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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:102 题号:18028247

There are 54 different species of seahorses which are named after their horse-like shape. Due to a shortage of evidence, little information is known about the reproductive rates, population and preserving state of these animals. However, judging from the ever-changing climate, there is a higher possibility that their population has reduced because of the smaller habitats. Millions of seahorses are killed yearly for the traditional medicine trade. Another big threat is that many seahorses are caught together with the starfish which are dried and sold to tourists as souvenirs(纪念品).

Seahorses have an appearance of horse-like heads and necks. They also show the unique skill of swimming upright and use their fins to control themselves. Unlike most other fishes, a seahorse has a bent tail like a fishing hook. So they are poor swimmers and one of the slowest swimming fish in the world. They often circle their tails around something to rest.

Seahorses are mainly found in sheltered areas such as seagrass beds and river-mouths to ocean. Males stay within an 11 square feet of habitat while females live over large areas, hundred times this size.

During mating, the male seahorse uses its central, front-facing bag on the side of the tail to hold over 1,500 eggs for a period of 9 to 45 days. Once the young seahorses mature(成熟), they are let out into the water to live for themselves. Seahorses do not take care of the young ones after birth. Therefore, a variety of animals and strong waves can kill babies.

The seahorses use excellent cheating skills and patience as tools to kill little animals such as some shrimps, small fish and other creatures. During feeding, they produce a special click. Similar sounds can also be heard during social activities.

1. What might cause the drop of the seahorse population?
A.Low reproductive rate.
B.Being caught by starfish.
C.Bad cheating skills.
D.Being killed for medicine.
2. What does the second paragraph focus on about seahorses?
A.Physical description.B.Swimming skills.
C.Horse-like tails.D.Unique life.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.People have known a lot about seahorses.
B.Seahorses mainly feed on various sea grasses.
C.The baby seahorses face many threats in growth.
D.Female seahorses take up a smaller habitat than males.
4. In which part of a magazine can the text be found?
23-24高一上·广东东莞·期末 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】This is the SCIENCE IN THE NEWS, I'm Barbara Klein.

Animal experts say one of the world's most beautiful and rare kinds of big cat is close to disappearing from the wild. A study earlier this year found that about thirty Amur leopards (豹) still live free. The cats are also called Far Eastern leopards.

Recently, their number has been reduced by one, Some person shot a female Amur, then beat her to death. The animal's body was discovered last month in the Barsovy National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Russia.

An official of the World Wildlife Fund, Darron, said this was the third such killing in the area in the past fives years. Mr, Collins said the death of even one adult female is a huge loss for the endangered cat, He noted that the killing reduces the possibility for cubs (幼兽) or young.

It is not clear how many Amur leopards still live free. One population count was performed in February and March. Wildlife expert Dmitry Pikuuov led this study. It found evidence of seven to nine males. The study identified three to seven females without cubs, Four leopards were identified as females with cubs. In all, five or six cubs were recorded, Six to eight animals could not be identified.

Most of the land where the Amur leopard once lived was in China.New roads and climate change there threatened the animals. So did hunters who kill big cats for their body parts.

Mr. Pikuuov says adult Amurs need about five hundred square kilometers with good forests to survive. He said they also need a large and continuing supply of animals like deer for food. He believes the answer to saving the Amur leopard is for governments to provide protected spaces for wildlife.

1. This passage is probably from           .
A.a magazineB.a newspaper report
C.a TV reportD.a film
2. Why is the killing of an adult female a huge loss?
A.It could lead to the death of an adult male.
B.It means it can not give birth to the young any more.
C.11 is worth more money than a male.
D.There is only one adult female in the world.
3. The number of the Amur leopards in China is becoming smaller because of all the following EXCEPT           .
A.new roadsB.climate change
C.human huntingD.rare diseases
4. According to the experts the Amur leopards          .
A.are living on plantsB.are living in the zoo
C.are well protected by peopleD.are endangered
2016-12-12更新 | 532次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Plants on Earth have grown for hundreds of millions of years, yet President Donald Trump’s pick to lead his new climate team insists that they need more carbon dioxide (CO2) to boom.

