组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:17859275

Ranchers(农场主) and environmental advocates haven’t always seen eye to eye, but the differences between the two aren’t as extreme any more, as more and more ranchers have come around to the understanding that taking good care of the land supports both economic stability and environmental health.

“For some, ranching was pursued in the past with an emphasis on raising beef at the expense of everything else,” says Bill Bryan of the Montana—based Rural Landscape Institute in a recent Christian Science Monitor. “As a matter of necessity, the old way of ranching is giving way to a new pattern. Raising animals for the dinner table isn’t an activity that has to be at odds with the environment.”

According to the nonprofit World Wildlife Fund (WWF), grazing (放牧)—when done right—is key to maintaining biological diversity and ecosystem health across the Northern Great Plains, across 183-million-acre expanse of rangelands spanning five US states and two Canadian provinces.

This vast landscape evolved in harmony with large herbivores (食草动物), such as bison and elk, and must be grazed in order to remain healthy, reports WWF, which works with hundreds of ranchers across the region as part of its Sustainable Ranching Initiative. “Without grazing, woody vegetation, such as juniper and cedar creeps in and kills plants that threatened species, such as grassland birds, need to survive.”

Not surprisingly, many of the ranchers that are following in the forebears’ footsteps have been using what we now call “sustainable ranching practices” for decades already. One example is rotational (轮流的) grazing, that is moving cattle herds more frequently to different pastures(牧场), so they don’t overgraze any one particular patch of land.

A newer “best practice” involves depositing a quarter to half inch of cattle wastes on grazed land to kick-start the soil chemistry below while also absorbing significant amounts of methane (沼气)—the most potent greenhouse gas—before it can head for the atmosphere. This technique is now becoming more commonplace as today’s ranchers care about reducing their carbon footprints like no generation before them.

1. In the first two paragraphs, what does the writer imply about the relationship in the past between ranchers and environmentalists?
A.They worked together to reduce the impact of grazing on the environment.
B.They didn’t look each other in the eyes when they meet.
C.They had great differences between each other.
D.They both agreed that raising animals for food benefits the environment.
2. The underlined phrase “be at odds with” (in Paragraph 2) most probably means ________ from the context.
A.be favourable to
B.be in disagreement with
C.stand a chance with
D.be unusual for
3. Which of the following is TRUE of grazing nowadays?
A.Many ranchers persist in prioritising raising cattle over anything else.
B.Grazing done in the right way helps biological diversity and ecosystem.
C.“Rotational grazing” has been recently employed to raise animals.
D.Grazing contributes to trees competing favourably with plants.
4. The writer mentioned the “best practice” to indicate ________.
A.grazing can be functional in the chemistry field
B.methane is another powerful greenhouse gas besides carbon dioxide
C.ranchers tend to remove their footprints as they are grazing
D.grazing has become more eco-friendly as time goes by


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Record fires sweeping across the Amazon this month have been catching global headlines as scientists and environmental groups are worried that they will worsen climate change and threaten biodiversity(生物多样性).

As the largest rainforest in the world, the Amazon is often called “the lungs of the world”. It is also home to about 3 million pieces of plants and animals, and one million local people. The vast lands of rainforest play an important role in the world’s ecosystem because they take in heat instead of it being reflected back into the atmosphere. They also store carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) and produce oxygen, making sure that less carbon is given off, mitigating the effects of climate change.

“Any forest destroyed is a threat to biodiversity and the people who use that biodiversity,” Thomsa Lovejoy, an ecologist at George Mason University told National Geographic. “The shocking threat is that a lot of carbon goes into the atmosphere,” he stressed. “Facing the global climate change, we cannot afford more damage to a major source of oxygen and biodiversity. The Amazon must be protected.” UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said.

Data from the National Institute for Space Research(INPE) Show that the number of forest fires in Brazil quickly increased by 82% from January to August this year from a year ago. A total of 71,497 forest fires were recorded in the country in the first eight months of 2019, up from 39,194 in the same period in 2018, INPE said. “It’s reported that the forest areas in the Brazilian Amazon have decreased something between 20 and 30% compared to the last 12 months,” Carlos Nobre, a researcher at the University of Sao Paulo, told German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

Brazil owns about 60% of the Amazon rainforest, whose drop could have severe results for global climate and rainfall. The size of the area burned by fires has yet to be determined, but the emergency has transcended Brazil’s borders, reaching Peruvian, Paraguayan and Bolivian areas.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly talking about?
A.The effects of climate change?
B.The role of the Amazon rainforest.
C.The results of the Amazon rainforest fires.
D.The courses of the decreasing biodiversity.
2. Which of the following best explains mitigating underlined in paragraph 2?
3. What can we learn from Thomas’ and Antonio’s words?
A.The biodiversity makes the rainforests unique.
B.The rainforest fires result in serious results.
C.The global climate crisis brings more rainforest fires.
D.The dry weather leads to the rainforest fires.
4. Which section of a magazine is this text probably taken from?
A.Sports and music.
B.Science and technology.
C.Nature and geography.
D.Business and culture.
2022-11-03更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The 5-year-old mountain lion, P-45, has managed to cross busy roads safely, has avoided rat poison and has successfully claimed his territory (领地) under all challenges that have hindered other members of the mountain lion population in the Santa Monica Mountain. His deadly mistake, however, was doing what mountain lions naturally do so well: killing and eating.

