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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:92 题号:17821820

Preserving more habitats for China’s giant pandas is providing a giant payoff.     1     (save) the giant panda from dying out isn’t just good for the panda, but it’s also good for economy, a new analysis by an international team of scientists shows.

The results     2     (publish) in the magazine Current Biology, stress the economic benefits that go hand in hand with environmental     3     (protect). Giant pandas are one of the rarest species around the world. But pandas fell on hard times in recent decades, thanks largely     4     human encroachment (侵入). In 1980 alone, many habitats     5     (destroy) artificially, and in 1990, their habitats covered only 12,340 square kilometers, which is a major threat to the pandas in large part because bamboo, their main food source, is so low in nutrients     6     they must wander a lot of land in order to find and eat enough of it.

Because of this, Chinese officials began making     7     (significance) efforts to save the panda from extinction, establishing more reserves and increasing the reserve area three times. Panda numbers     8     (gradual) began to recover, hitting 1,596 in 2000 and 1,864 in 2010.

    9     is clear that society’s investment (投资)     10     (start) to pay off so far in terms of panda population recovery”, the study authors said.

【知识点】 动物 环境保护


语法填空-短文语填(约110词) | 适中 (0.65)

In the past 70 years, great achievements     1    (obtain) in environmental protection in China. Especially in recent decades, a series of wildlife protection movements     2    (carry) out by the government. As a result, impressive progress     3    (make) in protecting several species in danger of extinction, such as the giant panda and the crested ibis(朱鹮). Nowadays some pandas     4    (feed) by keepers and when they grow up, they     5    (release) into the wild. In 1981, only seven crested ibises     6    (find) in Yangxian County, Shaanxi Province. Since then, breeding programs have helped the population reach over 2,000.

In China, key projects     7    (set) up continually to improve wildlife protection, including making rare wild animals and plants under state protection, and also fighting against illegal wildlife trade, which includes ivory(象牙) trade.

2021-09-14更新 | 47次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约130词) | 适中 (0.65)

The novel coronavirus pneumonia(新型冠状病毒肺炎)outbreak in China was caused by a new coronavirus that we have never seen before.     1     was first found in the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan,     2     a variety of wild animals were on sale.People who sold and bought animals     3    (illegal)were the first to be infected(感染)。Scientists have found that the virus probably     4    (come)from bats and then was spread to humans from pangolins(穿山甲)。Bats can carry and spread more than 60 viruses,and other wild animals like snakes are also     5    (host)of many viruses.

There have been calls for people     6    (stop)eating wild animals.However,the danger also lies     7     touching them.Although     8    (carry)many diseases,the wild animals shouldn't be regarded as evil.Each variety of animal     9    (have)a role in the ecosystem and all of them are important for keeping     10    good ecological balance.

2020-05-27更新 | 39次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Da Mao and Er Shun, two pandas which     1     (send) to Calgary Zoo in Canada in 2014, are being sent back to China two years ahead     2     schedule. Two cubs born to them will also be sent back.

The animals feed on fresh bamboo, which is     3     (especial) flown in for them from China. But with the novel coronavirus outbreak affecting flights, fresh supplies have been delayed so far. According to the zoo staff,     4     pandas are fussy eaters and will refuse bamboo that has spent a lot of time in transport. They have tried to find a new bamboo supplier to feed     5     (they), but met many problems. “We believe the     6     (safe) place for Er Shun and Da Mao now is China in     7     bamboo is rich and easy to access,” Calgary Zoo President and CEO Clement Lanthier said.

People all say that Da Mao and Er Shun are fortunate enough     8     (have) a hometown to return to when faced with     9    (difficulty) because China controlled the novel coronavirus outbreak successfully so that it can consider     10     (get) the pandas back and provide them with fresh bamboos.

2020-07-18更新 | 77次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般