Princeton physicist and carbon dioxide-advocate William Happer has been selected to head the brand new Presidential Committee on Climate Security. The atomic scientist, who achieved recognition for his work on atomic collisions (原子碰撞), not climate science, declared that the planet’s atmosphere needs significantly more CO2, which is reported to speed up climate change. Happer said plants use CO2 to live and more CO2 is actually a benefit to the Earth. He also stressed that Earth is experiencing a “CO2 starvation”, and concludes that “If plants could vote, they would vote for coal.”

Earth and plant scientists, however, find Happer’s insistence that the plant kingdom would benefit from increased CO2 wrong-headed and it lacks evidence. For example, Earth’s CO2 levels have increased sharply in the last century, and are now at their highest levels in at least 800,000 years—though other measurements show CO2 levels are higher than they’ve been in 15 million years. “The idea that increased CO2 is universally beneficial ‘to plants’ is very misguided,” Jill Anderson, an evolutionary ecologist specializing in plant populations, said in an interview. Data shows the evolution of global average temperature and CO2 concentration from 1850 to 2019. Though 2019 is a bit cooler than recent years, it still is one of the warmest years ever and lies close to the trend line of global warming.

Both independent academic organizations and government agencies around different parts of the world concluded more CO2 will bring many negative impacts to plant environments. And they added that “If someone is going to claim it is good, it’s necessary for them to show evidence.”

1. Why does Happer think plants need more CO2?
A.Plants vote for more CO2.B.CO2 speeds up climate change.
C.Plants need more CO2 to live.D.CO2 is actually a benefit to the Earth.
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A.2019 is a bit warmer than recent years.
B.CO2 levels must be the highest in history.
C.The plant kingdom must benefit from increased CO2.
D.There are adequate evidence to support Happer’s insistence.
3. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably refer to?
A.More CO2.B.The plant.
C.The world.D.The US government.
4. The author’s attitude in writing this passage can be described as ________.
2019-06-01更新 | 201次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When you encounter animals, do you wonder what they’re thinking? Seeing a newborn lamb or a cute puppy might arouse happy emotions in us, but what are they thinking? Does the look on their face and how they behave indicate how they’re feeling — or are they feeling nothing at all?

Humans have a complex range of feelings, but it’s hard to tell what’s going on inside the heads of animals. Some of us own dogs, because they are good companions, are loyal and seem to connect with us. We might even think they love us. Professor Kim Bard, an expert in comparative developmental psychology from the University of Portsmouth, told the BBC: “We have a few studies now that actually show scientifically that some dogs will respond when their owner — but not a stranger — pretends to cry.” The empathetic ability of cats, however, is harder to work out.

Other non-domesticated (非驯养的) animals might have feelings too. Giraffes and whales, for example, are known to experience sadness when someone in their group dies. It’s believed that even tiny creatures like insects might have emotions as well. Research is beginning to show they experience a wide range of feelings. Kim says: “They can be optimistic, pessimistic, or frightened, and respond to pain just like any mammal would.”

Dr Barbara J King, Emerita Professor of Anthropology at the College of William and Mary, told the BBC: “If we understand the profound depths of emotions animals can feel, this should make us question the existence of zoos and slaughterhouses (屠宰场) around the world, and rethink those systems. It does seem all creatures feel emotion, but what is not clear is whether they feel the same way as us.”

1. What’s the purpose of raising questions in the first paragraph?
A.To attract.B.To inspire.C.To entertain.D.To persuade.
2. What do the underlined words “empathetic ability” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.The ability to respond to others’ questions.
B.The ability to stay calm when facing danger.
C.The ability to share work with their owners.
D.The ability to understand others’ feelings.
3. What’s the importance of the research, according to Barbara?
A.It may reduce the times of people visiting zoos.
B.It may lead people to reconsider animals’ well-being.
C.It may change the food chain of the whole world.
D.It may cause zoos and slaughterhouses to disappear.
4. How do the researchers sound when talking about the issue?
2023-10-28更新 | 148次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般