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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:183 题号:18073449

Body language is as important as the language itself. And if you think it means the same all around the world, you’ve got that all wrong. Gestures that mean something in one country don’t necessarily mean the same in another. As much as you need to learn a second language fluently, it’s also vital to get to know gestures in different cultures.

No matter how fluently you can speak Russian, we bet you don’t know a fun fact. While counting from one to five using fingers, people all over the world start counting with a ball-up fist. Starting from one, you uncurl(伸直) each of the fingers. Until you come to five, your hand is wide open. Everywhere worldwide, people count like this except in Russia. Instead of a ball-up fist, they start counting with a wide-open hand. So, when Russians start counting from one, they curl their fingers one by one. In the end, when they reach five, they get a ball-up fist.

What is the best way to learn Italian? Let’s be straight right away: without hand gesturing, it is impossible. So, if you are learning Italian, besides the language, you should learn their hand gestures as well. One of the worldwide-known Italian gestures is the pinecone. The pinecone gesture is formed when you bring all the tips of your fingers to one point. Then you move your wrist back and forth. The gesture is usually used when you have questions.

1. How might Russians express ten with hands?
A.With two fists.B.With two fingers.
C.With two open hands.D.With one finger and a fist.
2. What do Italians probably express with the pinecone gesture?
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.Tips on learning Italian.
B.Ways of communication.
C.Meanings of hand gestures.
D.Techniques of counting numbers.
22-23高二下·山东济南·期末 查看更多[3]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Two hundred years ago, American students went to American schools. Like you, they studied math, spelling and geography. Unlike you, they also studied Greek (希腊语) and Latin (拉丁语). In fact, students spent more than half their time studying Greek and Latin.

The same was true for most students in Europe. Until the seventh century, all educated Europeans knew Latin. It did not matter if they lived in England, Italy, France or Spain. If they were educated, they knew Latin.

During the seventh century, educated Europeans began to study Greek as well as Latin. Greek and Latin had been the leading languages of the ancient Greeks and Romans. All educated Europeans were expected to know these languages.

To educated Europeans, the languages of the Greeks and the Romans were important. The ideas of the Greeks and Romans were also important. People knew that many of their own ideas had come from the Greeks and the Romans. To understand their own culture, they must understand its origin (起源). They knew that those beginnings lay in the classical (古典文学的) world.

Today we have so many things to study that few people have time to learn Greek and Latin. Few of you will study either language in school. Yet the ideas of the Greeks and the Romans are still important to us. These ideas still help to shape western culture today. To understand our own culture, we must understand the culture of the classical world.

1. Two hundred years ago, in American schools _____.
A.there were many educated GreeksB.Greek and Latin were very popular
C.students paid little attention to mathD.students knew little about geography
2. According to the text, Europeans thought _____.
A.the origin of their culture was unknown
B.the ideas of the Greeks were unacceptable
C.Greek was much more important than Latin
D.the Romans had a great influence on their culture
3. Where does the author of the text probably come from?
4. In the last paragraph, the author suggests that _____.
A.it’s of great value to learn Greek and Latin
B.it’s quite difficult to learn Greek and Latin
C.the culture of the classical world is useless nowadays
D.Western culture is quite different from Greek and Roman cultures
2020-03-11更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Some Phrases That Defined 2020

For the first time since 2004, when Oxford Languages, the publisher of the O.E.D., started choosing a Word of the Year 2020, it declined to pick just one. We couldn't pick one, either. But here are some words and phrases that we think capture what it felt like to be alive in 2020,


The passage of time itself became seemingly unreliable this year, as some days felt like a week while some months flew by in an instant. Our friends even launched a newsletter called "What Day Is It?"

Remote learning

Farah Miller, an editor, shares her family's experience with remote learning this year. "Schools shuttered without a plan for how to teach homebound kids. My preschooler was given five worksheets and a list of activities she couldn't possibly do on her own. Or are they really remotely learning? That was the question I, along with parents across the US, found myself asking in the spring.”

Social distancing

As experts learned more about the spread of the virus, "6 feet" became the golden number; the distance we should stay away from others to prevent the spread of COVID-19, yes, but also a shorthand for how to navigate socialization in the new world.


Up until around March of this year, Zoom was unknown to the public. Then the home became the office for millions of Americans, and our social lives moved entirely online. Almost overnight Zoom emerged as the go-to platform for private citizens, religious services and universities. "We Live in Zoom Now," The Times even declared.

1. In what situation can the word "blursday" be used according to the passage?
A.One is anxious about humans' future.
B.One misses the good old days.
C.One fails to choose a word to define 2020
D.One is not sure what day it is.
2. What's the attitude of Farah Miller to remote learning?
3. What does Zoom most probably function as?
A.An online platform keeping people's social activities.
B.An app reminding people of "6 feet" social distance.
C.A newsletter to update the information of COVID-19.
D.A hi-tech instrument to keep track of people's health.
2021-02-07更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Words and the way we use them offer a rare window on social and cultural trends. Kory Stamper and Peter Sokolowski know that better than most.

The Merriam-Webster(韦氏词典) lexicographers(词典编纂者) are part of a team that edits the dictionary. In a recent interview, Sokolowski and Stamper talked about their job and what the way we use words says about us collectively.

So to know more about them, observers of the language, maybe we should start with some background.

What is a lexicographer?

Sokolowski: A lexicographer is a person who writes or edits a dictionary. The job of a dictionary editor is to prepare and present research about language. One of our former editors-in- chief said, “Tell the truth about words,” and that sums it up for me.

What do you guys do all day?

Stamper: The two main duties of a lexicographer are reading and defining. We read everything: books, journals, blogs, phone books, take-out menus, and so on. What we’re looking for are words that catch our eye. We record the context of these words and information about the sources. Those records are added to a database, and they are the raw material we use in writing definitions.

When we are writing or revising a dictionary, most of our time is spent defining. We define a word according to how it is used in the recorded context, deciding whether the usage has been covered by our dictionary. Once this is done, you look at the new words and new senses and draft a definition.

Drafting definitions requires some training, some experience and a lot of concentration. It’s very, very quiet on the editorial floor.

How closely do the most looked-up words on your online dictionary seem to be related to the news or trends?

Stamper: When our dictionary went online back in 1996, we could see for the first time which were the most looked-up words in English: Affect, effect and ubiquitous were the top words. It was fascinating to us—dictionary editors spend so much time writing definitions but never could have known if anyone ever read them. We could follow what people were thinking about according to what words they were looking up. Thanks to our online dictionary, we had data.

1. What do lexicographers do?
A.They collect as many words as they can and edit them into a dictionary.
B.They interview as many people as they can to collect new words.
C.They do research about language and edit the truth about words.
D.They make deep studies of social and cultural trends.
2. What’s the function of lexicographers’ records during their reading?
A.The records show how large the dictionary is.
B.The records contain what kind of things they read.
C.The records are the main things to add to the database.
D.The records offer the raw material to the editors.
3. Which of the following is the correct order of a lexicographer defining a word?
a. Write a draft of the definition.
b. Conclude the usage of the word.
c. Pay attention to the new words and new senses.
d. Decide whether the usage has been covered.
4. What does this passage mainly talk about?
A.Observers of the language.B.Process of making a dictionary.
C.Development of language.D.Experience of editing new words.
2019-11-19更新 | 50次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般