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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:298 题号:17841230

An exhibition of vivid photographs and a restored documentary give fresh insight into the Antarctic explorer, who died a century ago.

One hundred years ago, the leader of the last great expedition of the heroic age of polar exploration died from a heart attack as his ship, Quest, headed for Antarctica. The announcement of the death of Ernest Shackleton on 30 January 1922 was greeted with an outpouring of national grief.

This was the man, after all, who had saved the entire crew of his ship Endurance — which had been crushed and sunk by ice in 1915 — by making a daring trip in a tiny open boat over 750 miles of polar sea to raise the alarm at a whaling station in South Georgia.

It remains one of the greatest rescue stories of modern history and led to the idolising of Shackleton in the United Kingdom, a reputation that survived undamaged for the rest of the century. As his contemporary Raymond Priestley, the geologist and Antarctic explorer, later put it: “When disaster strikes and all hope is gone, get down on your knees and pray for Shackleton.”

And here and now in 2022, his death is being marked with an elaborately illustrated exhibition — Shackleton’s legacy and the power of early Antarctic photography — which opens at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), and which includes a range of images and artefacts from his expeditions. Additionally, a digitally remade version of South, a documentary film of Shackleton’s 1914-16 Endurance expedition, is being screened at the British Film Institute.

The film and most of the exhibition’s finest images are the handiwork of Frank Hurley, who sailed with Shackleton and who was one of the 20th century’s greatest photographers and film-makers. Both film and exhibition feature striking camera work and provide vivid accounts of the hardships that Shackleton and his men endured as they headed off to explore Antarctica.

Even after he survived the great expedition, he still longed for another trip to Antarctica, and after long negotiations set sail in Quest, from England, with the aim of circumnavigating (环航) Antarctica, Shackleton was by now very ill and had suffered at least one heart attack. On 2 January 1922, he wrote in his diary: “I grow old and tired but must always lead on.” Three days later he had a major heart attack and died a few hours later. He is buried on South Georgia, scene of his greatest triumph.

“Shackleton was an inspirational leader. He had an innate sense of what was possible and achievable. He also had a huge personality but led by example. At the same time, he was sensitive to the needs of the individuals he was leading. For example, after Endurance broke up, his men had lost their protection and shelter. Their social fabric had been destroyed. There would have been disagreement. Yet Shackleton succeeded in keeping them together and made sure they survived.”

1. People were overcome with grief when Ernest Shackleton died because          .
A.it was a huge pity that such a brave explorer should have died from a heart attack
B.he was the man that wrote about one of the greatest rescue stories of modern history
C.he came to his entire crew’s rescue and symbolised hope in extreme circumstances
D.there was no one to pray to anymore when disaster came and there was no hope
2. What can we learn about the exhibition?
A.It presents Shackleton’s 1914-16 Endurance expedition with powerful Antarctic photos.
B.It celebrates the 100th anniversary of the great explorer Ernest Shackleton’s birth.
C.It consists of vivid photographs, artefacts, and documentaries of Ernest Shackleton.
D.It is created by Frank Hurley, who witnessed Shackleton’s heroic acts with his own eyes.
3. Which of the following is NOT true about Ernest Shackleton according to the passage?
A.He was the leader of a heroic exploration to the South pole, who died from a heart attack off shore.
B.He saved the crew members of the sunken Endurance by travelling to raise the alarm in a tiny boat.
C.He is universally recognised as the greatest Antarctic explorer who has enjoyed enduring fame.
D.He was inspirational, practical, responsible, sensitive towards his men, but had a strong character.
4. What does “Their social fabric had been destroyed. ” in the last paragraph most probably mean?
A.What they wore would not be accepted by others upon returning.
B.They could no longer socialise with others even if they went back.
C.The ship could not keep them together even if they survived.
D.They could not function socially as they had when there was shelter.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】For top students from low-income families,the challenge of applying to colleges is particularly difficult. 1 in 4 deal with all of that—the writing,the studying,the researching and applying—completely on their own. One approach to make this whole process easier? Pair students up with an adviser.

That’s the idea behind CollegePoint,an initiative to help gifted students go to schools that match their intellectual(智力的)ability. When a high school student takes a standardized test—the PSAT,SAT or ACT——and they score in the 90th percentile,and their families make less than$80,000 a year,they get an email from the program offering them a free adviser. The advisers listen,guide and answer students’questions.

Connor Rechtzigel,an adviser in Minnesota,sees the importance of his role,for research shows that low-income students are far more likely to undermatch because they don’t think they have what it takes to get in and because many don’t even know what schools are out there. He helped high school senior Justice Benjamin,the first in his family to apply to college,think about what his ideal learning experience was. Finally,Justice narrowed in on smaller schools where he could study environmental science and made his final choice:Skidmore College in New York. He felt empowered by the process.

Figuring out how to pay for college is a major part of what,CollegePoint advisers do. Nakhle,an adviser in North Carolina,is working with Hensley,an Ohio high school senior who can’t get extra financial help from her family. They spent a lot of time comparing and analyzing her financial-aid award letters,which made her decision much clearer. Finally,the Ohio State University offered an option where she would pay nothing. Staying in-state wasn’t her first choice,but it was the best option for her.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.How CollegePoint works.B.The goal of CollegePoint.
C.Ways to apply for a free adviser.D.The challenge of choosing colleges.
2. What prevents low-income students from attending proper colleges?
A.Overestimating their abilities.B.Knowing little about colleges.
C.Lack of enough learning experience.D.Failure to get support from their families.
3. Why did Hensley finally choose the Ohio State University?
A.She didn’t want to stay far from home.
B.Her favorite major was provided there.
C.She would show her talents to the full.
D.The university met her financial needs.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How to Be a Financial Adviser
B.Steps for Top Students to Select Ideal Colleges
C.Advisers Help Poor Students Apply to Suitable Colleges
D.CollegePoint—a Program Helping Students Score High
2020-02-04更新 | 515次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Tao Yuanming and Henry David Thoreau were both poets, but one lived in Ancient China and the other in 19th century America. Superficially, these two men, whose lives were separated in time by nearly 1,500 years, were polar opposites. And yet they shared an intense respect for nature, which made them each an influential figure of their time.

