5. Do you think it is important to protect trees? Why do you think so? (No more than 20 words)
2023-09-29更新 | 75次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般