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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:249 题号:18102955

Wang Zhipu, 16, a high school student begins his voyage into space after class. Positioning a telescope on the balcony at home, he observes the skies, taking photos. Recently, his efforts were rewarded when he won the title of “Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year” in the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s annual astrophotography contest.

The event, jointly organized by the Royal Observatory Greenwich in London and the BBC’s Sky at Night magazine, is the world’s biggest astrophotography competition. His winning entry, entitled Family Photo of the Solar System, shows seven of the eight planets lined up, with the sun on the left and moon on the right, both pictured larger in size than normal.

This year the competition attracted over 4,500 entries from 75 countries. Wang’s photo took first prize in the Young Competition category, an award for photographers aged 15 and under. He entered the competition in February. At the time, he was not yet 16. “I saw photos taken by other photographers in the Young Competition category, and some looked similar to mine, so I thought, why not try?” he said.

Wang developed an interest in astronomy after reading about the subject as a child. He taught himself astrophotography by reading books and by searching online. He used a second-hand telescope that his parents had given him. “The first time I used it, I saw the moon. It was splendid. I was thrilled!” he said. Sometimes, he would be so immersed in his observations that he wouldn’t go downstairs to fetch a coat. Other times, he stood for hours under the burning sun to get the perfect shot.

In addition to the fame, Wang’s biggest bonus is the 1,500 pound ($2,023) prize money, which will allow him to buy a new camera. “I will keep on. Astronomy will be a lifelong hobby. It would be great if I could help popularize science in the future, or become an astronomy teacher,” he said.

His passion touched the judges. Sheila Kanani said, “As a planetary scientist, I applaud the work that has gone into creating this photo.”

1. What is Wang Zhipu’s winning photo like, according to the passage?
A.Seven planets, the sun and the moon are in a straight line.
B.Seven planets line up with the sun and the moon on each side.
C.Seven planets, the sun and the moon are larger than normal.
D.Seven planets are much larger than the sun and the moon.
2. What inspired Wang Zhipu to enter the competition?
A.Popularity of the competition.
B.His desire to win the prize.
C.Other competitors’ photographs.
D.His parents’ encouragement.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined words in Paragraph 4?
A.Trapped in.B.Absorbed in.C.Connected with.D.Exposed to.
4. What do you think the passage most probably is?
A.A short biography.B.An online post.
C.A diary entry.D.A news report.
【知识点】 竞技/比赛 新闻报道


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】British anthropologists (人类学家) Russell Hill and Robert Barton of the University of Durham, after studying the results of one-on-one boxing, tae kwon do, Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling matches at the Olympic Games, conclude that when two competitors are equally matched in fitness and skill, the athlete wearing red is more likely to win.

Hill and Barton report that when one competitor is much better than the other, colour has no effect on the result. However, when there is only a small difference between them, the effect of colour is enough tip the balance. The anthropologists say that the number of times red wins is not simply by chance, but that these results are statistically significant.

Joanna Setchell, a primate (灵长目动物) researcher at the University of Cambridge, has found similar results in nature. She studies the large African monkeys known as mandrills. Mandrills have bright red noses that stand out against their white faces. Setchell’s work shows that the powerful males — the ones who are more successful with females — have a brighter red nose than other males.

As well as the studies on primates by Setchell, another study shows the effect of red among birds. In an experiment, scientists put red plastic rings on the legs of male zebra finches and this increased the birds’ success with female zebra finches, Zebra finches already have bright red beaks (鸟喙), so this study suggests that, as with Olympic athletes, an extra flash of red is significant. In fact, researchers from the University of Glasgow say that the birds’ brightly coloured beaks are an indicator of health. Jonathan Blount, a biologist, and his colleagues think they have found proof that bright red or orange beaks attract females because they mean that the males are healthier. Nothing in nature is simple, however, because in species such as the blue footed booby, a completely different colour seems to give the male birds the same advantage with females.

Meanwhile, what about those athletes who win in their events while wearing red? Do their clothes give them an unintentional advantage? Robert Barton accepts that “that is the implication” of their findings. Is it time for sports authorities to consider new regulations on sports clothing?

1. According to their research. Hill and Barton conclude that ________.
A.the colour of clothing has an effect on most sport events
B.red should be the choice of colour for clothing in sports
C.red plays a role when competitors are equally capable
D.athletes perform better when surrounded by bright red
2. The underlined word “tip” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
3. The example of the blue footed booby proves that ________.
A.male birds use different body parts to draw attention
B.red is not the only colour to attract female birds
C.blue gives female birds the same advantage
D.blue can indicate how healthy a bird is
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The colour red gives male animals the most advantage.
B.Male zebra finches prefer to have red plastic rings on their legs.
C.Rules on sports clothing are going to be changed.
D.Athletes wearing red may have an advantage over their opponents.
2021-10-10更新 | 203次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】As the novel coronavirus rapidly spreading to about 70 nations, many countries are canceling their major sporting and cultural events.