Over the weekend, P-45 apparently broke into two farms, killing 10 alpacas(羊驼) at one property and a goat and an alpaca at the other. P-45 was identified as the criminal by a tracking device he wears.

It’s illegal to hunt mountain lions in California thanks to 1990’s Proposition 117, but the rule included an exception for residents whose livestock is killed by a lion. And on Nov. 28, the owner of the 10 dead alpacas requested and received a special “depredation permit” (掠夺许可)to hire a hunter to kill P-45. The 10-day permit allows the hunter to cover a 10-mile range around the farm in search of the lion. Hunters often attract the lion with a deer.

The farmer owner is within her legal rights to have the lion killed. But killing P-45 is not the answer, especially when he is one of the few adult male mountain lions in an isolated population that is at risk of extinction.

Of course, people should be allowed to protect themselves and their children if a mountain lion attacks. But the law that allows the issuance of the depredation permit essentially gives the livestock owner the right to decide whether the lion should live or die. There is no evaluation by wildlife official as to whether the lion poses a further threat to humans or animals.

Los Angeles residents are lucky to live near wild, open spaces large enough to sustain mountain lions. Surely there is a better way to manage the conflicts that arise when humans and their domestic animals move into areas that have long served as habitat for wildlife.

1. What does the underlined word “hindered” refer to in the first paragraph?
2. What can we infer from the third paragraph?
A.Lions feed only on deer.
B.P-45 will be killed on Nov. 28.
C.P-45 will be found10 miles around the farm in 10 days.
D.Lions in California can not be hunted at will.
3. What will probably be the result if P-45 is killed?
A.Residents can live with lions peacefully.
B.The mountain lion’s situation will probably be worsened.
C.The conflict between man and lions can be solved.
D.Lions will not be a further threat to humans or animals.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards the “depredation permit”?
2020-06-23更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A man in North Dakota was greeted by a surprise when he left his truck parked under a walnut (核桃) tree. It seemed like a hard-working squirrel had shed blood, sweat and tears to collect all the walnuts.

The salesman, 56, said that on returning from a four-day trip in early September he opened the hood (引擎盖) of his truck, only to find lots of walnuts stored inside.

Since 2013, the red squirrel has been hiding walnuts in his truck every two years when his neighbor’s tree produces walnuts. Fischer said this year’s walnut collection is the most the squirrel has ever filled in the hood of his truck — around 42 gallons of walnuts.

Every walnut season, once the tree is bare, he empties the hood of his truck and gives the walnuts away. “The squirrel will sit in the tree and watch me clean up his winter storage almost like: ‘That’s mine, buddy,’ ” Fischer said.

Fischer also said the squirrel has ignored his other vehicles. “I’ve got other vehicles that sit very close to that tree, and it’s always my truck.” he said. “I’ve even parked purposely out on the street — as far away as I can from the walnut tree — but it still finds my truck and hides them in there.”

“It’s very possible that this funny squirrel considers Bill Fischer’s truck to be part of its home,” Aliperti said, who led a study that found that ground squirrels’ personalities are tied to risk-taking. Aliperti added that the hood of a truck is a perfect hiding place to a squirrel because it’s concealed and dry. Since the squirrel taking over Fischer’s truck appears to be a repeat offender, Aliperti said this one might be particularly brave.

1. What trouble did the squirrel cause for Bill Fischer?
A.Building a home in his truck.B.Packing walnuts in his truck.
C.Opening walnuts in his truck.D.Breaking the hood of his truck.
2. How were the walnuts dealt with by Fischer?
A.They were returned to the squirrel.
B.They were collected for the winter.
C.They were cleaned up from the hood.
D.They were hidden in another place.
3. According to Aliperti, why does the squirrel hide walnuts in Bill’s truck ?
A.The truck is red, clean and empty.
B.The truck is convenient to transporting walnuts.
C.The truck is considered as its home.
D.The truck is closest to the tree.
4. What does the underlined word “concealed” in the last paragraph mean ?
2022-11-24更新 | 133次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般