Both men made dramatic transformations to their lives in order to reconnect with nature. As an official in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Tao felt conflicted over life at court. In 405, he quit the service of the court for good, expressing his unhappiness in the now famous line that he would not “bow like a servant in return for five dou of grain”. He spent the next 22 years until his death, working the land in a poor, rural area. From his poetry, we can learn that although his life was arduous, he succeeded in finding contentment in its simplicity and in drawing pleasure from nature.

While Tao’s return to nature was a reaction to a lifestyle he was opposed to, Thoreau’s was a personal decision to transform the way he lived. He had a decent quality of life, but he wanted to live in a simpler way. For two years, two months and two days, he lived in a cottage in the forest on the edge of Walden Pond, focusing on himself and his writing. He explained his reason for doing so in Walden: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life.” Both men were happy to withdraw from contemporary life, seeking a harmonious relationship with nature in the quietness of their lives.

Although Tao and Thoreau do not treat nature in quite the same way, their works show its beauty and value. Tao’s nature is a place of fields and villages, in other words, rural, and his animals are domestic ones, such as chickens and dogs. The calm and peaceful life he wrote about is in contrast to and critical of the depressive court life.

Thoreau’s descriptions of nature emphasized the beauty and purity of the wild areas around him. Devoting himself to observations of the natural phenomena, he recorded his detailed findings in his journals. Thoreau’s writing aimed to convince people that animals and plants had a right to live and prosper, as we do. We should live with them in harmony and enjoy nature’s gifts.

It takes considerable courage to reject the easy and familiar and instead try to live closer to nature, as both Tao and Thoreau did. Their choices led them to quiet and reflective lives with fewer material desires. In today’s modern world, their ideas about living simply and being at ease with nature may take us a step closer to attaining personal well-being and fulfillment.

1. Why did Tao Yuanming leave the court?
A.Because he was too old.
B.Because he felt conflicted over life at court.
C.Because he liked nature so much.
D.Because he liked living in a rural area.
2. What do Tao Yuanming and Thoreau have in common?
A.They treated nature in the same way.
B.They lived in the same century.
C.They were both unsatisfied with their leaders.
D.Their works showed the beauty of nature.
3. What did Thoreau describe in his writings?
A.Fields and villages.B.Chickens and dogs.
C.Animals and plants.D.Mountains and rivers.
4. What does Thoreau’s work mainly embody (体现)?
A.Nature’s wilderness is beautiful.B.We should raise more animals.
C.Man should live in harmony with nature.D.we should live in the rural area.
5. What should we do if we want to attain personal well-being and fulfillment?
A.Live closer to nature.B.Increase material desires.
C.Walk a lot in the forest.D.Share a respect for nature.
2022-06-30更新 | 286次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】If you are into Greek mythology, you probably have heard the story of Oedipus. This tale, which became one of the best examples of self-fulfilling prophecy, shows how Oedipus and his father Laius, unconsciously (or maybe consciously?) demonstrated their fate. Like the Oedipus tale, we may have self-prophesied our destiny in several aspects of our lives, whether positive or negative. For instance, have you ever foreseen something that eventually happened to you? You’re not alone.

A self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person’s belief generates a conscious or unconscious behavior that makes their thoughts come true. It works like a cycle. You hold a belief about other people and yourself which affects your actions concerning them or yourself. For others, the assumptions affect how you act toward them, thus influencing their views about you.

For a long time, self-fulfilling prophecies have grabbed the attention of sociology and psychology researchers, who want to understand how they impact human behavior. Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson demonstrated a unique type of self-fulfilling prophecy with their experiment with children in the classroom: the Pygmalion effect. The researchers told teachers that some of their students were part of the “growth spurts (快速成长)”group based on their IQ tests. Later, they retested the students and collected data from both “ordinary” and “growth-spurts” students, discovering that the “growth- spurts” showed a much better performance than the “ordinary” ones. The Pygmalion effect shows that when you create expectations about people, you will likely treat them based on those expectations. This may influence the person’s behavior, who acts according to that expectation, becoming a classic example of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Self-fulfilling prophecies are so deep-rooted in our psychology and social environment that we often don’t even notice that they can influence our activities regularly, whether at home, school, or work. When using self-fulfilling prophecies to achieve goals, it’s essential to have a positive outlook and to focus on the actions you can take to bring about the desired outcome. Believing that you can succeed is an essential part of making it happen.

1. How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By questioning a theory.B.By making a comparison.
C.By giving an example.D.By citing others’ ideas.
2. Which of the following is an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy?
A.Those who are diligent are more likely to succeed.
B.One insecure about his ability to pass the exam fails at last.
C.The lower one’s expectations are, the less disappointed he will be.
D.A gymnast puts her most impressive skill at the end of the routine.
3. What does the experiment in paragraph 3 focus on?
A.The wide gap between students.
B.How IQ tests function in one’s actions.
C.The difference of people’s expectations.
D.How others' expectations affect one’s behavior.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How is the Pygmalion effect applied into education?
B.Self-fulfilling prophecy: a well-received philosophy.
C.How does a self-fulfilling prophecy impact your life?
D.Oedipus tale: a good example of self-fulfilling prophecy.
2023-07-12更新 | 119次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般