Already, major domestic (国内的) events in China, including the National People’s Congress and the World Athletics Indoor Championships, have already been postponed (推迟). Now the rest of the world seems to be following suit.

The world of soccer is also being affected. In Italy, several matches in February were played behind closed doors (without spectators). Meanwhile, entire soccer leagues in Japan, South Korea, and China’s Super League have all been placed on hold (暂停). There is also the possibility that Euro 2020 — an international soccer tournament for European teams — could be cancelled. When asked about the cancellations, FIFA president Gianni Infantino said, “The health of persons is much more important than any football game. If games have to be postponed, then we have to go through that.”

The outbreak is also impacting cultural events around the world. Facing Europe’s largest COVID-19 epidemic, with over 2,000 confirmed cases (确诊病例) so far, Italy also cut short its iconic Venice carnival (狂欢节) and Milan Fashion Week show. The latter was being live-streamed from an empty theater.

Now, the biggest event in doubt is the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Held every four years, the event attracts hundreds of thousands of people and has not been postponed since 1944 — due to World War II. Set to begin on July 24, Japanese officials remain optimistic. In a press conference, Toshiro Muto, Tokyo 2020 CEO said, both the Olympics and Paralympics (残奥会) will go ahead as planned. He added, “The situation of the coronavirus infection is difficult to predict, but we will take measures [so] that we’ll have a safe Olympic Games.”

Speaking to the Washington Post about the Games, infectious (传染的) disease researcher Yvonne Maldonado said, “You bring many people together, and then you ship them back all over the world: That’s the perfect way to transmit. If you want to disseminate (传播) a disease, that would be the way to do it.”

On Feb 26, the World Health Organization said the virus was spreading faster outside China than inside for the first time, prompting (敦促) many countries to follow China’s strict isolation measures.

1. What does the underlined phrase “following suit” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Doing what you want.
B.Doing what you are told.
C.Doing what others are doing.
D.Doing what others don’t do.
2. What do we know about some events in different countries?
A.Venice Carnival was live streamed this year.
B.Euro 2020 will probably not be held as planned.
C.Many soccer matches were canceled in Italy last month.
D.Soccer leagues in Japan and South Korea played behind closed doors.
3. What would Yvonne Maldonado suggest to Japanese officials about the 2020 Olympics?
A.They should put it off.
B.They should give it up.
C.They should hold it as scheduled.
D.They should change to another city.
2020-06-04更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】You may have come across several “strange” cultural practices; some would grip you with fear, while others would leave you astonished. The wife-carrying competition in Finland falls into the latter category.

Strange as it might sound, wife-carrying is a real sport in Finland. In fact, it is a highly competitive sport in which male competitors race while each carrying a female teammate. The objective is for the male to carry the female through a special obstacle track in the fastest time. The length of the official track is 253.5 metres with two dry obstacles (障碍) and a water obstacle about one metre deep.

The first modern-day wife-carrying event was held in Finland in 1992 and foreign competitors gained admission in 1995. This event is now held annually in Sonkajärvi, Finland as the World Championship.

Although many might consider the sport a joke, competitors take it very seriously. Like every serious sport, the wife-carrying competition also has its guidelines which are set by the International Wife-Carrying Competition Rules Committee. While the International rules are the basis for all competitions, rules and prizes do vary for each competition.

It is not mandatory that you must be legally married to the “wife” to be carried, she may even be your neighbour’s wife or even someone you met during the competition; she must, however, be over 17 years of age. And her minimum weight must be 49 kilograms; otherwise, she will be burdened with a rucksack containing additional weight to bring the total load to be carried up to 49 kg. All participants must enjoy themselves. Yes, that is also one of the rules.

Special prizes go to the most entertaining couple, the best costume, and the strongest carrier. And for the grand prize, the wife’s weight in beer goes to the couple who completes the course in the shortest time. Whether you win or lose, the good thing is the sport encourages team spirit among couples.

1. Which can’t be used to describe the wife-carrying competition?
2. What is true about the competition?
A.The first event was in 1992.
B.The rules are flexible for each competition.
C.The official track is 253.5 metres long and 1 metre deep.
D.By no means can wives weighing less than 49 kg participate in it.
3. What does the underlined word “mandatory” in paragraph 5 mean?
2021-03-08更新 | 126次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般